Junior Certificate Section 3 Part 3.

Judaism: Entering into the Covenant

Circumcision is the way in which a Jewish boy becomes a Jew. The Hebrew name for this rite of passage is Beritat Milah (The Covenant of Circumcision) or Berito Shel Avraham Avinu (The Covenant of Our father Abraham). This is the first commandment of the Jewish, people; it was given even before the Ten Commandments.

This rite is performed on the eight day after the birth of the baby. If the baby is not healthy it may be postponed but cannot take place any earlier. If it endangers the life of the child (for example if he has haemophilia) it is not performed but the child is still considered fully Jewish. The ceremony takes place in the child’s home. It was traditional to have a minyan (ten Jewish men are needed in order to say the public prayers) present. Also present are relatives and friends. The rite takes place in front of the men. The baby is held in the lap of one of the men and he is called the Sandek. It is a great honour to be asked to be the Sandek. The father is the one who performs the circumcision but if he is unqualified he asks a professional person to do this. This person is known as the Mohel. The father asks the Mohel to carry out the rite on his behalf. Also present is the Kvater which is rather like a godfather. Candles are lit throughout the rite.

After the rite has been performed the child is given a name. This is his Hebrew name and is used in all religious matters. The people present then have a meal together. On the first Sabbath following the circumcision the father is called upon to read from the Torah in the synagogue.

For a girl there is much less ritual. It is still a time for rejoicing but is centred round the naming of the child which usually takes place after the father has been called up to read from the Torah.


What is a Covenant?

Why is the rite is called the “Covenant of Our Father Abraham”?

Why do you think the rite is not carried out if it endagers the life of the child, even though this is the most important rite in Judaism?

Why do you think it is a great honour to be asked to be the Sandek?

Do you see any similarities between this rite and any other rites of initiation that you know?

Read these two Biblical references Genesis Chapter 17 verses10-12, and Genesis chapter 21 verse 4. Write a short note on the origin of this rite.