Northeast Florida Dressage Association, Inc.

Board meeting/General membership meeting

July 16, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:40pm at Panera bread company

Board Members Present: Kate Johnson, Michelle Velasco, Shantel Brooks, Lisa Beardsley, Carolyn Belcher, Barbara Turner, Lynnette Wadsworth, Carol Ellmaker.

Members present: Jill Amburgey, Linda Dennis, Cassidy Spurgeon, Hanna Grim

Old Business: No old business

Treasurer’s Report: Balance sheet/profit loss presented. New items included the new dressage arenas which are shown as a fixed asset, cost split between NFDA and DOFTC Accounts. Summer series are showing a profit, details will be completed after August show. Final accounting of DOFTC April 2013 shows a total net profit of $4,305.

Motion to accept treasurer’s report as submitted- Passed


Carolyn reports that the online renewal process appears to be working correctly at this time as all deposits made in PayPal have also generated membership applications.

Jill A suggested that for next year we consider doing a membership renewal/new member promotion where people get a “freebie” for renewal of membership by a certain date. (Hat, shavings, coupon book).

Show Committee:

Next show in summer series is Aug 17, at CCAC. Leslie Sullivan & Kathy Daly are judging.

Planning to do Clinic with Kathy following the show.

September show –Julie O’Neill may be able to do a lecture or clinic on biometrics.

Discussion followed regarding logistics of ring set up and whether having ring set up be paid as opposed to volunteer would be better.

Pros: Difficult to get volunteers especially on Friday early. Would take some stress off Volunteer Coordinator as this is sometimes hardest position to fill, unexperienced volunteers sometimes actually make process more difficult.

Cons: Would take away an opportunity for volunteers.

Discussion was tabled at this time for further input at next meeting.

Old Rings: Lisa presented a proposal regarding what to do with the old rings.

Motion: Raffle off one arena with older set of letters at $25 per ticket with Drawing at October schooling show. Must be a member to buy tickets.

Further discussion regarding details followed along with discussion regarding Lisa’s proposal to use the second older arena for a loaner. Further discussion was tabled until legal aspects of loaning the arena were explored..

2014 Board

Three Board positions will be open as well as all officer positions. Current Board members at large that will be staying: Carolyn Belcher, Lynnette Wadsworth, Lisa Beardsley.

Nominations Committee will include One Board member not up for re-election, and one member not running for office.

Lynnette Wadsworth (Board Member),Cassidy Spurgeon(member) Agreed to serve as nominations committee.

Announcements will be put in newsletter and online. Also could put a link on facebook.

Voting can be done online.


Spring Series awards are Set up for the Aug 17th show. Results are posted online. We have 5 Champions and 7 Reserve Champions.

Summer Series was not on awards rules since it was planned after the start of the year. Some board members would like to do awards for summer. Kate requested that it be place on agenda for next meeting (August).


Cassidy Spurgeon & Hanna Grimm presented a request for possible sponsorship to aid in costs involved with going to 4H regional championships in July.

Discussion followed regarding the fact that budgeted money for scholarships in the amount of $250 per quarter has not been awarded this year. Also the Jean Ruth Scholarship has not yet been awarded for 2013.

Motion: Designate fall scholarship to Cassidy Spurgeon to Attend 4H regional.

Motion Passed unanimously

Motion: Use funds from Jean Ruth Scholarship Jr fund in the amount of $250 for Hanna Grimm to attend 4H regionals.

Motion Passed unanimously.

Both Hanna & Cassidy will complete appropriate paperwork in the scholarship application to proceed and will submit to the president & scholarship chair.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm