Curriculum Overview 2016-17 – Year 1
Subject / Autumn term / Spring term / Summer termOverall Topic / Ourselves / Superheroes / Mad Science / Dinosaurs / How does your garden grow? / Holidays
Literacy / Writing sentences, Using punctuation correctly, Using conjunctions / Traditional tales, Recounts, The Owl and the Pussycat, / Stories from the same author (Mr Men), Fantasy Stories,
Mathematics / Number and Place value Addition and Subtraction 2-D and 3-D shape / Number and Place value Addition and Subtraction / Number and Place value Mass/weight2-D and 3-D Shape Counting and Money Multiplication Division Length and Mass/weight Addition and Subtraction Fractions Position and Direction Time / Number and Place value Addition and Subtraction Capacity and Volume Fractions Position and Direction2-D and 3-D shape Time Multiplication and Division Subtraction - difference Measurement Sorting
Science / Body Parts
Healthy Eating
Origins of Food / Materials
Light / Identify and name animals
Compare structure of animals / Naming plants
Describe structure of plants
History / First plane flight
Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong / Thomas Edison / Seaside holidays then and now
Geography / Name and locate 7 continents and 5 oceans / Using maps – North, South, East, West / Seasonal changes
Weather in the 4 seasons / Non EU comparison
Hot and cold areas
DT / Fruit salads / Making a cape / Designing a robot
ICT / Word Processing / Control / Animation & sound
Art / Self portraits
Andy Warhol / Seasonal Paintings / Matisse collage / Clay statues
Music / Using charanga
get in the groove / Xmas play
Whoops-a-Daisy Angel / Music Express
The long and short of it / Using charanga
Rhythm in the way walk and the banana rap. / Music Express
Taking Off / Using charanga
Hey You!
RE / Harvest and the Jewish festival of Sukkot / God and Creation
Why do we give and receive gifts? / Jesus was special / Easter -
Celebrating life / What is a saint? / Why is baptism special?
PE / Gym/Ball skills / Dance/Ball skills/ Team games / Athletics