St. Cornelius Catholic School
Where Faith and Education Meet!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
School Website:
Important DatesWednesday 13th
5th Graders to Brushstroke
Faith Families 11:30-12:30
Hot Lunch: Ham Tortas
Thursday 14th
Hot Lunch: Spaghetti and Salad
21st CCLC Partnership Appreciation reception 4-7pm
Friday 15th
$3 Pizza Lunch
8th Graders Go to St. Mary’s High School
Monday 18th-Friday 22nd: 8th Graders Go to Caritas
Monday 18th
Hot Lunch: Hot Dogs and Chips
Tuesday 19th
Hot Lunch: Chicken Soup
School Board Meeting @6:30pm
Wednesday 20th
Hot Lunch: Cheese Burger and Chips / The End of the 1st Trimester and Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, November 22nd is the end of the first trimester. Parent-Teacher Conferences are held on Monday, November 25th, and Tuesday, November 26th. In order to get a copy of your child’s report card and his/her Iowa Test results, you must have a conference with his/her teacher. Please call the school office for an appointment as soon as possible. You may also make the appointments in person. The junior high parents can make appointments with each of the different teachers or with the Homeroom teacher only. It is strongly recommended that jr. high parents meet with individual teachers, if they have any questions or concerns specific to a certain teacher. Mr. Fritschi cannot answer questions for Mrs. Vidal or Mrs. Higgins and visa versa. By the end of the first trimester, at least 12 parent hours must be completed. In addition, in order for you to receive a copy of your child’s report card, your account must be current.
Defining Characteristics of Catholic Schools
Last week I listed the 9 defining characteristics of Catholic education. This week we look at 3 of them together.
Catholic education is centered in the person of Jesus Christ: The education we are offering at St. Cornelius Catholic school is rooted in the conviction that Jesus Christ provides the most comprehensive and compelling example of the realization of full human potential. In every aspects of our programs, lessons, activities and lives, we foster personal relationship with Jesus Christ and communal witness to the Gospel message of love of God and neighbor and service to the world, especially the poor and marginalized.
Catholic schools contribute to the evangelizing mission of the Church: By reason of our educational activities, we participate directly and in a privileged way in the evangelizing mission of the church.As an ecclesial entity where faith, culture, and life are brought into harmony, we are a place of real and specifiedpastoral ministry in communion with the local Bishop. The environment of St. Cornelius Catholic School expresses the signs of Catholic culture, physically and visibly.
Catholic schools are distinguished by excellence: Church documents, history, and practices, supported by Canon Law, establish that first and foremost allCatholic schools must be characterized by excellence. Consistent with this defining characteristic we the faculty and staff of St. Cornelius Catholic School, implement on-going processes and structures and gather evidence to ensure excellence in every aspect of our programs, life, and activities. / Student Learning Expectations
At St. Cornelius Catholic School we are academic achievers who use critical thinking and problem solving skills to meet everyday challenges. Critical thinking is the process or method of thinking through assumptions. All students are encouraged to use this skill to decide whether claims are true, false, or sometimes true and sometimes false, or partly true and partly false; critical thinking is an important component of a 21st century education.Problem solving is a mental process and is part of the larger problem solving process that includes problem finding and problem shaping. Problem solving has been defined as a higher order cognitive process and again a crucial component of a 21st century education. As we prepare our students for a global community of professions that require 21st century education and skills, we emphasize the importance of acquiring these 2 crucial academic and life skills.
Volunteersand Donations Are Needed
We can always use volunteers for yard duty during recess and lunch and helping out in the classrooms. We need volunteers to help out with the kindergarteners in the after school program as well. It is always better to have more eyes and ears working with the little ones. Lunch program is another area where we need volunteers to help with serving and clean up. If you do not have time to volunteer, please consider making donations to the lunch program. We need plates, foil papers, cups, forks, napkins, bottled water, and 50 counts chips. Every $25 in donations equals one parent hour. Please remember to submit your receipt to the office to receive proper credit. Thank you.