Northern Approach Road Estate

Mile End, Colchester

Revised landscape scheme for the central spine running north-south from Dickenson Road to Stevens Close.


The design of the landscaping provided by the original developer was of poor quality, which combined with poor installation has resulted in a site which has proven difficult and costly to maintain. Many species of plant have been inappropriately selected or planted for their position which leads to further management difficulties.


To provide an improved landscape scheme through this central spine of the estate which is sustainable, both from a practical maintenance and cost position it is necessary to make some changes. There are some areas where the current landscaping can be retained and enhanced by altering some adjacent areas. However, in some areas it is necessary to remove the current planting and re-landscape in a more appropriate way. In some areas this will result in removal of ground cover or other shrub planting, replacing instead with some formal hedging. In other areas the poor landscaping will need to be removed and replaced with close mown grass. In all areas, measures will be taken to prevent unwanted vehicle access to the frontages of properties along the central spine.

The attached plans show the landscaping along the central spine broken down into 5 areas with a plan showing the proposed layout for each section.

Area 1 – 27 Dickenson Road to 7 Shepherd Drive

Much of the landscaping in this area has suffered from desire lines resulting in the planting being trampled. Perennial weeds have proliferated where shrub planting has died.

Existing shrub planting is to be retained where it protects walls from ball games and graffiti, but will otherwise be removed and put to turf. Alongside the private footpath serving 7 to 17 Shepherd Drive we propose to plant a small formal hedge (0.9m max height) bolstered with a hidden wire fence within the prevent desire lines. The frontages of 21 to 27 Shepherd Drive will be planted with formal hedges (0.9m max height).

Area 2 – 16 Shepherd Drive to 1 Hakewill Way

Poorly designed and installed the planting in this area suffers from extensive perennial weed growth which is impossible to keep under control and planting management which is inappropriate due to the poor design and planting.

Some of the existing planting can be retained along the eastern side in this area, however the frontages of 26 to 30 Shepherd Drive will need to be cleared and formal hedges planted behind new turf areas. Similarly to Area 1, new formal hedges of various species will be planted to the front of properties on the western side (16 to 24) and in front of the wall south of 24 Shepherd Drive.

Area 3 – 2 to 47 Hakewill Way

Much of the shrub planting opposite 31 to 47 Hakewill Way will be retained and will be bolstered with some additional planting to create a low maintenance shrub area. The frontages of 2 to 8 Hakewill Way will be cleared of the ground cover shrub planting, laid to turf with formal hedges (0.9m max height) fronting close to the pavement.

Area 4 – opposite 51 to 10 Hakewill Way

The shrub planting in this area has struggled to establish and out compete the perennial weeds.

In this area it is proposed to plant a formal hedge along the boundary with 10 Hakewill Way (0.9m max height) with some suitable low growing shrub planting atop the slope. The old existing hedge line opposite 51 to 59 Hakewill Way will be retained and gapped up. A new formal hedge will be planted along the boundary of the pumping station with a couple of suitable standard trees planted in the forward area which will be laid to turf. The bird mouth fencing will remain to prevent unwanted parking.

Area 5 –83 to 113 Hakewill Way

Poor plant choice and positioning have produced a landscape which will never be easy to maintain or aesthetically pleasing.

We propose to remove the inappropriate shrub planting opposite 83 to 111 Hakewill Way and replace with 3 small beds of appropriate shrub planting, with 3 small standard trees and a formal hedge to the rear against the wall fo railings behind 97 to 107 Hakewill Way.

Formal hedges

We propose to us a number of different types of formal hedge outside some of the properties so that there is variation along the central spine of the estate.

Where the hedge is immediately to the front of a property the hedge will be maintained (by Colchester Borough Council) on at least 2 occasions each year (later spring/early summer and autumn) to a maximum height of no more than 0.9m (3ft).

Where the hedge planting is designed to protect a wall or fence the hedge will be maintained (by Colchester Borough Council) on at least 2 occasions each year (later spring/early summer and autumn), but will be allowed to reach an appropriate height to provide the required protection for the wall of fence.

Species we consider appropriate for property frontages are:

Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium)

Golden Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium ‘Auream’)

Euonymus ‘Blondy’ (Euonymus fortuneii ‘Blondy’)

Suitable for an informal hedge.

Lavender ‘Munstead’ (Lavenudula angustifolia ‘Munstead’)

Species we consider appropriate for protecting walls and fences are:

Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’

Griselinia littoralis

Viburnum tinus

Berberis ‘Darwinii’