DuPont-Ball Library

Technical Services Department Annual Report 2001-2002

(Acquisitions, Automation, Cataloging, Collection Development, Serials,

Music Library)

Submitted by

Betty D. Johnson

Associate Director for Technical Services


Overview of 2001/20021

Agenda for 2001/2002 and Progress2-3

Other Major Activities 2001/20023-5

Agenda and Challenges for 2002/20035-7

Jenkins Music Library Annual Report8-11

Faculty and Staff Activities12-21

Appendix A: Library Cataloged Holdings Statistics22-23

Appendix B: Library Resources Expenditures by Media24

Appendix C: Library Resources Expenditures by Fund25-26

Appendix D: Selected Processing Statistics27

Appendix E: ACRL Comparisons - Librarians’ Salaries28

Appendix F: ACRL Comparisons - Library Expenditures as Part of E & G29

Appendix G: ACRL Comparisons - Library Expenditures Per Student30

Library Technical Services Report 2001/021


(Acquisitions, Automation, Cataloging, Collection Development, Serials, Music Library)

Compiled by Associate Director for Technical Services Betty D. Johnson

Library Technical Services Report 2001/021

  • Acquisitions: $624,149 was spent for library resources (excluding binding, shipping, etc.). Internet resources used 17.94 %, journals 38.01 %, and books 32.48 % (See Appendix B and C)
  • Authority Control: Procedures to triage the authority work making use of paraprofessional skills were developed by Catalog Librarian Laura Kirkland and Technical Services Librarian Debbi Dinkins, resulting in excellent control to ensure accuracy of bibliographic access.
  • Cataloging: 4,617 new titles (excluding retrospective conversion) were added to the collection. The centralization of all cataloging, including scores and recordings which were formerly the responsibility of the Music Librarian, worked well, and backlogs were eliminated. Technical Services Assistant Geraldine Littler continued to assist with copy cataloging of books with Library of Congress records to maintain currency. (See Appendix D for detailed activities)
  • CelebrationCenter Library: The new center facility at Celebration opened in the fall of 2001, including a small library. An opening day collection was developed by Johnson, working with the faculty in the fields taught, and the part-time librarian was trained.
  • Collection Assessment: A ten-year plan to evaluate the circulating collection, weed unnecessary duplicates or obsolete titles, and bring collections up to date was implemented in January 2002, with all Library faculty taking part. More than 1100 books were weeded.
  • Collection Holdings: The book collection grew only slightly due to the withdrawal of records for items missing more than one year, an intensive evaluation/weeding project, and the decline in the number of monographs purchased. (See Appendix A for holdings statistics)


In my report for 2000/2001, I pointed out some fallacies about the end of the book as we know it. At the same time I acknowledged that research methods and access to information are undergoing major changes. Students are no longer restricted to the books and journals in one location, thanks to increased speed of interlibrary loan. With our subscriptions to online databases, they can now find many journal articles online and print them anywhere.

  1. Library Resource Funding: Agenda: Work with the Director to convince the President’s staff of the need to meet inflation.

Once again Johnson prepared data showing the loss of purchasing power with a 3 % increase compared to the average of 6-7 % annual inflation rate for books and journals, and the Director presented it to the Council of Deans. However, due to University financial problems identified in the fall of 2001, the Library’s resources budget was cut by $5,000. As will be noted in the challenges for 2002/2003 section, the challenge will be even greater with the 16.61 % cut in the budget.

  1. CelebrationCenter Library: Agenda: Develop an opening day collection.

Celebration Director Ronald Clifton allocated $20,000 for the library. Johnson developed bibliographies for core collections in Counseling, Education, and Business, including five or six journals in each field for patrons to browse. Dr. Bogusia Molina of the Counseling faculty worked very closely with Johnson and quickly used all funds in that field. Materials were available soon after the new facility opened. The Business faculty took Johnson’s suggestions but made no other requests. The Education faculty did not respond until January 2002. Not all funds were spent (See Appendix C for expenditure information).

Johnson went to Celebration to briefly train the part-time librarian, Vickie Doran, on Sirsi circulation software. Doran also came to the DeLand campus for training in the reference databases. It is clear that the Celebration Library is getting very little use, but that may be because many of the students’ needs are met through the extensive online resources we have made available to them. We will need to monitor this to determine if purchase of books and videos (much of the Counseling allocation was spent on videos) is the wisest use of funds.

  1. Electronic Resources: Agenda: Usage of online databases will continue to be monitored and efforts will be made to get lower prices through ICUF.

We had considered e-books, but wisely delayed. This is still a situation in flux, and we don’t have the funds to spend. Johnson began negotiations with Ebsco Publishing to try to secure lower prices for EbscoHost Research Elite and EbscoHost Business Elite by getting consortium pricing (Johnson is coordinator for the ICUF purchasing consortium).

  1. LawSchool: Agenda: LawSchool Library Director Madison Mosley and Johnson have begun collaboration in joint projects and services. This will be explored further in 2001/02.

Cooperation continued, but there was no expansion of joint projects or services.

  1. Personnel: Agenda: Secure a temporary cataloger during the fall 2001 sabbatical of Technical Services Librarian Debbi Dinkins.

$5,100 was allocated by the University to hire a part-time cataloger to work on retrospective conversion, but we were unable to find any appropriate applicants. Johnson contacted OCLC, planning to outsource to them conversion of the remaining foreign language books. At that point, the Budget Stabilization Program was put into effect, and we were unable to use the funds. Other of Dinkins’ responsibilities were transferred to Kirkland and Johnson, and some projects were postponed. Kirkland assumed responsibility for student assistant training and supervision in Dinkins’ absence, and this is now one of her permanent responsibilities.

  1. H-P Server: Agenda: Initial plans to replace the five-year old H-P Unix server which runs the Library's integrated system will be made.

With the University’s funding situation there will be no funds for this for the next few years.

  1. CD-Rom Server: Agenda: Close out the CD-Rom server and work with CIT to give Library faculty and staff access to a shared directory on a University server.



  1. Recovery From the Fallen Basement Shelving: The last of the damaged volumes were rebound and mended for use. Periodicals Supervisor Linda Grooms worked with our new bindery and found they were able to rebind and restore some volumes we had assessed as impossible. Patricia Lopez, Serials/Conservation Assistant, finished the in-house mending for that collection.

B. Assessment: In 2000 the Library joined the Academic Library Trends and Statistics Project of the Association of College and Research Libraries. This makes it possible to do true benchmarking with similar institutions of various factors, including collections, personnel, service, and budget. Johnson accessed those statistics and began comparisons against certain peer institutions which were cooperating in the project. Not all of the peer institutions currently used by StetsonUniversity are included, but there are many similar libraries. Selected data is included in the appendix, but in summary for the 1999/2000 reporting year (rankings are in descending order, with 1 being highest):

Expenditures per Student:Stetson is $584(22 out of 25)

Beginning MLS Librarian Salary:Stetson is $30,000(17 out of 18 reptg.)

Library expenditures / E&GStetson is 3.14 %(11 out of 19 reptg.)

For selected statistics, see Appendix E, F, G.

C. Retrospective Conversion: Conversion to MARC format to add older titles to WebCat continued, with 1,570 titles and 2,230 volumes added. The high number of volumes is due to the cataloging and barcoding of many large sets in the reference collection. Dinkins trained Continuations Assistant Ann Molohon to input Stetson theses’ bibliographic information into Sirsi, and Molohon started the project in the late spring.

D. Special Collections: Molohon reorganized and reshelved volumes in the Stetson, Treasure, and Baptist Collections. She assumed the responsibility of for stack maintenance of those collections.

E. Acquisitions: In the early spring of 2002, Acquisitions Assistant Ann Koziell began inputting invoice information for payment directly into the University’s system, Banner. While this added to her tasks, it gives better control. She “pays” the invoice on Banner and takes the invoices to the Finance Office which actually prints and mails the checks.

F. Gifts in Kind: A major gift of books was received from the widow of American Studies professor Gerald Critoph. From these and other gifts, 457 books were added to the collection. Retired Counseling Professor George Hood provided a list of books he wished to donate, and many of these were sent to the CelebrationCenter library. Gifts from others were also reviewed and cataloged or put on booksale. (Statistics provided by Littler).

G. Government Documents: Federal and state documents are received, claimed, cataloged, and processed in this department. Documents Assistant Karen Winkle maintained currency for continued maximum public access. More documents are being produced only online, creating other tracking issues which Winkle has identified.

H. Periodicals: Using Grooms’ database as a source, Johnson created the web document Complete List of Library Journals (Print, Micro, Electronic)

( ) which gives years and volumes held for physical items and those which we access electronically. The data is linked to the electronic databases. Grooms assumed maintenance of currency of this document in mid-year.

Grooms developed a new system for stack maintenance and supervision of the students responsible which appears to be successful. She reports that a full year of the system will be needed for a true assessment.

I. Systems:

1. The full Microsoft Office suite of software was added to the public workstations in March 2002 to make it possible for students to have access to Word, Excel, and other software useful in their research and writing.

2. Six staff workstations were upgraded with CIT rolldowns from the computer labs in the summer of 2001: Kline, Koziell, Poverud, Finks, Molohon, and Derryberry. This upgraded them to Pentium III cpu’s with larger monitors.

3. In the fall of 2001, we purchased five new Dell Pentium III Optiplex workstations for the Circulation Services Coordinator, the Music Library Assistant, Music Library Circulation, and two for the duPont-Ball Circulation service points. The cost of $5,380 came from Library special funds.

4. The Library Secretary’s Compaq 166 was replaced with a gift Gateway 2000 GP6-300 in April 2002.

5. Several replacement printers were purchased, some from designated gift funds.

6. UPS’s were installed on all workstations lacking them at a cost of $2,630, paid from the Library’s supply account. While expensive, we feel this protection has saved workstations from serious damage during our many power outages and brown-outs.


I. University’s Three-Year Budget Stabilization Program: This will have a tremendous impact on what we do during the next two years. Much of the agenda is built around dealing with this. On June 17, 2002, Johnson and Kline met with the Council of Deans to present the plan Johnson developed to cope with the 16.61 % cut in resources funding. Eleven departments will have to cancel journals immediately to meet their reduced budgets. All departments received reduced allocations.

A. Journals Cancellations: On June 22, 2002, Johnson mailed to the department or program chair/library liaison the new, reduced allocation, and a list of all continuations. They were informed that if their continuations exceed their budgets, they must cancel titles. A deadline of September 1, 2002 was set. If cancellations have not been selected by that time, the Library faculty will make the decisions.

These cancellations will have a severe impact on interlibrary loan, especially as we enter the second year and the 2002 journal issues are no longer held. It will be necessary to set aside some funds from the much reduced General Fund to cover the costs of document delivery for those articles required for faculty and senior research.

B. Monographic Purchases: These will be greatly reduced. Some requests may fit donors’ specifications and can be purchased from gift funds, but many will not be ordered, affecting our student and faculty researchers. As interlibrary loan protocol suggests that we should not request books which are easily available for purchase, this presents a dilemma in meeting our patrons’ needs.

C. Internet Subscription Databases: We will undoubtedly have to cancel some as they come due in the 2002/03 fiscal year, especially those which are underused such as Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch. These fill an important need in supporting two new programs, but they are expensive for the use they receive. Johnson will pursue further discounts through ICUF. It is currently hopeful we will be able to reduce the costs of EbscoHost Research Elite and EbscoHost Business Elite, our most expensive online journal collections.

D. Ten-Year Collection Evaluation Project: This project was to entail not only weeding obsolete materials but also selecting newer books on these topics. The weeding will continue, but there are no funds to provide currency in the collection.

E. Space Planning: With the funding reduction, it will be necessary to cancel much of the microfiche and microfilm which we have purchased in lieu of binding. Binding has always been cheaper, but the space savings in the long-term were worth it. With this cut, we can’t look at the long-term but must focus on the next few years. We will either bind or simply box these issues until funds are available to either bind or replace with microfilm in the future. This will greatly shorten the amount of time before the new Periodicals area is filled.

F. Retrospective Conversion: With fewer monographs, there will be more time to concentrate on finishing this project. The goal is to have all circulating and reference materials added to WebCat by June 1, 2003.

G. Bibliographic and Holdings Updates: Journal cancellations will require a great deal of editing of the bibliographic records, the web files for All Journals.html, the OCLC Union List, and the internal Access database. These tasks will be handled largely by Grooms.

II.Baptist Collection: Baptist Collection Assistant Patricia Nordman retired June 1, 2002. With the agreement of the University administration and the Florida Baptist Convention, this Library will close out the Baptist Collection and send most of it and the cataloging records for the collection to the Convention or to a site designated by them. Johnson will first review the holdings to determine which items were put into the collection for convenience but which are not owned by the Convention. Many of these will be added to the regular Library collections, but there will not be a great number.

III. Systems:

1. Workstation Upgrades: The updated Upgrade Plan developed by Dinkins and the Systems Team was sent to CIT in the late spring. There are still staff workstations too old and weak to effectively perform the necessary work. This is especially true of those used by student assistants working with Sirsi Workflows in the retrospective conversion and barcoding projects. We have asked to receive several through CIT in the summer of 2002. We also need to plan to upgrade the Associate Director for Public Services’ 1999 Dell due to her need for power in her responsibilities as Library Webmaster. Special funds will be sought for this, and her workstation will be moved to another staff member.

2. Unix Server: Concern remains about the need to replace this six-year old server which runs the Library’s catalog. Memory was upgraded two years ago, but the server still has only 10 mg of storage, using five 2 mg drives. Funding issues for this expense remain.

3. Sirsi Software Upgrades: An upgrade to Sirsi Unicorn from Version 2000 to 2001 is scheduled for August 2002. This upgrade is designed to solve several problems and provide added functionality.

4. Network Printing: The cost of printer cartridges and paper for the public workstations is no longer tenable. We will look at installing network printers and possible cost recovery.

IV. Assessment: Dinkins’ sabbatical study was on the use of monographs which had been ordered by five academic departments and the librarians over the past ten years. Her study showed interesting variations and will be used in discussions with those departments over the next year in an attempt to be more effective in selecting monographs which will be used.