By: Deborah Ouellette
At the Tax/Clerk office, we are in the process of rolling out an exciting new motor vehicle service -- Maine Rapid Renewal. The Cityof Presque Isleis partnering with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Maine Information Network, LLC to offer the opportunity to renew motor vehicle registrationsonline. Citizens and businesses in the City will soon be able to complete motor vehicle registration renewals at the Secretary of State’s InforME website including the ability to pay electronically.
Soon you can renew a motor vehicle registration—any day, any time--from the convenience of your home or office, or whatever place you may choose. You will need your current vehicle registration, proof of insurance coverage, and the current mileage of your vehicle. At the portal website, a user friendly interfaceguidesyou through each step of the renewal process. The transaction is completed over a secure encrypted connectionso your personal data remains safe and protected. After completing your renewal, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles will mail the yellow copy of your registration directly to you in a few days along with validation stickers for your plates. You can print a temporary registration for use until then.
Your charges will include local excise tax, a state fee based on the plate you display, and an agent fee. A single payment will be deducted electronically from the checking or savings account that you designate. The renewal fees are calculated in the same manner whether you complete your renewal online or at City Hall.
The City will be introducing Maine Rapid Renewalonline in July,and we are looking for citizens to participate in the early stage of implementation. Do you have a motor vehicle registration that is expiring soon? If you would like to renew your registration online, please give us a call at 764-2509.
Below are some FAQs and answers about Maine Rapid Renewalthat you may find helpful.
Which motor vehicle registrations can be completedwith Rapid Renewal?
Only renewal registrations can be completed onlinewith Rapid Renewal. A renewal registration can be described as a registration with the same registrant names(s), the same vehicle, and the same plate as the expiring registration. Changes in any of these areas will make yourmotor vehicle registration ineligible for being renewed online.
Can motorcycles, mopeds, trailers, and motor homes be renewed online?
Yes. These and other types of vehicles can be processed online as long as they are renewal registrations. Ineligible registrations include vehicles for hire and commercial vehicles having a gross vehicle weight of over 12,000 pounds.
What do I need to renew my registration online?
You will need your current motor vehicle registration, proof of insurance coverage, the current mileage of your vehicle, and a printer.
Can a new vehicle be registered online with Rapid Renewal?
No. New vehicles and first time vehicle registrations cannot be completed online. You must bring your paperwork to the front desk at City Hall and complete this type of registration in person.
Can a transfer, name addition or deletion, or a plate change be completed online?
No. Transfers, name additions and/or deletions, and plate changes still must be completed at City Hall. Name changes must also be processed at City Hall as well.
Can my motor vehicle registration be renewed online if I have a change of address?
You can renew your registration online if you have an address change within the City of Presque Isle. However, if you have moved to another community, then you need to complete your renewal at the municipal office for that town, because excise tax must be paid in the town where you reside.
Can my new registration be mailed to a different address?
Yes. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles will mail the yellow copy of your new registration to an alternate address upon your request.
Can I pay for my registration renewal with a credit card?
No. You can pay for your registration only by electronic check at this time. Your payment will automatically be deducted from the checking or savings account which you designate. However, the City may decide to accept credit cards in the future as an added convenience.
Deborah Ouellette is Tax Collector and serves as Bureau of Motor Vehicle agent for the City of Presque Isle. She can be reached at and (207) 764-2509.