To the administrator:The following are the instructions and items for the Central Relationship Questionnaire (CRQ).This version of the CRQ is generic and does not specify the relationship referent (romantic partner, mother, father, same-sex best friend) that the respondent should rate.Versions for the different referents are analogous, but the particular referent is inserted in the blanks.Additional instructions for romantic partner and same-sex best friend are given in brackets. Information in italics is for the administrator and is not given to respondents.
This questionnaire is about your feelings about your ______.There are no right or wrong answers.Some items may not apply to you at all, if so, please give them a 1 instead of omitting them.Please answer all of the questions, even though some may look similar.Please try to be as honest as possible and respond how you feel – not how you think you should feel or how others think you should feel.
All people have a pattern of needs and expectations in their relationships with other people.We want you to describe your relationship with your ______.Please think about your various interactions with your ______and give us your view of several aspects of this relationship.
[For versions rating romantic partner, include the following additional instructions:
A romantic partner is a person you have been romantically and sexually involved with for at least 3 months in the past three years and who is, or has been, important in your life.Refer to a previous partner if you do not currently have a partner.
i)Are you currently romantically involved with the person you are rating? / YES / NOii)Please indicate the gender of the person you are rating? / FEMALE / MALE
end additional instructions]
[For versions rating same-sex best friend, include the following additional instructions:
If you feel you do not have a best friend then please describe a same-sex friend who has some significance for you. If you have a same-sex romantic partner who is your same-sex best friend, please describe a same-sex platonic friend who is next closest to you. That is, do not describe your romantic partner, but a same-sex platonic friend.
end additional instructions]
The following six items describe the quality of the relationship being rated.They are not used in the calculation of CRQ subscales and second-order factors.
We would like you to rate this person on the following six questions using this scale:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7NOT AT ALL / EXTREMELY
1.How close is or was this person to you?
2.How intimate a relationship do you have, or did you have, with this person?
3.How much of an authority figure is or was this person for you?
4.How important is or was this person to you?
5.How enjoyable is or was the relationship at its best?
6.How difficult is or was the relationship at its worst?
The following 40 items are considered wish (W) items for the calculation of CRQ subscales and second-order factors.
Below is a list of different wishes, needs, or desires that people often have of other people.We want you to rate how much these wishes apply or applied to your relationship with your ______, i.e., how typical they are or were for you WHEN THE RELATIONSHIP IS/WAS AT ITS WORST.Use the following scale (and try to use a range of ratings):
1.I wish for my ______to know I am loyal
2.I would like my ______to enjoy her/himself
3.I wish to be my own person
4.I wish for my ______not to desert me
5.I wish to confide in my ______
6.I would like to hurt my ______
7.I wish to be dependent on my ______
8.I wish to be distant
9.I wish for my ______not to leave me
10.I wish to control my ______
11.I wish to be a special person to my ______
12.I wish for my ______to respond to me
13.I want my ______to be sexually excited by me
14.I wish to defy my ______
15.I wish to connect with my ______
16.I would like my ______to feel proud of her/his accomplishments
17.I wish for my ______to recognize my opinion
18.I wish to be trusted by my ______
19.I wish for my ______to pay attention to me
20.I wish to support my ______when she/he is in pain
21.I wish to dominate my ______
22.I wish for my ______to be interested in me
23.I would like my ______to feel at ease
24.I wish not to open up
25.I wish to avoid my ______
26.I wish to be admired by my ______
27.I wish for my ______not to abandon me
28.I wish for my ______to find me attractive
29.I wish to encourage my ______
30.I wish to be loved
31.I wish to do my own thing
32.I want my ______to make me sexually excited
33.I wish to make my ______mad
34.I wish for my ______to feel I am faithful
35.I wish to be dominated
36.I wish to be independent
37.I wish to be emotionally close to my ______
38.I wish to let my ______make decisions for me
39.I would like to help my ______
40.I wish to have power over my ______
The following 23 items are considered response of other(RO) items for the calculation of CRQ subscales and second-order factors.
Now we would like you to think about the relationship in terms of the way you feel YOUR ______RESPONDS TO YOU.We often see people as responding to us in a way that either prevents us from getting what we want, or helps us to get what we want.Below is a list of possible ways that your______can respond to you.We want you to rate how much these responses apply to this relationship, i.e., how typical these responses are or were of your ______WHEN THE RELATIONSHIP IS/WAS AT ITS WORST.Use the following scale (and please try to use a range of ratings):
1.My ______is her/his own person
2.My ______desires me sexually
3.My ______is submissive
4.My ______withdraws
5.My ______cares for me
6.My ______dominates me
7.My ______is out of control
8.My ______is emotionally close to me
9.My ______is frantic
10.My ______makes her/his own decisions
11.My ______has power over me
12.My ______hurts me
13.My ______is compliant
14.My ______is distant
15.My ______feels I am a special person
16.My ______controls me
17.My ______acts irrationally
18.My ______rejects me
19.My ______is independent
20.My ______treats me badly
21.My ______does not open up
22.My ______readily defers to me
23.My ______is sexually attracted to me
The following 38 items are considered response of self (RS) items for the calculation of CRQ subscales and second-order factors.
Now we would like you to consider the same relationship in terms of YOUR OWN RESPONSE TO YOUR ______.Other people can deny your desires or meet your desires in responding to you.Below is a list of different ways that you might react when your ______denies or meets your desires.We would like you to rate how typical these reactions are or were for you in this relationship WHEN IT IS/WAS AT ITS WORST.Use the following scale (and please try to use a range of ratings):
1.I feel respected by my ______
2.I encourage my ______
3.I achieve at work or school
4.I feel unsure about our relationship
5.I avoid difficulties with my ______
6.I have power over my ______
7.I feel rejected
8.I am independent
9.I accomplish my goals
10.I do not open up
11.I desire my ______sexually
12.I feel disliked
13.I am submissive
14.I feel my ______is important to me
15.I distance myself
16.I am dominated
17.I feel torn about my relationship with my ______
18.I give to my ______
19.I avoid getting into conflicts with my ______
20.I share my feelings
21.I am confused by my relationship with my ______
22.I am my own person
23.I feel mistreated
24.I act maturely
25.I feel competent
26.I avoid problems with my ______
27.I feel held in high esteem by my ______
28.I feel accepted by my ______
29.I feel uncomfortable
30.I control my ______
31.I dominate my ______
32.I am not emotionally close
33.I connect with my ______
34.I express my thoughts, feelings, and wishes
35.I am self-sufficient
36.I am controlled by my ______
37.I am nervous
38.I am sexually excited by my ______
The following are instructions for calculating the CRQ subscales. Items are averaged to create subscale scores.
Subscale Name / Item NumbersWish
Be Close / w05, w15, w37
Be Distant / w08, w24, w25
Be Domineering / w10, w21, w40
Be Hostile / w06, w14, w33
Be Independent / w03, w31, w36
Be Loving / w11, w22, w30
Be Recognized / w12, w17, w19, w26
Be Secure / w04, w09, w27
Be Sexual / w13, w32
Be Submissive / w07, w35, w38
Be Supportive / w16, w20, w23, w29, w39
Be Trusted / w01, w18, w34
Response of Other
Is Distant / ro04, ro14, ro21
Is Domineering / ro06, ro11, ro16
Is Hostile / ro12, ro20
Is Independent / ro01, ro10, ro19
Is Loving / ro05, ro08, ro15
Is Sexual / ro02, ro23
Is Submissive / ro03, ro13, ro22
Is Uncontrollable / ro07, ro09, ro17
Response of Self
Am Ambivalent / rs04, rs21
Am Anxious / rs29, rs37
Am Close / rs20, rs33, rs34
Am Distant / rs10, rs15, rs32
Am Domineering / rs06, rs30, rs31
Am Disliked / rs12, rs23
Am Independent / rs08, rs22, rs35
Am Nonconflictual / rs05, rs19, rs26
Am Sexual / rs11, rs38
Am Submissive / rs13, rs16, rs36
Am Successful / rs03, rs09
Am Supportive / rs02, rs14, rs18
Am Valued / rs01, rs27, rs28
The following are instructions for calculating the CRQ second-order factors. Items are averaged to create second-order factor scores.
Second-Order Factor Name / Item NumbersWish
Be Hurtful / w06, w08, w10, w14, w21, w24, w25, w33, w40
Be Independent / w03, w31, w36
Be Intimate / w01, w04, w05, w09, w11, w12,w15, w16, w17, w18, w19, w20, w22, w23, w26, w27, w29, w30, w34, w37, w39
Be Sexual / w13, w32
Be Submissive / w07, w35, w38
Response of Other
Is Hurtful / ro04, ro06, ro07, ro09, ro11, ro12, ro14, ro16, ro17, ro20, ro21
Is Independent / ro01, ro10, ro19
Is Loving / ro05, ro08, ro15
Is Sexual / ro02, ro23
Is Submissive / ro03, ro13, ro17
Response of Self
Am Autonomous / rs03, rs08, rs09, rs22, rs35
Am Avoidant / rs04, rs10, rs12, rs13, rs15, rs16, rs21, rs23, rs29, rs32, rs36, rs37
Am Domineering / rs06, rs30, rs31
Am Intimate / rs01, rs02, rs14, rs18, rs20, rs27, rs28, rs33, rs34
Am Nonconfrontational / rs05, rs19, rs26
Am Sexual / rs11, rs38