Registration Fees: $50.00 Nurses, Pharmacists, and other Health CareProfessionals; $20.00 Full Time Students; Late Fee after the deadline of September 21, 2008 is $85.00 Please Note: Registration will not be processed without full payment. All cancellations must be in writing. Refunds, less a $20.00 administration charge, will be given until September 21, 2008. We reserve the right to cancel or change a speaker for due cause. For more information contact: Karen Watzka at (920) 433-8488
Please complete the NEWONS registration form and return it with your check or credit card information (payable to NEWONS) to: Karen Watzka, St. Vincent’s Cancer Care 835 S. Van Buren Ave. Green Bay, WI54307-3508
Northeastern Wisconsin Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society Fall Conference Planning Committee 2008
Roberta Baxter RN BSN OCN Jason Buxell B.A. Victoria Eggebrecht RN MS OCN Dale Grimmer RN MS AOCN Michelle Hamre RN BSN Patti Heisel RN BSN OCN Karen Klarkowski RN OCN Ken Nakielski RPh Lisa Wright RN OCN Elisabeth Yogerst RN OCN
Northeastern Wisconsin Oncology Nursing Society (NEWONS) a chapter of Oncology Nursing Society
FRIDAY October 3, 2008 SC Grand 1250 Midvalley Drive DePere, WI. 54115 920-330-9901
Please join us for a day of learning, networking and inspiration!
● Describe three pain intervention options for the patient with acute exacerbation of their chronic cancer pain. ●State how opioid rotation can be achieved safely and effectively. ●Discuss the principles of effectively communicating bad news to patients and their families. ●.Recognize the importance of prophylaxis and treatment of VTE in cancer patients ●Identify the appropriate management procedures for prophylactically controlling acute and delayed nausea and vomiting. ● Summarize three treatment interventions for rash associated with targeted therapies.
Continuing Education St Vincent-Organizational Development will provide 5.6 nursing contact hours. St.Vincent Hospital-Organizational Development, Green Bay is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Wisconsin Nurses Association Continuing Education Approval Program Committee, an accredited approver by the AmericanNursesCredentialingCenter’s Commission on Accreditation. Approval of this education activity by the St. Vincent Hospital Continuing Education Approver Unit does not imply product endorsement nor does St. VincentHospital assumeresponsibility for the educational content.
7:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:00 am Welcome 8:15 am Rowena SchwartzPhD BCOP State of the Art in Managing Pain John Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland. 9:15 am John Swanson Jr. MD Communicating Bad News ThedaCare Appleton, Wisconsin 10:05 am Morning break 10:35 am Rita Wickman Phd,RN,ACON Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Keeping Aim on a Moving Target Rush University Chicago,Illinois 11:35am Lunch 12:55 pm David FramePharm D* Coagulopathy Challenges in the Cancer Patient University of Michigan Ann Arbor,Michigan 1:45 pm Sandra Kurtin RN, MS, APNP EGFR-Inhibitors Dermatologic Associated Toxicities: Nursing Implications University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 2:45 pm Break 3:00 pm Scott Burton The Personal Side of Humor and Cancer Minneapolis, Minnesota. 4:00 pmEvaluations
*Supported by a Grant from Celgene
Credit Card Type (check One) Visa____ MasterCard ______Discover______Name______(as it appears on credit card) Card #______Expiration Date:______CVN#______-last 3 digits from back of card in signature area - Name :______Credentials:______Address:______City:______State/ Zip: ______Phone:______E- mail address:______Place of employment______If you are registering as a full time student please indicate school and contact number School______#______
As a courtesy to our presenters and attendees, all cell phones and pagers are to be turned off or in vibrate mode during the presentations.