The Stokesley
Pride-in-our-Town Association
Attending – Linda Purnell, Eric and Jill Lee, Frank Cuthbert, Derek Whiting, George Carter, Fred Lee and Mike Irving.
Apologies – Lovaine Irving, Ingrid Burrows and Joe Richardson.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read
Matters Arising – A letter is to be sent to the Parish Council re the optimum times for weedkilling to be carried out.
The Memorial seat – A seat has been ordered from Marshall’s and can be stored by them until required. Further estimates are to be sought regarding erecting the seat. Mr Peacock will be approached in this regard. The position is hoped to be behind Chapters Hotel on the riverbank, the existing seat there to be relocated further along to the east end. Eric Lee will approach Mr Peacock.
Winter Planting – Thursday28th October – Ziggurat – War Memorial and Springfield roundabout will be planted. Thursday 4th November the Manor House Wall and the Town signs will be done and Thursday 11th the planting of the bulbs will take place.
The Rotary crocuses will now be planted in Hutton Rudby.
The Litter Picking Day will take place as planned on 13th November commencing at 9.0 a.m. Tea and coffee vouchers which may be redeemed at the Church Fair in the Stokesley Room in the Town Hall, will be issued to all helpers. Helpers will be given guidance upon which route to take. Fred Lee will arrange for the removal of the bags of rubbish from the Mill Wheel car park.
AOB It was decided to purchase three new sack barrows before next September in time for the removal of the tubs for Show Week. This is to save our work force from having do the heavy lifting.
Mrs Purnell will consult with Rainbow Nurseries regarding next year’s summer planting with special attention to the advance preparation required. The planting will be as follows - Springfield roundabout, the Manor House Wall – Choleus, pink geraniums and begonia semper florens. Town Signs begonias. Cenotaph begonias and geraniums.
The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m. NEXT MEETING MONDAY NOVEMBER 22ND AT 7.30 P.M.