WSPA General Meeting Minutes, May 24, 2017
Respectfully Submitted by Lee Anne Weaver, Secretary
Time:1:10.p.m. May 24, 2017
Attendees: Amy Norris, Julie Collins, Lee Anne Weaver, Christi Goco, Andrea McKnight, Melanie Kiser, Susan Jones, Carmen Greenberg, Meredith Crockett and Raymond Broadhead.
Call to Order/Welcome – by Co-President, Amy Norris
Minutes -Read April 26th Executive Meeting Minutes on your own and send any noted changes. Once finalized, they will be uploaded to our web page.
Executive Committee Reports
Headmaster’s Report – by Headmaster, Ray Broadhead
· Mr. Broadhead thanked the WSPA for all that it does.
· Michele Borba, the author of “Unselfie,” has been secured as our guest speaker for Parents’ Day next September, and the books were ordered so each parent can read it before her presentation. He thanked the WSPA for its contribution to purchasing those books.
· After much discussion with faculty, staff and parents, he is considering removing phone privileges for the middle school or at least reducing their use of them while on campus. He also reported that he is aware of ongoing uniform concerns.
· A new bus is being purchased for the school.
· He is excited about the new staff that will be coming to Webb next year.
Treasurer’s Report – by Treasurer, Julie Collins
· WSPA Bank balance:
Ø Beginning Balance: $100,240.53
Less : 38,733.68 *
End Balance: $61,466.85
*Paid to Webb for remaining gala and bonus expenses incurred on our behalf.
Ø WSPA Project Costs and dues Comparisons for 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 (see the attached document).
Ø The amount available to spend on campus improvements was again confirmed to be $33,000.00.
· Thank You Julie Collins -Again, many thanks were given to Julie for all of her conscientious, reliable work as our Treasurer for the past two years. Lori Schuler, our current Co-Vice President, has agreed to fulfill the need for a new treasurer.
Alumni & Development Report – by Parent Liaison, Meredith Crockett
· Belles and Buckles - The collections and costs are finalized and the Net Profit from our 2017 Belles and Buckles Gala is $83,137.00.
President’s Report – by Co-President, Amy Norris
· Orientation of new students - On Thursday, May 11th, the WSPA was privileged to speak to new families for a few minutes about our organization and its volunteer opportunities.
· Belles and Buckles thank you letter – A thank you letter was sent in the April 27th Newsletter thanking our Webb community for their support of the gala.
· Faculty Enrichment Award - A letter was sent to the parents with the eligible faculty for the Faculty Enrichment Award on Friday, May 12th. Meredith supplied the ballots, and the students voted during chapel on Monday, May 15th under the officers’ guidance. This year’s recipient of the $2500.00 award will be revealed at the Faculty/Staff Recognition Dinner on August 9th, 2017.
Committee Reports
· Uniform Exchange – by Andrea McKnight – Drop-off dates were advertised with links to the instruction flyers in the newsletter as promised. May 24th is the last date for this school year. Emails were sent to notify parents of future drop-off dates and the uniform exchange sale dates for 2017-18. Information will also be posted on Face book and the school website.
Andrea also reported, by placing the newly purchased plastic tubs in the dorms,
the collection of discarded uniforms has gone very well, and that she has plenty of volunteers to work before and during the sale. She and Melanie will check the lost and found for unclaimed uniforms on May 25th, the last day of school.
· Fall Decorations – It is confirmed that WSPA member-at-large, Susan Van Buskirk is our new fall decorating committee chairperson.
· Snack Depot (final exams) – An email to ask for volunteers and donations was sent to all parents via Constant Contact on May 11th and it was advertised in the newsletter May 11th and 18th. We had wonderful volunteers, and plenty of food donations on the second day. It may be helpful to send the all- parent email closer to May 1st next year.
Old Business
· Allocation of Project Money to Upgrade Our Webb Community: After exchange of ideas, investigation of possibilities and cost confirmation the following list of upgrades and their estimated costs were unanimously approved.
Ø $1400 Gaga Ball Game Pit
Ø $2500 New Speakers - Chapel
Ø $500 Books for Parents-Unselfie
Ø $3000 Sidewalks location 1
Ø $4000 Sidewalks location 2
Ø $3276 Picnic Tables
Ø $606 Umbrellas for Picnic Tables
Ø $1000 Outdoor Chess Board
Ø $2000 Lights at the Crosswalk near Big Room
Ø $4000 Library
Ø $1000 Lighting- Flood Lights
Ø $500 Lighting Student Center and Dorms
Ø $5000 Sound System for Chapel
The total amount of money dedicated to these projects (out of $33,000) is $28,782. Our co-presidents will discuss our finalized list with Mr. Broadhead to gain his final approval of the projects. Our goal is to install the upgrades over the 2017 summer.
· Uniforms --Discussions about our uniform supplier and our school policies continue. The WSPA officers field many complaints about our current uniform provider. We will continue working on a way to collect and convey the information to administration in a helpful, concrete manner.
· “Welcome Home” Social -Friday evening before Orientation Day 2017 --The WSPA’s request for a meet and greet including refreshments on Friday evening, August 11th before Saturday’s Orientation is confirmed. The Welcome Home Social is held while all of the out-of-state families are still on campus, and is for all new and returning students. Its purpose is to foster a familiarity with each other, the Webb faculty and staff, and the various Webb disciplines and to help new families more easily accept the information afforded them during Orientation Day. Ray and Leone Broadhead have offered to co-host the event again at their home. Plans will be finalized over the summer.
New Business
· WSPA Family Dues -In keeping with our treasurer’s report, the need to increase our dues was discussed and a suggestion was made to increase the dues from $20 per family to $30.00 per family.
· New Members-At-Large - Susan Jones and Christi Goco, two, new members-at large were heartily welcomed to our WSPA volunteer team. All present appreciated their willingness to share their gifts with the Webb Community.
· WSPA Officer Nominations and Installment – 2017-2018. The WSPA Officers’ positions rolled forward (with one being reassigned) as discussed/confirmed in the 4/26/17 meeting. The officers for the 2017-18 year are as follows:
Amy Norris and Ashlea Shephard (2nd term)
President Elect
Andrea McKnight (2nd term)
Lee Anne Weaver (2nd term)
Lori Schuler (1st term)
Past President
Melanie Kiser (2nd term)
Adjourn: 2:40pm