Mrs. V. Campoli
Mr. B. Salvisburg
Mrs. T. Steel
Vice Principals
Ms. F. Gallucci
Department Head
Guidance & Career
Mrs. K. Coscarella
School Office Supervisor
York Region District School Board
Mr. K. Thurston
Director of Education
Ms. D. Giangrande
Ms. A. DeBartolo
Ms. A. DeBartolo
Ms. H. Fox
Superintendent of Education, Secondary Education
905-884-4477 /
4901 Rutherford Road, Vaughan, Ontario L4H 3C2Phone (905) 850-5012 Fax (905) 850-7591
2010-2011 Course Offerings
Welcome to Emily Carr Secondary School!
The staff at Emily Carr Secondary School is committed to providing a challenging learning environment in which each student can experience success in the classroom while celebrating the varied aspects of school and community life.
As partners eager to enhance their children’s learning, our parents value the regular and open communication between the school and home that supports student achievement in a meaningful way.
Our students are keenly interested in continuing to shape a positive image of our school in the community. This leadership encourages and fosters student ownership and responsibility for all aspects of school life.
As a community of learners, we strive toward common goals: academic success; personal growth; and an understanding and respect of one another as valued and contributing citizens of the global community.
ECSS Course Selection Procedures for Non-YRDSB Students
ExploreE / · Explore our 2010 - 2011 Course Offerings online at Click on “Guidance Services” and then on
· Under “Student Course Guide” select “Emily Carr SS”.
· This link will provide you with an official ministry course description, ministry prerequisite requirements, as well as recommendations and course particulars.
· You will then need to manually complete the course selection list that has been provided to you in your registration package.
C / · Consult with your parents/guardians, teachers, special education resource teachers, subject specialists, and guidance counsellors. Consider your interests, abilities, current performance, and your most recent report card results.
· Keep in mind that Full Disclosure applies to all Grade 11 and 12 courses. Take the time to consult with our subject specialists in order to avoid surprises and disappointment.
· Students who are receiving Special Education support will have their course selection reviewed by our Special Education Head and Guidance Department Head. Your IPRC meeting will be scheduled at a later time.
· Students requesting ESL will require a signature from their ESL teacher on the final course selection printout.
S / · Students entering Grades 9, 10, & 11 will be required to select 8 courses. Only those Grade 9 students who select the after school AMR1O1 will have 9 courses. Students entering Grade 12 may select a minimum of 6 courses as long as they have earned 24 credits, and they must carry and maintain a minimum of three courses per semester.
· In every grade, students will carefully select two alternate courses. Every attempt is made to schedule your choices. Your Alternate choice may be used in case of scheduling conflicts or cancelled courses.
Sign & Submit
S / · Once you have selected the courses you wish to take both you and your parent/guardian are required to sign the form.
· If you are receiving Special Education support, ensure that your selections reflect the IPRC decisions. I f you are not transferring to ECSS from a York Region District School Board school, bring your assessments and your IEP to the registration meeting.
· If you are an ESL student, obtain a signature from your current ESL teacher.
ECSS Course Selection Procedures for Current Emily Carr Secondary Students
ExploreE / · Career Cruising provides the program you will use to access and to select your courses for next year. You can also use it as a career exploration and planning tool. Career Cruising can be accessed wherever you have Internet access.
· Go to and click on:
· To login, enter your username (yorkXXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXX is your 9-digit student number) and password (your birthday in this format - mmddyyyy).
· To enter your course selections for the next school year, click on the "Course Planner" from the list of options in the menu on the left hand side of the screen.
o The next school year is highlighted with a dashed box. This is where you will select the courses that you are interested in for next year.
o Remember that this is YOUR portfolio, so you can add and change courses as many times as you like until you submit it at Course Selection time.
o Your course history will also appear (your completed courses and the ones you are currently taking).
· To choose a compulsory course (those in yellow), click on the “+”.
o All the courses in that subject area will appear. Courses in yellow are available. (If you mouse over on the course code, the description and prerequisites for the course will appear.)
o To add a course to your selections, click on the “+”. You will return to your planner and the course you have chosen will appear.
o Continue until you have selected all your compulsory courses.
· To choose an elective course (those in white), click on the “+”.
o What will appear is a drop down menu with all subject areas available at ECSS. Choosing one of the subject areas will bring up all the courses available in that area. The ones you have already achieved are greenish yellow. The ones available for you to choose are white. If you mouse over the course code, you will see the description and prerequisites for the course.
o To add a course to your selections, click on the “+”. You will return to your planner and the course you have chosen will appear.
C / · Click on the blue book icon at the top right of your planner to see a full course directory at ECSS.
· Keep in mind that Full Disclosure applies to all Grade 11 and 12 courses. Take the time to consult with our subject specialists in order to avoid surprises and disappointment.
· Students who have an IEP will receive a Course Selection form from their SERT in preparation for their annual IPRC meeting. You will participate in this online course selection process after your IPRC meeting.
· Students requesting ESL will require a signature from their ESL teacher.
S / · Students entering Grades 9, 10, & 11 will be required to select 8 courses. Students entering Grade 12 may select a minimum of 6 courses as long as they have earned 24 credits, and they must carry and maintain a minimum of three courses per semester.
· This symbol means there is a “Warning Note” that you must read. Mouse over the blue symbol and the note will appear. Examples of Warning Notes include: “You have selected a course that you have previously
completed. This course will not count as an additional credit.” or
· This symbol means there is an “Issue Note” that you must read. Mouse over the red symbol and the note will
appear. Example of Issue Notes include: “You do not have the proper pre-requisite, please select the proper
pre-requisite, or speak to guidance.”
· In every grade, students will carefully select two alternate courses. Every attempt is made to schedule your choices. Your alternate choice may be used in case of schedule conflicts or cancelled courses.
Sign & Submit
S / · To print a draft copy of your course selection, click on the printer icon at the top right of the planner.
· To submit your course selections, click the “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the school year you are selecting.
· To print a final copy of your course selections, click on the printer icon at the top right hand corner.
You must print a final copy of your selections, have them signed by your parent/guardian and hand them in to your homeroom teacher by the date specified online. Please note that you will no longer be able to make changes online after this.
Guidance and Career Education Program Information
The Guidance and Career Education Department at Emily Carr Secondary School is open to students, teachers, parents and the community.
Our primary focus is to serve our students by providing programs that foster growth, knowledge and skill in personal, interpersonal and career development.
Students may arrange to make appointments with their counselor through the Guidance secretary.
· Counsellors will be available for individual counseling to discuss academic progress, educational or career planning, social development or personal challenges that interfere with learning.
· Group counseling will also be available as required. Support groups may be formed to address issues such as: self-esteem, bullying, bereavement, assertiveness, peer mediation, anger/stress/time management, restorative counseling, and motivational as well as specific cultural and learning issues.
· Counsellors may also make referrals to outside social agencies and services. Outside counsellors are also available by appointment and referral.
· Guidance courses offered at ECSS are: GLC2O1 Career Studies – a compulsory half credit course taken together with CHV2O1, the compulsory Civics course. These two half courses are taken by all students in Grade 10.
GPP3O1 Leadership and Peer Support is being offered in collaboration with our Physical Education Department. This course intends to prepare students to act in leadership and peer support roles. With a focus on group dynamics and diversity, they will design and implement a plan for contributing to their school and /or community while developing skills in communication, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and conflict management.
GLN4O1 Navigating the Workplace is intended for students in grades 11 or 12 to develop skills to prepare for the workplace and will be taught in collaboration with our Cooperative Education Department.
Visit the Guidance Office Career Development Centre before and after school and during the lunch period to inquire about:
· Summer and Night School courses,
· The YRDSB Virtual School,
· E-Learning courses,
· The Independent Learning Centre,
· International Languages for credit,
· Community Involvement Volunteer Opportunities and Tracking Sheets,
· Tutorial Services (if you require tutoring or if you wish to tutor),
· Upcoming workshops, conferences, meetings, visits, guest speakers,
· Cooperative Education and Experiential Learning Opportunities,
· Visits from Universities, Colleges, Apprenticeship and Training Schools, Workplace Opportunities,
· Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, and Student Loans
· Grad Email access
Useful Websites
· To select your courses for September 2010, all YRDSB students are required to use the new Career Cruising Online Course Selection Procedures. To access this site, go to
Detailed procedures are provided in this calendar for your convenience.
· The ECSS calendar and other Guidance resources are also available on the guidance link of the ECSS website:
o Valuable Resources for Post Secondary and Career Planning
o Alternatives for Non-Graduates
o Annual ECSS Course Calendars
o Graduation Awards and Nomination forms
o Scholarships, Awards, Bursaries, by monthly application deadline dates
o Community Partners:
§ CMHA Mental Health and High School for Students, Parents, Teachers
§ Potential Community Involvement Opportunities for ECSS students updated annually
· Vaughan Community Involvement Volunteer Centre
· The Learning Partnership Job Shadowing Opportunities
· “Ask a Teacher” for Homework Help, and “Career Matters” to help you navigate career options
· YRDSB Continuing Education Programs, Application forms, Registration information for Summer School, Night School, Virtual School, E-Learning, International Languages
Community Based Education
Co-operative Education Program
Co-operative Education is a credit granting, planned learning experience that integrates classroom theory with practical experience in the workplace. The placement is directly related to the subject to which it is linked and enables the student to apply and refine the knowledge and skills acquired in a related curriculum course. Students earn credits when course expectations are met. Co-operative Education courses can be linked to any Grade 11 or 12 course that the student has already passed or will be taking concurrently with Co-op. Who is ready for Co-op? Students who have the educational background, demonstrate responsibility, motivation, commitment, and the willingness to learn in an adult workplace environment will be considered for entry into the program. Work placements are dependent upon the skills, strengths, academic backgrounds, attitudes, and work ethics of individual students. Possibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Communications Technology (Computer Graphics/Programming/Technician, Web Design, Animation)
· Business (Accounting, Law, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship, Marketing)
· Social Sciences (Teaching, Social Work, Recreational Services, Nutritionist)
· Science (Medicine, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Veterinarian, Dentistry)
· Media Arts (Journalism, Fashion Design, Television/Radio Productions)
GRADE 11COP3X2 = two credit Co-op
COP3XX = three credit Co-op, afternoon placement
COP3X3 = four credit Co-op, all day placement / GRADE 12
COP4X2 = two credit Co-op
COP4XX = three credit Co-op, afternoon placement
COP4X3 = four credit Co-op, all-day placement
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program enables students who are 16 years of age or older to train as apprentices while completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students participating in OYAP must have completed sixteen credits towards their OSSD prior to starting the program. They must be enrolled as full time students and they are required to complete all compulsory credits required for the OSSD. Students earn credits and receive their training through the Co-operative Education program. This program provides opportunities in both regulated and non-regulated trades in the following sectors: