Notes about the movie clip

This is supposed to recreate, as accurately as possible, the conversation that went on in the bathroom stalls of the Rock in the fall of 1990. The idea is to capture as many narratives as possible from available data, in addition to the well-know narrative of The List. The pictures and background come from the Rock’s second story women’s restroom as it is today. Quotes are taken from articles in student and national newspapers and are listed in the order that they appear in the movie. Just like in the movie, anything taken from a paraphrasing rather than a direct quote is written in pink. There were no descriptions of how the list was labeled, so these are just my guesses. It could be that eventually there was no need for a title because it was commonly understood what the list represented.

1)Most sexual assaults and acquaintance rapes go unreported because women are afraid to speak out.(Ngai)

2)We should help each other to warn other women! (Ngai)

3)Compile a list of other men on campus to look out for. (Schmich)

4)------is a rapist. (Starr)

5)The worst punishment a rapist faces is to be sent home temporarily for psychiatric evaluation. – Schmich

6)Rich white boys can do whatever…they want to on this campus (Schmich)

7)You can’t erase rape. Put the names back up. (Ziner)

8)RI Rape Crisis Center (and phone number)

9)Help! I know one of these guys. Quite well. I would never say anything to him, but is there someone I can talk to to actually confirm that this is true? I want to make sure I’m safe. (Celis)

10)Please only write the names of people who assaulted you personally, or get consent from the victim. (Ngai)

11)Only a few women saw the list. Only a few rapists were listed. But rape affects EVERYONE. TAKE ACTION NOW! (Ngai)

12)I have to sit in class with my rapist. (Ziner)

13)If the person doesn’t stop when you say ‘no,’ no matter whether it is neck licking or penetration, abuse has been committed. (Starr)

14)Be careful, you could be ruining these men’s lives. (Schmich)

15)I am careful, two of the men on this list assaulted me. They are the ones who should be concerned about ruining people’s lives. (Schmich)

16)This list is important: use indelible ink. We will not be suppressed! (Ngai)

17)I do not understand why this person’s name is here, please call me and explain why (phone #). (Bell)

18)Even if a (male) says he’s not a rapist doesn’t mean he’s telling the TRUTH! (Starr)

This is probably a response to a BDH article called “Speaking Out,” where men on the rapist list were interviewed and denied their guilt. The reporter was uncritical. As one community member responding to the article in a letter to the editor put it, “Thank you for continuing your practice of the investigative journalism at the Herald. Thanks to today’s article “Speaking Out,” we now know that absolutely none of the men on the rape list actually committed a sexual assault […] I look forward to future exposés proving that there is no racism, no homophobia and no liquor served to minors at Brown” (Horn).


20)Wear red on Thursday (Starr) – this is in reference to a forum held by the university where protesters wore red and stood up every three minutes to symbolically represent the national statistic that every three minutes a woman gets raped (Klayman).

21)You have erased our list, but that doesn’t erase their crimes. WE, THE SURVIVORS, ARE STILL HERE. (Bell)