September 19, 2012
Visit the MAC website at ct.gov/MAC
Ram Aberasturia, MAC Chair,called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. and thanked those in attendance for their participation.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of August 15, 2012 were distributed electronically via the list serv. A motion was made andunanimously passed to approve the minutes, as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was distributed electronically via the list serv. Claudia Helfgott, Treasurer, reported that the balance is $1,588.37 as of August 31, 2012, following a $100 deposit paid out for a Managers Day speaker. The Treasurer’s report was accepted unanimously, as submitted.
Committee Reports
Credentials. In Ellen Carter’s absence, there was no report.
Old Business
Speakers and Logistics. Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor will speak at the October 17 meeting on Education Reform at 10:00 a.m. There will be pre-registration for the event and Peggy Zabawar will coordinate and send out an announcement prior to the event.
Orientation Committee. Peggy Zabawar indicated that there was nothing new to report.
Web Site/Communications Committee. The website is being updated with minutes, and will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.
Legislative Committee. For informational purposes, Ram Aberasturia reported that an OLR Backgrounder report was issued on July 10, 2012 concerning State Employees Longevity Pay, R-0260
Managers Day Planning Committee. Registration for the September 28, 2012 event is now closed. Speakers will be Governor Malloy, Comptroller Lembo, Commissioner DeFronzo, Deputy Commissioner Anderson, John Rappa, Ray East, and Joyce Saltman. Peggy Zabawar will send out an email reminder requesting donations of children’s books and advising as to the availability of receipts the day of the event only. The International Public Management Association (IPMA) will have a table with brochures for outreach to potential members.
Minutes of the Management Advisory Council
September 19, 2012
Page 2
Meeting with Lieutenant Governor/Position Statement. A meeting was held with the Lieutenant Governor and MAC officers on August 20, 2012. The discussion focused on issues raised in the Position Statement, such as salary compression, disparity in job security and benefits, as well as the perceived need for MAC to be proactive in outreach by its members. Further meetings will be sought with administration officials.
Other Old Business. There was no other Old Business.
New Business
Nominating Committee. A proposed slate of MAC officers was presented by Tom Crafa, Nominating Committee Chair:
Ram Aberasturia, Chair
Elisa Nahas, Vice Chair
Claudia Helfgott, Treasurer
Elise Kremer, Secretary
Nominations were solicited from the floor; there were none made. The election of officers will be held at the October 17, 2012meeting.
Other New Business. The next DASNew Manager Orientation Program for 48 new state managers will begin on September 20, 2012. Peggy Zabawar will make a presentation concerning MAC at the October 11, 2012 program module.
The meeting was adjourned at10:30 a.m. The list of those in attendance at the September 19, 2012 meetingis attached below and ishereby made a part of these minutes.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room B at the Department of Transportation. Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor is scheduled to speak on Education Reform at 10:00 a.m. at the October meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Elisa Nahas
MAC Representative for the
Department of Consumer Protection
September 19, 2012
Administrative ServicesPeggy ZabawarA
BankingClaudia Helfgott, TreasurerR
Children and FamiliesDebi FreundR
Consumer ProtectionElisa NahasR
EducationChris BeloffR
EducationDeb ParadisA
LaborRam Aberasturia, ChairR
LaborStephen RomanoA
Revenue ServicesTom CrafaR