1946 – 1984 Minute Book
Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book
Minute of Meeting 29th October 1946
At Dundee the Twenty ninth day of October 1946 an the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade held within Gray’s Rooms Perth Road Dundee at 6.30 p.m.
Present Deacon Carlton, Boxmaster Duncan
Ex-Deacon Andrew Dargie, Ex Deacon Hubert Carlton, Ex Convener Robert Loggie, Es Convener R J Loggie, Messers Frank Hay, THomas Winton, Fred Conacher, John Conacher, Walter Smith, D W Cuthbert. Alexander Crighton, James A Davidson, John B Yeaman, J F Milne, Harry G Thomson, R Martin, Andrew Wallace, W Morris, Alexander S Drummond, R Hamilton, Matthew M Henderson, W A MacDonald, John G Sibbald, W M Patrick, G M Hutton, W R Falconer, James Law, Edward R Simpson, James Watson, J W Allan, W F Ross, M B Cadenhead, W Farquhar, J Duncan Dundas, David Younger, George Melville, R Lee Chalmers, W M Nicol, Alex Oastler, K Drummond, David Doig, John A Melrose, D W Gray, James D Henderson, Colin M Morrison, George G Smith, David D McGregor, J J Davidson, H M Smail, David Reid, Ja D Henry, J M Nicol, A Mackenzie, T Muir, David D Scott, James Laird, Andrew Black, George T Brown, R A S,ith, James S Mollison, Eric R Lesslie, N A Matheson, A Lickley Proctor, J R Conacher, R M Barrie, R G Buttars, D G Buttars, Noel Nelson, Rev T J Bunting, W G Horsburgh, W A Findlay, J A Wallace, J Lowe, J B M Chalmers. John Davidson, G Douglas, D Urquhart, Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated by the Clerk
I. Minutes
The following Minutes of Meetings were read and approved:
(1) Annual General Meeting 23rd October 1945
(2) Meeting of the Committee 20th November 1945
(3) Special General Meeting 14th December 1945
(4) Meeting of the Committee 31st January 1946
(5) Special General Meeting 1st March 1946
(6) Meeting of the Committee 1st October 1946
II. Accounts
The Boxmasters Cash account for the year ended 15th September 1946 was submitted along with vouchers and these were approved.
III. Election of Office Bearers
(a) Deacon.
On the motion of Deacon H J Carlton seconded by ex Deacon Andrew Dargie Mr Robert Duncan was unanimously elected Deacon for the ensuing year.
Deacon Duncan was accordingly installed in office and received the insignia and staff.
(b) Boxmaster.
On the motion of the Deacon seconded by Mr Alexander Crighton Mr George Melville was unanimously elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year.
(c). Committee. it was intimated that the following members retired and were not eligible for re-election at this meeting:
Messers Fred Conacher, Alexander Crighton, J Duncan Dundas and Alexander Wallace.
The following members were elected to the committee to fill the above vacancies and to hold office for two years:
Messers Andrew Black, Harry G Thomson, R Lee Chalmers and Dr Noel Nelson
(d) Clerk. Mr Douglas D Urquhart was unanimously re-elected as Clerk to the Craft.
IV New Members
It was intimated that an Initiation Meeting had been provisionally fixed for Thursday 19th December next.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the Twenty seventh day of November 1846
At a Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate at 3.30 p.m.
Deacon Robert Duncan. Boxmaster George Melville, Ex Deacon H J Carlton, and Messers A Black, George F Brown, John G Sibbald, and Dr Noel Nelson & Mr Douglas D Urquhart Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated from Messers D W Gray, R Lee Chalmers and Harry G Thomson
Applications for Membership were submitted by the following:
Alexander Hall Smith Teacher of Languages 59 Mains Terrace Dundee
Henry Harvey Whitfield Tailor 2 Kerrington Crescent Barnhill Dundee
THe Rev John H Duncan MA. B Phil. DD Manse of Dundee
Alexander B Bowman Meat Salesman 34 Dalgleish Road Dundee
James Charles grant Wine & Spirit Merchant 113 Ancrum Drive Dundee
The Committee having fully considered the admission of the Applicants and fixed Thursday 19th December 1946 in Gray’s Rooms Perth Road for a Special Meeting for Initiation of new Members.
It was agreed to issue invitations to the supper following the Meeting to Lord Provost Powrie, Convener W S Goodfellow and the Rev T J Bunting.
Robert Duncan Deacon
Ay Dundee the Nineteenth day of December Nineteen hundred and forty six. At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms at 6.30 p.m.
Present: Deacon Duncan, and Boxmaster K Melville
74 other Members of the Craft and Mr Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
Deacon Duncan nominated and Boxmaster Melville seconded the following Gentlemen for admission to the Craft:
John Henry Duncan, Alexander B Bowman, James Charles Grant, Alexander Hall Smith and Henry Harvey Whitfield.
These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining to Members conform to Minute of Admissions in he Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates issued on payment of entry money, dues and stamp.
Robert Duncan, Deacon
At Dundee the Seventeenth day of February 1947.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within the office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate Dundee at 3.30 p.m.
Present: Deacon Robert Duncan, Boxmaster George Melville, Messers R Lee Chalmers, Harry T Thomson, john g Sibbald, George T Bower, David W Gray, Dr Noel Nelson, & Mr Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
An apology for absence was intimated by Ex Deacon H J Carlton
Applications for Membership were submitted by the following:
Douglas Scott Dryden, Fruit Merchant 8 Nelson Terrace Dundee
Spencer George Dryden Fruit Merchant 8 Nelson Terrace Dundee
Alexander Fleming Baird Student 17 Brook Street Broughty Ferry
John Johnston Director Johnson’s Stores Ltd Grocer & Provision Merchants 1 Hazel Drive Dundee
David J Moyes Schoolmaster Schoolhouse Lundie by Dundee
William Vaughan Doe special Director Low & Bonar Ltd 3 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee
Norman Peattie Jute Merchant 27 Glamis Road Dundee
William Douglas Waddell Officer of H M Royal Marines c/o Royal Hotel Dundee.
The Committee having fully considered these Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants and foxed Tuesday 11th March 1947 in Gray’s Rooms Perth Road for a Special Meeting for Intimation of the New Members.
It was agreed to issue invitations to the Supper following the Meeting to Convener W S Goodfellow and the Rev T J Bunting.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the Eleventh Day of March 1947 at a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms at 6.30 p.m.
Present: David Duncan Deacon, and Boxmaster Melville also: Sixty four Members of the Craft and Mr Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
Deacon Duncan nominated and Boxmaster seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
Douglas Scott Dryden, Spencer George Dryden, Alexander Fleming Baird, John Johnston, William Vaughan Doe, Norman Peattie and William Douglas Waddell
These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining to the Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of entry money, dues and Stamp.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the Thirtieth day of September Nineteen hundred and forty seven years.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within the office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate at 3.30 p.m.
Present: Deacon Robert Duncan, Boxmaster George Melville, Ex-Deacon H J Carlton, Messers H G Thomson, Andrew Black, R Lee Chalmers, George D Brown, J G Sibbald, David Gray and Dr Noel Nelson and D Douglas Urquhart, Clerk
I. The Minute of Meeting of Committee held on 17th February 1947 was read and approved.
II, Accounts.
The Boxmaster’s Cash Account for the year ended 15th September 1947 were submitted along with the relative Vouchers and the same having been examined and approved the Cash Book was docqueted as correct. There was also submitted to the Meeting the Accounts of Charge and Discharge by the Boxmasters Intromissions for the year ended 15th September 1947 whereof an Abstract is annexed hereto, and which was examined and approved by the Meeting.
III. Clerk’s Salary.
The Committee fixed the Clerk’s Salary for the year ended 15th September 1947 at Thirty Guineas.
IV. Annual General Meeting
It was agreed to hold the Annual General Meeting of the Craft on Friday 24th October within Gray’s Rooms to be followed by an informal Supper at which the Deacon would be the Guest of the Craft.
Robert Duncan Deacon
Abstract of the Account of Charge and Discharge referred to in the foregoing Minute
ChargeI / Funds as at 15th September 1946 / 821. 5. 6
II / Income collected
1. From General Fund / 253. 0. 0
2. –do- Trade Fund / 16.19. 9
3. –do- Entrance dues / 119. 7. 0
4. Proceeds of Tickets / 95.10. 0
5. Bar Drawings / 4. 3. 0 / 46619. 9
III / Bank Transactions
North of Scotland Bank Ltd
Drawn from Current Account / 510. 3. 9 / ______
1288. 5. 3
I / Pensions paid / 253. 0. 0
II / Due feuduty / 11. 3
III / Entrance dues paid to Nine Incorporated Trades / 78. 0. 0
IV / Income tax / 2. 5. 0
V / Administration and Insurance / 140. 0. 0
VI / Bank Transactions
North of Scotland Bank Ltd
Paid into Bank Account / 476.11. 4
Dundee Savings Bank
Paid into Bank Account / 33. 4.11
Paid into Special Investment Account / 2.11. 0
VII / Funds at close of this Account / 814. 9. 0 / 1288. 5. 8
Pension Account
Income from Trade Funds as above / 16.19. 9Sum received from Nine Trades / 253. 0. 0
Pensions paid / 253. 0. 0
Proceeds of Sale of Tickets for Supper / 75.10. 0
Net Bar Drawings / 4. 3. 0
79.13. 0
Total accounts etc incurred during year / 88.15. 6 / 9. 2. 6
Entrances dues / 119. 9. 0
Paid to Nine Trades / 78. 0. 0 / 39. 7. 0
Over feuduty / 11. 3
Income Tax / 2. 5. 0
Clerk’s Salary / 21. 0 .0
Miscellaneous / 30. 4. 6 / 51. 4. 6 / ______
63. 3. 3 / 56. 6. 9
56 6. 9
Balance of Expenditure over Income / 6.16. 6
At Dundee the Twenty Fourth day of September 1947 at the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms Perth Road Dundee at 6.30 p.m.
Present: Deacon Duncan, Boxmaster Melville also
Ex-Deacons H J Carlton, and A J Drummond, Lord Dean of Guild A Lickley Proctor, Convener W S Goodfellow and Messers Harry G Thomson, Walter Morrison, John A Beattie, Ex-Convener James D Henry, D R Falconer, G A Grant, James F Low, William L Weir, J M Robb, H D Boath, Mathew M Henderson, Robert Hamilton, Wm F Ross, H Drummond, John Conacher, James S Mollison, Eric R Lesslie, Dr Noel Nelson, Messers Wm Douglas Waddell, Geo F Brown, George G Smith, Matt Waddell, Alexander H Smith, Jj T Milne, Frank Hay, Alexr Crighton, D D Cuthbert, W A Findlay, Wm Nicol, R L Chalmers, David Reid, R B Hay, F W Allan, R A Smith, J R Conacher, Wm Vaughan Roe, N Peattie, D Younger. T J Bunting, Alexr F Baird, Norman M Allan, Thos Winton, George T Watson, Jas A Carr, Edward W Simpson, Wm Clark, James Watson, J A Davidson, John Johnston, George W Duncan, John Davidson, C Muir, George C Herd, George Scott, John G Sibbald, Colin M Morrison, George W Davidson, W S Goodfellow, Andrew Wallace, jamesJames R Gellatly and R S Gray and Mr Douglas D Urquhart Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated by the Clerk
I. Minutes
The following Minutes of Meetings were read and approved:
(1) Annual General Meeting 19th October 1946
(2) Meeting of Committee 27th November 1946
(3) Special General Meeting 19th December 1946
(4) meeting of Committee 17th February 1947
(5) Special General Meeting 11th March 1947
(6) meeting of Committee 30th September 1947
II Accounts
The Boxmasters Cash Account for the year ended 25th September 1947 was submitted along with the relative Vouchers and these were approved.
III. Election of Office Bearers
(a) Deacon.
On the motion of Ex Deacon A S Drummond seconded by John Robb Mr Robert Duncan was unanimously elected Deacon for the ensuing year.
(b) Boxmaster.
On the Motion of Mr Colin Morrison seconded by Ex Deacon Hugh J Carlton Mr George Melville was unanimously elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year.
(c) Committee.
It was intimated that the following Members retire and were not eligible for re-election, Messers David Gray, George F Brown, and John G Sibbald.
The following Members were elected to the Committee to fill the above vacancies and to hold office for Two years viZ:
Messers G A Davidson, John M Robb and David Reid.
(d). Clerk.
Douglas d Urquhart was unanimously re-elected as Clerk to the Craft
New Members. It was intimated that an Initiation Meeting had been provisionally fixed for Friday 19th December.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the 25th day of November 1947.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate Dundee at 3.30 p.m.
Present: Deacon Robert Duncan, Boxmaster George Melville
Messers R Lee Chalmers, Andrew Black, A Davidson, J M Robb and David Reid and Dr Noel Nelson
and Mr Douglas D Urquhart Clerk
Apologies for absence were intimated from Mr Keay, G Thomson and Ex-Deacon Hugh J Carlton
Applications for Membership are submitted by the following:
John Burns Spring Manufacturer 15 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee
George Gordon Drummond Engineer 5 Hazel Drive Dundee
Anthony William Hall Cinema & Theatre Publicity Director 64 Old Glamis Road Dundee
David S Moyes Schoolmaster Schoolhouse Lundie by Dundee
William Patterson Warehouseman 17 Hill Street Broughty Ferry
Andrew Haggart Scott Insurance Branch Manager 21 Fonstane Road Monifieth
The Committee having fully considered the Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants and fixed Friday 19th December 1947 in Gray’s Rooms Perth Road for a Special Meeting for Initiation of new Members.
It was agreed to issue Invitations to the Supper following the Meeting to Convener W S Godfellow and the Rev T J Bunting
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the Nineteenth day of December 1947
At a Special Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms at 6.30 p.m.
Deacon Duncan & Boxmaster Melville
Also fifty four Members of the Craft and Mr Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
Deacon Duncan nominated and Boxmaster Melville seconded the following Gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
John Burns Spring Manufacturer 15 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee
George Gordon Drummond Engineer 5 Hazel Drive Dundee
Anthony William Hall Cinema & Theatre Publicity Director 64 Old Glamis Road Dundee
David S Moyes Schoolmaster Schoolhouse Lundie by Dundee
William Patterson Warehouseman 17 Hill Street Broughty Ferry
Andrew Haggart Scott Insurance Branch Manager 21 Fonstane Road Monifieth
These Gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of entry money, dues and Stamp.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the 20th day of February 1948
At a Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within the office of the Clerk at 3.30 p.m.
Deacon Robert Duncan & Boxmaster George Melville
Messers Henry G Thomson, J W Robb, R Lee Chalmers, David Reid and J A Davidson and Mr Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
An apology for absence was submitted from Ex-Deacon Hugh J Carlton
Applications for Membership were intimated by the following:
John Adamson Wire and Sheet Metal Fabricator 7 Glamis Place Dundee.
Samuel Rendell Drever Retired 319 Clepington Road Dundee.
Edwin R Falconer Retired 3 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee.
Ian MacLean Hotel Manager Royal British Hotel Dundee.
Walter Robertson Merchant 4 Caenlochan Road Broughty Ferry Dundee.
Peter Smith Wine & Spirit Merchant 2 Dalrymple Street Dundee.
Alfred George Whitton Hardware Merchant 19 Strathern Road West Ferry Dundee.
The Committee having fully considered these Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants and fixed Friday 13th March 1948 in Gray’s Rooms Perth Road for a Special Meeting for Initiation of New Members.
It was agreed to issue invitations to the Supper following the Meeting to Convener D S Goodfellow and the Revd T J Bunting.
It was agreed to order from Messers Rattray & company Jewellers Dundee five Deacons Badges in 9 ct gold enamelled at the cost of £16 each.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the Twelfth day of March 1948
At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within Gray’s Rooms at 6.30 p.m.
Deacon Robert Duncan & Boxmaster George Melville
Also Sixty five other Members of the Craft
Also Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
Deaon Duncan nominated and Boxmaster Melville seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
John Adamson Wire and Sheet Metal Fabricator 7 Glamis Place Dundee.
Samuel Rendell Drever Retired 319 Clepington Road Dundee.
Edwin R Falconer Retired 3 Kenilworth Avenue Dundee.
Ian MacLean Hotel Manager Royal British Hotel Dundee.
Walter Robertson Merchant 4 Caenlochan Road Broughty Ferry Dundee.
Peter Smith Wine & Spirit Merchant 2 Dalrymple Street Dundee.
Alfred George Whitton Hardware Merchant 19 Strathern Road West Ferry Dundee.
These Gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of Entry money, Dues and Stamp.
Robert Duncan Deacon
At Dundee the twenty first day of September 1948
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Trade of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk at 3.30 p.m.
Deacon Robert Duncan, Boxmaster George Melville
Messers J A Davidson, J M Robb, R L Chalmers, Andrew Black, David Reid and Dr Noel Nelson
And Douglas D Urquhart, Clerk
Apologies for absence were submitted for Ex Deacon R J Carlton and H J Thomson
I. Minutes.
The Minutes of Meetings of Committee held on 3rd September and 25th November 1947 and 20th February 1948 were read and approved.
II. Accounts.
The Boxmasters Cash account for the year ended 15th September 1948 was submitted along with the relative vouchers and Securities. The same having been examined and approved the Cash Book was docqueted as correct. There was also submitted to the Meeting and Account of Charge and Discharge of the Boxmasters Intromissions for the year ended 15th September 1947 whereof an Abstract is annexed hereto and which was examined and approved by the Meeting.
III. Clerk’s Salary
The Committee fixed the Clerk’s Salary fir the year ended 15th September 1947 at £31.10/-.
IV. Ex-Convener Badges.