Meeting held at Leigh Miners Welfare

Roll Call Absent –Aston Bears,Aspull New Springs, Bank Quay, ChesterGladiators, Crosfields,

Folly Lane,HaydockWarriors,Leyland Warriors, RochdaleCobras, Salford City Roosters, South Trafford, Westhoughton Lions,WidnesMoorfield, Wigan St Cuthberts, Wigan St Patricks, Blackpool

Littleborough, Mancunians

Fines in line with association rules will be applied.

1Minutes of previous meeting– The minutes were read out andaccepted as a true record.Apologies were given for the lateness of the minutes being put on the website.

2Matters arising–to be dealt with within framework of meeting. Members were advised that the Safeguarding presentation is to be re-arranged.

3Registrations – David gave cards to several clubs

4Disciplinary Panel Update

JD pointed out that several complaints have now been dealt with and that he hopes to resolve all issues in near future.

An email he had received was read out (no names mentioned) which highlighted the lack of understanding of the ethos of this league with a coach wishing to claim a win and points for an under 7s game that could not be played. As the coach has not been willing to discuss/meet with JD it was pointed out that a disciplinary is to be arranged and that the coach could have his badge suspended.

JD again re-iterated that this league wishes to encourage the development of the game and that:

  • heavy fines and in some cases the suspension of coaching badges with be imposed if a ‘coach to win’ attitude continues to be adopted by some
  • several issues on facebook areto be addressed by the disciplinary panel – abusive remarks about other individuals/coaches will not be tolerated
  • RFL will be using their power to close facebook pages that are not complying with guidance etc. – Clubs saying they are top of league (when there isn’t a league at this age) will not be tolerated.

Discussion took place about several issues including:

  • Possibility that entering scores on website is contributing to increased competitiveness
  • Coaches not ensuring that all players get equal play time

Whilst appreciating that it is a minority causing problems and all were reminded that:

  • Entering scores on the league republic website is to provide an indication of a team’s ability.This assists with groupings and is not to develop a league table. Instances of away teams disagreeing about scores and amending the results entered by the home team have been experienced and will not be tolerated - league administrators can see when figures entered and by who.
  • Complaints from parents have been received about players not being treated fairly. Playing perceived better players for longer than those seen as weak does little to develop and retain players and therefore all were reminded to ensure all children are treated fairly. Coaches who do not comply will be disciplined.
  • If parents are problem – wanting winners etc. – then league willing to help explain ethos etc and meet with parents and discuss parents handbook.

In light of comments made it was agreed that:

  • for the Newbies no scores will be entered on the league republic with the views of coaches being entered in the notes as to the abilty of the teams (e.g. were they well matched or was one dominant etc,)
  • Web site developer to be asked about hiding results from Team administrators to stop league tables being created (known that one individual has done this and boasted about teams position)

JD pointed out that he now has a good team helping with disciplinary issues and observing games, especially those games with teams involved who have been highlighted as being problematic. Teams cannot pick and choose who they play – if a team is reluctant to play a game against a team they have experienced problems with previously they should speak to the league so that JD can arrange to be present.

Reports of u10s stamping on opposition at a festival are to be investigated.

Concerns were expressed by JD that feedback form meetings is not being shared with coaches etc. All were asked to share details of the meeting.

JD pointed out that he recently observed a game between West Bank and Woolston and was impressed with the outstanding performance of the players and the atmosphere created by the spectators.

5Finals Day

MD explained that all had enjoyed the day and congratulated all participants on the standard of play. Ince Rose Bridge, Salford City, Orrell St James Gold and Ryland Sharks were winners and Westhoughton , Bank Quay ,Blackbrook and Sadddleworth more than played their part in showcasing all that is good and great within the Nwc Juniors .

Thanks, were given to Paula, Tammy and David for their help on the day.

6Continuation Cup (u12s)

A date for the final between Folly Lane and Limehurst is to be confirmed but hopefully the game can be arranged for the 5th September.

7Fixtures – September/October

MD pointed out that several problems have been highlighted, however he hopes to resolve all fixtures in 2 weeks time when he returns from his holiday. Games will be arranged for the whole of September and October.

8Lancashire Cup –

The next round of games will need to be held over the next 3 weeks to ensure that the quarter finals can be played on the 3rd September and the semi-finals on the 17 September. It is hoped to hold the finals on the 1st October but discussions are being held considering a letter from the RFL explaining that the financial and staff support available is far less than in the past.

The reduction in financial and staff support might lead to a change of venue and the date being changed as all the leagues involved cannot afford to cover the shortfall.

Draw made for next round

Rylands White Sharksv Wigan St Pats

Latchford Giantsv Leyland Warriors

Ince Rose Bridge vRyland Sharks

Leigh Miners Rangers vWest Bank Bears

Blackbrook Royals vClockface

Bank Quay BullsvSaddleworth Rangers

Halton Farnworth HornetsvOrrell St James Gold

Folly LanevCrossfields

All were reminded that a player who has transferred from another club where he has played in a cup game is cup tied and therefore cannot play for the club he has transferred into.

Hi All,

Just an update on the NW Lancashire Cups Finals Day bookings and costings.

We’re still waiting on confirmation from Ian at the Halton Borough Council as to whether the venue is available on 1st October (and 31st September for NWML Finals) due to the stadium being possibly used by the Everton and Liverpool Ladies football teams.

The costings that Ian has advised to me are considerably more than in previous seasons and run at approx. £1500 per match, inclusive of food, stewards, boxes etc. This would mean a total of £9K if all six matches were hosted at the venue, should it be available. We are still in discussions with the Stadium however, so this may change slightly, but I wouldn’t expect a massive change in price.

I’m aware that previously the RFL has given a contribution towards the cost of the day, and also helped with running the event in previous seasons- covering the costs in its entirety last year.
Owing to the cuts which have been seen across the sport the amount the RFL can contribute for this seasons event is £3K, with limited support available around running the event. There is the possibility that we can support the event with things such as online programmes and some event planning leading up to the event but we would expect the leagues through their volunteers would be able to roll out the event on the day.

I’m sorry that this news isn’t more positive for the leagues however I thought it best to let you know the position as soon as the information was available.

Kind regards



A meeting for anyone entering a team as Newbies is to be held prior to the next meeting on the 5th September. Coaches are asked to attend meeting at 7.30pm. Games will commence on the 10th September.

The aim is to have all playing at the same time. Where children have been participating in games prior to the 10th September the children will not qualify as Newbies.

No games can be arranged prior to this meeting .

All clubs who intend running Newbies in September must contact Mick Doyle via email on


Westhoughton – not present so redrawn

South Trafford - not present so redrawn

Winners – Limehurst Lions

Outstanding kits were given out .

12Fines .

Clubs with outstanding fines must settle before the September meeting if fines still outstanding fixture may be withdrawn for offending clubs .

13. AOB


Chair closed the meeting .

Next Meeting Tuesday 5th September 2017

8.30 Leigh Miners Welfare Institute