Subject / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Fundations / P:158-Unit 4 week 1 Day 1
·  Drill Sound/ Warmup
·  Introduce New Concept
o  Bonus Letters ff, ll, ss
Student notebook
·  Echo/Find Letters & Words- magnetic boards / P:160 -Unit 4 week 1,Day 2
·  Drill Sound/ Warmup
·  Vowel Extensions
·  Word play
·  Trick Words- Read
you your
Student Notebook
·  Trick Word- Spelling
·  Dictation- Dry Erase / P:162-Unit 4 week 1, Day 3
·  Drill Sound/ Warmup
·  Word of the Day
·  Teach Glued Sounds
·  Dictation- Composition Notebook / P:164- Unit 4 Week 1, Day 4
·  Drill Sound/ Warmup
·  Vowel Extensions
·  Word Talk
·  Trick Words- Read
I they
·  Trick Word- Spelling
Student Notebook
·  Make It Fun- magnetic Boards / P: 166 Unit 4, Week 1, Day5
·  Drill Sound/ Warmup
·  Trick Word Drill
·  Storytime: The Big Mess
o  Character, Setting, Plot, Mark Words
·  Dictation- Day 5
Check up- Students Composition Notebooks
Reading / Epic: Body Actions
Read Aloud to class / Epic: Body Actions
Echo Read, pages 1-5
Discuss Vocabulary / Epic: Body Actions
Echo Read, Part pages 6-9 Discuss Vocabulary / Epic: Body Actions
Coral Read Together, Ask questions about content / Epic: Body Actions
Popcorn Table Read,
Recall facts from Story
or Core
Knowledge / Domain 2: L9
The Pyramid Pantry
*Listening Journal
Vocab- Food Pyramid / Domain 2: L10
What a Complicated Network
*Listening Journal
Vocab- Complicated / Domain Assessment 1
Culminating Tasks
Healthy Habits & Balanced Diet / Domain Assessment 2
Culminating Tasks
Systems of the Body / Domain Assessment 3
Multiple Choice Test P:128-131
& Writing / Sentences/Narratives
I can write a narrative.
Holt: Final & Edit with Closing
Hall: Write sentences in 4-square
. / Sentences/Narratives
I can write a narrative.
Holt: Movies- Prewrite w/Pics
Hall: Final & Edit w/Cloisng / Sentences/Narratives
I can write a narrative.
Holt: Transfer Pic. to Sent.
Hall: Movies Pic & Transfer to 4 square / Sentences/Narratives
I can write a narrative.
Both Classes: Edit & Write Final Draft / Fabulous Friday Activities
Math / Chapter 2 Unit Review
* Chapter Test review pages from GO Math workbook
o  Complete Together / Chapter 2 Test
I can subtract two numbers using different strategies
Printable Chapter 2 Test from GO Math / Report Card Assessment-Subtraction
I can subtract two numbers.
·  Subtraction Word Problems
·  Subtraction Problems to 10 / Report Card Assessment-Addition
I can add two numbers.
·  Addition Word Problems
·  Addition Problems to 10 / Writing Numbers
to 100
Practice Page

First Grade Week at a Glance October 2nd-6th Sarah Hall and Kendra Holt