Northampton County Park and Ride
Snow and Ice Removal Statement of Work
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as the Department, requires snow and ice removal services at the Northampton County Service Locations listed below to be performed by a Contractor consistent with all Department standard operating procedures, OSHA safety requirements, and applicable Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations for the protection of the public health and the environment.
This service will be for a period of three (3) months per year, and is being solicited for a five-year period, with no renewal. A 2% increase will automatically be allotted each year. The contract bid will consist of one price each per month, per location. The contractor will only be required to perform the following services during the months of January, February, and March.
The Department reserves the right, upon notice to the Contractor, to extend the term of the purchase order under the same terms and conditions for up to ninety (90) days. This extension will only be utilized to prevent a lapse in service coverage to enter into a new purchase order.
The Contractor shall provide the Department with all necessary contact information including business phone, cell phone, and fax numbers; and e-mail address prior to the start of any work.
All necessary permits and fees required to execute the services outlined in this Statement of Work will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Such permits and fees will be incidental to the lump sum contract bid price. No additional payments will be made by the Department for permits and fees incurred by the Contractor.
Northampton County Service Locations:
1. Hellertown Park and Ride, Located on both the north and south side of Silvex Road in Hellertown, Pennsylvania. To include the sidewalks under the I-78 bridge, SR 412, Southbound.
2. William Penn Park and Ride, Located on William Penn Highway, east of Route 33 in Bethlehem Township, Pennsylvania.
Interested Contractors are urged to visit the sites prior to placing bids. For further information on the location of the sites, contact Ray Boronyak, District Roadside Specialist, at 610-871-4139.
Description of Work
The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, personnel, and materials for snow and ice removal at the location(s) listed above under “Northampton County Service Locations”.
Snow and Ice Removal
Description - This work is the removal of snow and ice, and application of snow and ice melting materials from the parking areas and sidewalks. Sodium Chloride shall be used for the parking areas and Calcium Chloride shall be used on the sidewalks. Materials used shall not be mixed with cinders, sand, or other carriers. Snow and ice melting materials shall be 100% Calcium Chloride and 100% Sodium Chloride.
The Contractor shall provide snow removal equipment to efficiently maintain safe passage of the parking areas and sidewalks prior to, during, and after each snow and ice event. Do not block any inlets with snow and ice. Snow may be piled in an area approved by the Northampton County Manager or designee. Equipment may be left at the park and ride lots in an area approved by the Northampton County Manager or designee. Any equipment left onsite is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. All costs incurred as a result of theft or damage caused to equipment left onsite will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor will be responsible for all phases of snow and ice removal and treatment. All snow and ice on paved or concrete surfaces shall be completely cleared not more than 24 hours after the event has concluded. This excludes any location the contractor has been granted permission by the Northampton County Manager to pile cleared snow.
During a snow or ice event, the Contractor shall regularly patrol the parking lots and maintain safe passage of the entryways, aisles, walkways, sidewalks and handicapped accessible areas.
The Contractor will be required to remove snow and ice from parking stalls. This may require working during the overnight hours when car volumes are at their lowest.
All snow and ice melting materials, fuels and lubricants will be incidental to the contract bid price. No additional payments will be made by the Department for any additional materials needed to satisfy the requirements of this Statement of Work.
Should icy conditions result from the melting of piles of snow during warmer periods followed by freezing temperatures, the Contractor will be required to provide ice melting materials to maintain safe passage of all paved and concrete areas mentioned above.
Safety Requirements
The Contractor shall perform all specified work with the knowledge that the Park and Ride areas are open to the public year-around, 24 hours per day.
Special precautions shall be taken by the Contractor when snow plows, spreaders, and other power equipment near parked vehicles. The Contractor, at their sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for any damage they cause to equipment, Department property, and private property within the above mentioned service location(s). Any damages to curbs and sidewalks by the Contractor shall be repaired by the Contractor at their sole cost and expense in compliance with PennDOT Publication 408 dated April 1, 2011 or the most recent edition.
Hard hats, safety vests, and protective eyewear should be worn by all personnel.
The Contractor shall comply with all State and Federal laws, and OSHA safety requirements.
Each day that work is performed, the Department’s M-609 form shall be filled out in triplicate by the Contractor and submitted to the Northampton County Manager or designee, and shall serve as proof of work being completed as described in the above Statement of Work. Work will be paid in three (3) monthly installments each equal to 1/3rd the lump sum contract bid price. On the 30th day of each month (28th for February) the Contractor shall submit to the Northampton County Manager or designee a confirmation of Services Form (Form OS-501) via fax or e-mail. The M-609 and OS-501 forms will be supplied to the awarded Contractor by the Department. At this time, the Contractor may also send their official invoice to the address in the “Please Bill To” block on the first page of the executed Purchase Order.
Invoices will be made out to the following address and mailed to this address:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Po Invoice
P.O. Box 69180
Harrisburg, PA 17106
Liquidated Damages
This section is in accordance with the Invitation for Bids (IFB) Terms and Conditions for liquidated damages and as well is stated within the Statement of Work (SOW). The Contractor is required too satisfactorily complete the awarded purchase order in accordance with the terms and conditions and attached specifications. If the purchase order is not complete and accepted by the Department, the Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages in accordance with the terms and conditions of the IFB.
If the awarded Contractor fails to deliver services as specified in this Statement of Work, the Department will document these deficiencies and may process a Contractor Responsibility Program (CRP) entry. Doing so will greatly limit the Contractor from doing business with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Insurance is required as specified in the general contract document.
This section is in accordance with the Invitation for Bids (IFB) and Conditions for Insurance Certificate requirements. The Contractor shall submit to the County Equipment Manager or his/her designee within ten (10) days of notification of their successful bid, a copy of their insurance certificate in adherence to the OS-52 Insurance Requirements.
The policy must provide 30-day advance notice to the Department of Transportation (a third party/additional insured) prior to cancellation.
The Contractor is to comply with all Commonwealth standard terms and conditions.
The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals/bids or to advertise for new proposals. IFB; in the best interest of the Commonwealth will be promoted thereby.
The contractor must comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as applicable and as may be set forth by PennDOT, covering work specified in this contract; in addition, must secure all permits and pay all required fees