ICOTS VINEWatch Scripts

Note: Email and phone scripts are similar. TEXT scripts below

  1. Transfer Request Submitted

(Request for Report Instructions Transmitted; Transfer Request Transmitted; and Return to Sending State Transmitted)


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>has submitted a request to transfer from <Sending State> to <Receiving State>.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =122, state length max =18)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> submitted request to transfer FRM <Sending State> to <Receiving State>. In an emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Transfer Request Approved

(Request for Report Instructions Approval Transmitted)


This email is to inform you that the request for<Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>to transfer from <Sending State> to <Receiving State>was approved. This offender may or may not have already arrived in the new location.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =145, state length max =15)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> approved to transfer to <Receiving state>. May or may not be in new location now. In emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Approval for Transfer Request Sent

(Transfer Request Approval Transmitted)


This email is to inform you that the approval for the request to transfer<Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name> with offender ID <OID> from <Sending State> to <Receiving State> was sent to the new supervising office inReceiving State.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =144, state length max =16)

ICOTS MSG: Approval for request to move <Offender> to <Receiving state> sent to new supervising office. In emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Address Change

(Change of Offender Address – limited to changes in ‘primary address’ only)


This e-mail is to inform you that the address in <Supervising State> for<Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID> has changed.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =113)

ICOTS MSG: Address for <Offender> has changed. In an emergency call 911. FMI call 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Supervision Violation

(Offender Violation Report Transmitted)


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID> has allegedly violated their terms of supervision.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =129)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> allegedly violated terms of supervision. In an emergency call 911. FMI call 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Departure

(Notification of Departure Transmitted)


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID> is in the process of changing permanent residences from <Sending State> to <Receiving State>and may have already departed. You will receive another notification when the offender reports to authorities in <Receiving State>.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =151, state length max =9)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> moving residence to <Receiving State>. May have already left. Will MSG U once they report. In emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000/000-000-0000.

  1. Successful Arrival

(Notification of Successful Arrival Transmitted)


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>has reported for supervision in<Receiving State>.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

TheVINE Service

TEXT: (msg =113, state length max= 20)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> reported for supervision in <Receiving State>. In an emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Transfer Request Withdrawn

(Request to Transfer Withdrawn)


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>has withdrawn the request to transfer.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =113)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> withdrew request to transfer. In an emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Case Closed

(Successful Case Closure Reply Transmitted)


This e-mail is to inform you that the case for <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>has been closed. This offender is no longer supervised under the authority of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision in <Receiving State> and may or may not be subject to further supervision by other authorities.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =158)

ICOTS MSG:<Offender>Interstate Comp. case closed. May or may not be supervised by other authorities. In emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000/000-000-0000.

  1. Failed to Arrive


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name>with offender ID <OID>is in the process of changing permanent residences from <Sending State> to <Receiving State> and failed to arrive in <Receiving State>.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =145, state length max =15)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> in process of changing perm residence to <Receiving State> and failed to arrive. In an emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

  1. Abscond


This e-mail is to inform you that <Offender First Name> <Offender Last Name> with offender ID <OID> has absconded and is no longer reporting to authorities.

If you have any concerns aboutyour immediate safety, contact your local law enforcement agency, or if you have an emergency, call 911.

For more information, contact the <Sending State> Interstate Compact Office at <Sending State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number> or the <Receiving State> Interstate Compact Office at <Receiving State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =136)

ICOTS MSG: <Offender> absconded and is no longer reporting to authorities. In an emergency call 911. FMI 000-000-0000 or 000-000-0000.

12.Registration Confirmation


This is an e-mail confirming your registration with the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service to receive updates about an offender named <First Name> <Last Name>.You will be notified at this e-mail address about changes in this offender’s location and supervision status.If you have received this notification in error, please contact the <Registering State> Interstate Compact Office at <Registering State Interstate Compact Office Phone Number>.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

TEXT: (msg =156)

ICOTS MSG: This is to confirm registration for <Offender>Will MSG U ABT changes in offender location and status. If received in error call 000-000-0000.

  1. Unsuccessful Notification

[NOTE: This notification is email only and is sent to the Supervising Office.]


This email is to inform you that VINE has been unable to notify the individual(s) with the telephone number(s) <Victim Telephone>, registered to receive updates about an offender with offender number <Offender ID>. The notification attempts have not been confirmed by the registrant, and therefore we are unable to verify that the information about this offender’s custody status has been delivered to them.

This notification is sponsored by the Interstate Compact Victim Notification Service. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The VINE Service

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