LAADS website for MODIS data download
Note: this is where you select/customize Level 2 MODIS data.
1. go to:
2. go to search;under satellite/instrument, check Terra MODIS;under group, selectTerra Atmosphere Level 2 Products, wait for the box to refresh; in the box, select products MOD04_L2 - Level 2 Aerosol.
3. In the temporal selection section, under temporal type, select Date and Time Range; Modify start and end date to select June 2008.
4. In the collection selection, select Collection 5.1.
5. in the spatial selection section, under coordinate system, select Latitude/Longitude; use the lat/lon box in your Giovanni air quality exercise (North: 45°,South: 28°, East: -110°, West: -127°. ).
6. In the coverage selection section, check Day.
7.Skip Metadata Selection section.
8. In the saved parameters selection section, you can save your search criteria so that next time you could load it directly into this page.
9. click search.
10. when the search is complete, you can click to view AOD in each individual level 2 data file. RECORD THE NUMBER OF FILES YOU HAVE RETRIEVED. At the bottom of the page, click add files to shopping cart.
11. now you have two options: order data without additional post processing, or post process and order data. Select the first, then click order.
12. on the next page, give your email address, select FTP pull, then click order.
13. ordering a small amount of data without post processingis fast. You will see in your order results page: that your order is ready, click on Order id to view download information.
14. click the ftp hyperlink, and you will see a list of hdf files. At the bottom of the page, there is a checksums file. Click to open.
15. go back to the data order page in step 11. Now select the option of post process and order data.
16. on the next page, you have many options. For this exercise, select the first one: subset by parameter, then click order.
17. on the next page, in the parameters box, scroll down to select optical_depth_land_and_ocean, click order. Provide email on the next page, and select FTP pull.
18. on the next page, you will see that your order has been submitted to process these files. You will first get an email acknowledging your order submission. You can use the link in this email to check the status of your order. Wait until you receive an email saying your data is ready, then (1) use the FTP instructions in this email to download and save the checksums file, or (2) use the link in your previous email to view and save the checksums file.