HartlandHigh School Football Parents Club
Meeting Minutes—May 9, 2011
In Attendance:
Donna Hamby—Junior Team Mom (Varsity)
Kris Ostermiller—Senior Team Mom(Varsity)
Heather Lovern—Team Mom (JV)
Dolores Fritts--President
Carol Shaw—Vice President
Scarlet Hall—Treasurer
Nancy Gigliotti—Asst. Treasurer
Matt Lenart
Coach Marcus Dukes
Greg Kovach
Joanne Kovach
Call to Order—7:00 p.m.
Coach’s Report—May 23, 2011 Nike fitting day. Nike reps will be sizing for merchandise, shoes, etc. We are under no obligation to Nike for extra merchandise. Required items from Nike will be a practice jersey and game socks. Other items will be available. Coach Dukes will hopefully get an order form in advance and pass it along to team moms.
Memorial Day—Athletic Department will be having water and possibly other items. All high school athletes are encouranged to help with this endeavor. Mr. Reck discussed the possibility of a monetary donation to the sport that has the most participation.
Rake N Run—22 boys participated in the Rake N Run volunteer event. Coach Dukes was very please with turnout—it was the best so far. Boys did a great job cleaning up yards and even hauling dried cement bags from someone’s basement. They had a good time helping area residents.
EMU Football Game—There will be a pre-sell for tickets for the first Varsity game of the season to be held at EasternMichiganUniversity on August 26, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. The game is part of a promotion that EMU is doing. Expect to see details advertised this summer. Coach Dukes will check into whether tickets will need to be purchased for JV and Freshman players but his initial thought is that parents should include JV or Freshman football sibilings when they get the pre-sell tickets. Coach Dukes does not believe the underclassman teams will be able to be on the field as there is another high school game immediately following our game.
Hudl Football Software—Coach Dukes is willing to do an in-service on the Hudl program so that parents can utilize the program to assist with making videos for college prospects if there is an interest/need. Many players already seem to be able to navigate through with no problems but indicated there is a lot more that can utilized. Will also offer a link to Hudl to Matt for HHSFPC website (HartlandFootball.net).
Discount Cards—Greg and Joanne Kovach—delivered over 800 discount cards. Also gave some ideas for selling the cards and how to do it quickly. Stressed the need for Thank you letters and well organized distribution for selling. Discussion among those present resulted in directive to have Nancy collect ideas from everyone and Nancy will organize a list and send out for getting the cards sold. Nancy to send out the Thank yous to the businesses that participated.
Minutes—previously approved via email
Treasurer’s Report—no financial activity in April. Balance in bank account $3,353.13. There is also $92.95 in petty cash. The non-profit e-card filing that was due 5/15/2011 was completed. Kris motioned to approve. Nancy 2nd.
Board Member Input—Carol reported she called Anna regarding our getting a concession night. The FPC is now in the “drawing” that will be held in June. She indicated we could get either a Freshman/JV or Varsity night and we’d just have parents from the opposite night work the concessions so that game(s) could be watched by parents of the players in the game.
Discussion with coach(es) regarding getting some more involvement from them on fundraising and support was held with positive results. Coach(es) seemed very receptive to this.
Dolores complimented the website progress. Discussion was held regarding the “Store” and merchandise on the site. Need to determine where to direct orders—team moms or direct order like a Pay Pal Service.
Old Business
Open Positions—Freshman Team Mom—Dolores spoke with Mr. Livingway at OCMS regarding getting flyers sent home with students regarding need for team mom. Beth Economo (sp) expressed interest in helping but Dolores was unsure if she meant as team mom or not. Will look into. Merchandise—Matt offered to look into other merchandise supplier(s) for merchandise but does not want to store anything or haul anything to and from games. Prefer an online process. It is hoped that a volunteer will step up once Matt gets the initial work out of the way.
Discount Cards—see above special report. Carol offered to call WalMart regarding the match the Kovach’s mentioned and the possibility of selling the cards in front of their store.
Outback—Dolores spoke with Brent. New process for fundraiser: he will require the $500.00 advertisement like last time as well as $500.00 to cover cost of food. Total of $1,000.00 right off the bat. There is the potential to make approximately $1600.00 off this. Matt suggested we do an auction or raffle type thing to beef up the “fun-factor” as well as our profit. Dolores will contact Brent Rolli (810-225-2109) to secure Sept 10 as our date with our 2nd choice being Sept 17th. Will also check around to see if other restaurants do anything like Outback and will also look into Hartland Football Nights at various other establishments.
New Business
Memorial Day—Dolores will speak with Coach Dukes regarding his expectation for participation in the Memorial Day events for the Athletic Department.
Motion to adjourn at 9:04 by Dolores. Seconded by Nancy.