Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held in Committee Room 3, County Hall, Morpeth on Monday 6 July 2009 at 10.30am.


Councillor T. N Thorne

(Chairman, in the Chair)


Fearon, JB Romer AC

Gobin, J Swithenbank ICF

Hutchinson JI Taylor, JA

Kelly, P Todd, G

Ledger, D Watkin,RJD


Davey, G


Peter Biggers - Head of Development Management and Building Control

Dick Fraser – Head of Policy and Information

Andy Thom - Principal Solicitor

Karen Ledger - Central Development Manager

Frances Wilkinson – Principal Planner

Sue Birnie - Senior Planning Officer

Sarah Laverick - Planning Officer

Donna Earl - Democratic Services Officer



Apologies were received from Councillors T Brechany, W Daley, S Davey and D Moore.


The Chairman introduced Sue Birnie - Senior Planning Officer to the meeting who explained that at the previous Planning and Environment meeting Members had considered an application regarding the detailed restoration scheme for the open cast coal site at Stobswood. She stated that due to a technical fault with the e-mail system the response from Widdrington Station and Stobswood Parish Council had not been received. However the concerns expressed by the Parish Council had been raised by other residents and had been addressed in the committee report and during the verbal presentation.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held on Tuesday 2 June 2009, as circulated, be confirmed as a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

With an amendment to Minute 4 - Chairman’s Opening Comments. Change the word “proposals” to the Committee to “recommendations” to the Committee.

Add Councillor Todd to the attendance list.


Members and Officers were reminded that if they had a disclosable interest in any item on the Agenda for this Committee meeting, the existence and nature of the interest must be disclosed at the commencement of consideration of the item or when the interest became apparent.

Councillor D Ledger declared a non prejudicial interest in relation to application 09/00075/CCM - Construction of a storage garage at Morpeth Sewage Treatment Works.


The Chairman made reference to the joint site visit to the proposed Wingates and Todd Hill Wind Farm Developments which was scheduled for Friday 17 July 2009. He stressed that this was an important event and that Members should try to attend. He also stated that two public meetings had been arranged. The public meeting into the Wingates application would be held on Monday 20 July 2009 at Wingate Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm. The public meeting into the Todd Hill application was scheduled for Wednesday 22 July 2009 in the Council Chamber, County Hall commencing at 7.00pm.


None to be considered.


The Committee considered the following applications for planning permission which were enclosed with the signed Minutes as Appendix A.

(1) County Matters

(a) 09/00070/CCM Variation to condition 6 of planning permission 06/00155/CCM in respect of the extraction of pulverised fuel ash

and continued deposition of pulverised fuel ash into ash lagoon 3 at Alcan Lynemouth Power Station, Ashington. Frances Wilkinson -Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.

It was moved by Councillor Kelly and seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the proposed variation as set out in the report subject to receipt of no substantive adverse comments from outstanding consultees.

(b) 09/00075/CCM Construction of a storage garage at Morpeth Sewage Treatment Works, Morpeth, Northumberland.

Sarah Laverick, Planning Officer introduced the report. One letter of objection had been received regarding the overall appearance of the site. It was noted that the concerns of the resident were addressed by the recommended conditions.

It was also noted that a condition would also be added regarding the regular maintenance of the boundary fencing.

It was moved by Councillor Kelly and seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.


The Committee then considered the following applications for planning permission which were enclosed with the signed Minutes as Appendix B.

(a)  09/00064/CCD Provision of new Sure Start Children’s Centre on

land adjacent to Ponteland First School, Thornhill Road, Ponteland.

Sarah Laverick, Planning Officer introduced the report. Two letters of representation had been received over the potential increase in traffic. Councillor Kelly made reference to previous applications where traffic/parking on grass verges was also a problem and it had been suggested at the time that railings should be erected outside the schools. Dick Fraser, Head of Policy and Information explained that in this instance railings were not appropriate and that County Highways were working with the school to look at a wider scheme of traffic management measures for the area. He stressed that at school opening / closing times there would not be a great deal of additional movement from the Sure Start building.

It was moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Kelly and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(b) 09/00072/CCD Extension to provide head teacher’s office and interview area at St Mary’s Church of England First School. Newfields, Berwick upon Tweed.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report.

It was moved by Councillor Hutchinson and Seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(c) 09/00073/CCD Creation of car park on existing hard surface, construction of a canopy and erection of pedestrian gates and entrance to Cowpen Road at Horton Grange First School, Cowpen Road, Blyth.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report.

The Committee then heard from Councillor G Davey who had registered to speak as the local Ward Member. He said it was the highways situation was a complicated issue and made reference to the Planning Policy Guidance note 13 (PPG13) which was applied to all new schools. He asked if the Committee would defer making a decision until the wider traffic issues could be addressed. He stressed that Cowpen Road was one of the busiest roads and bus routes in Blyth. It would be really dangerous for parents to park near the school or in the lay-by with such young children and the additional problem of turning right. It was felt that the proposals would have a major impact on Cowpen Road and it was reiterated that a decision should be deferred until the next risk appraisal meeting in August had taken place.

Sue Birnie the Senior Planning Officer stated that PPG13 advised that schools should be located to maximise accessibility by public transport, walking or cycling. The proposals would prevent parents dropping the children off on site and encourage walking and cycling which was in line with sustainable travel policies. It was noted that the County Highways had no objection to the proposals.

Councillor Swithenbank reiterated that this was a busy road and voiced his concerns.

The Central Development Manager explained that no objections had been raised by County Highways to the proposal and that it was considered that the proposals would help to alleviate the current problems at the school access onto Cowpen Road.

Councillor Ledger felt that the proposals were not adequate and felt that the Committee Members needed to see how dangerous the road was and in particular the right turn. He added that he could not support the application in its current form.

Councillor Watkin stated that the issue regarding risk management and finance were dealt with by other departments but here the planning and highway departments were happy with this and he proposed the officer’s recommendation.

The Chairman acknowledged the concerns of the local Members and asked for further comments from the Committee.

Councillor Gobin moved that a decision be deferred until a site visit had taken place which was seconded by Councillor Kelly.

On being put to the vote it was

RESOLVED that that the application be deferred until a site visit had taken place.

(d) 09/00074/CCD removal of existing mobile units and replacement with 2 double units at Alnwick Duches High school, Alnwick, Northumberland.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report.

It was moved by Councillor Taylor and duly seconded and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(e) 09/00076/CCD removal of existing structure and creation of extension to provide new nursery facilities at Allendale First School, Shilburn Road, Allendale.

Sarah Laverick introduced the report. It was noted the County Highways had no objections and Allendale Parish Council supported the application.

It was moved by Councillor Kelly and seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to conditions, outlined in the report.

(f) 09/00077/CCD creation of a new food technology room, link corridor and lobby and additional external canopy at Ovingham Middle School, Ovingham, Prudhoe.

Sarah Laverick introduced the report.

It was moved by Councillor Kelly and seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to conditions, outlined in the report.

(g) 09/00078/LBC provide a full height aluminium framed glazed partition to school hall, to provide timber stud partition to existing ICT room and create doorway opening into hall at Hexham Sele First School, Hexham.

Sarah Laverick introduced the report. No objections had been received.

It was moved by Councillor Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Fearon and

RESOLVED that the Secretary of Sate be advised that the County Planning Authority raised no objections to the Listed Building Consent being granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(h) 09/00079/CCD Extension to provide training room, gym and entrance lobby and proposed car park at Allendale Fire Station, Shilburn Road, Allendale.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report. Members were notified that the Allendale Parish Council supported the application.

It was moved by Councillor Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(I) 09/00080/CCD Construction of a 2.4 metre high boundary fence with gate at Wansbeck First School, Wansbeck Road, Ashington.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report.

Councillor Kelly asked about the design of the fence. In response Sue Birnie Senior Planning Officer explained that it would be a high solid mesh fence without an aggressive top. A general discussion ensued regarding the proposed fencing.

It was moved by Councillor Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Watkin and

RESOLVED that permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.

(j) 09/00081/CCD variation of condition 1 of planning permission 04/00124/CCD to retain the mobile classroom until July 2014 at Hexham Queen Elisabeth High School, Whetstone Bridge Road, Hexham, Northumberland.

Sarah Laverick Planning Officer introduced the report.

It was moved by Councillor Fearon and duly seconded and

RESOLVED the permission be granted for the reasons, and subject to the conditions, outlined in the report.


Members considered the following reports which were enclosed with the signed Minutes at Appendix C.

(1) Strategy for the Monitoring and Enforcement of Planning Control

Peter Biggers, Head of Development Management and Building Control, introduced the report and explained that one of the main proposals was to introduce a consistent approach to monitoring and enforcement and have a standardised approach across the Authority. He made reference to some concerns raised by enforcement officers which hopefully would be addressed in the strategy.

The Officer stated that the full draft was attached at Annex A. It was a detailed report that covered re-active work, pro-active work and monitoring. It was noted that a summary leaflet would be produced for Members in due course.

In relation to the re-active work it was noted that on being notified of a complaint the authority would prioritise at three different levels. These were highlighted in the report.

Members were advised that only some of the former local authorities had undertaken proactive enforcement work. It was stressed that the time spent on pro-active work would save time later in less re-active work.

The report referred to the monitoring process that would be undertaken and the need for effective monitoring of Section 106 agreements.

The Officer added that any staff reductions would have an impact on response times and this would need to be addressed.

Councillor Watkin raised a number of concerns in relation to officer safety and felt that the local Councillor needed to be notified of any enforcement issues affecting their ward.

Councillor Kelly welcomed the need for harmony and consistency and made reference to previous cases and noted how recent cases pre-empted action and old cases had not. The Officer explained that some issues had gone unobserved or were over a long period of time. This would be addressed but would take time.

Councillor Swithenbank referred to paragraph 2.8 of the report and in particular the reference to work being undertaken within 5 - 10 working days or 10 - 20 working days and felt that the wording should be changed to read within 10 days or within 20 days.

A further discussion followed on the level of staff resources within the DM service and the implications this would have on the service provided. It was advised that resources were an issue for the service but that there was potential for more flexibility now within the service for a cross over in enforcement and planning staff depending on work loads.

Councillor Taylor moved the recommendation to accept the report, which was seconded by Councillor Watkin.

RESOLVED that the proposed Development Management Enforcement Strategy be adopted for publication and for the implementation by the Development Management Central and Area Teams with immediate effect.

(2) Development Management Charter

Karen Ledger, Central Development Manager, introduced the report and explained that the Charter sought to align all the DM procedures with a consistent approach to the handling of Development Management across the service. She made reference to the full draft Charter which was attached at Annex A of the report. She proceeded to give a synopsis of the Charter and explained that in time a leaflet would be produced for the public.