Table of Contents
Topic Page
Command Point of Contact (POC) Responsibilities2
Medical Inspector General (MEDINSGEN) POC
MEDINSGEN Team Composition2
Opening Conference Requirements2
Echelon V Activities (if applicable)3
Focus Group Requirements3
IT Requirements3
On-site Documents4
Public Notice4
Command Demographics Worksheet6
Command Point of Contact (POC) Task Lists (Tables 1-6)8
MEDINSGEN Position Paper16
1.Introduction: This guide contains a detailed description of activities that take place prior to and during the periodic inspection.
2.Command Point of Contact (POC) Responsibilities: The Commanding Officer should appoint primary and alternate individuals to be POCs for the inspection. The POC coordinates preparatory activity prior to the arrival of the inspection party and provides support during the inspection period.
3.The MEDINSGEN POC Responsibilities: The MEDINSGEN assigns a POC on the Team to serve as a liaison for all issues relating to the MEDINSGEN survey. This POC will be designated in the notification letter. If for any reason the POC can not be reached, then the command can contact the MEDINSGEN Team Administrative support atDSN 295-9010 or commercial
(301) 295-9010.
4.The MEDINSGEN Team Composition: Inspectors assigned to the MEDINSGEN Team conduct focus groups of internal customers and specific program reviews outlined in the agenda. The MEDINSGEN Team composition will normally consist of the following personnel: a senior inspector designated as Team Leader, a health care administrator for the logistics and fiscal inspection, physician, nurse, dentist, a senior enlisted inspector, an investigator (as needed), a Safety Manager and a YNC assigned with the additional duty of trip coordinator to assist in logistical preparations for the visit. The MEDINSGEN POC will identify specific team composition in the survey agenda at the time of notification.
5.The MEDINSGEN Agenda: TheMEDINSGEN tailors its inspection schedule for support activities based on standard inspection areas and the activity’s mission. The firstdraft of the agenda will beforwarded to the command POC ideallyupon notification or veryshortly thereafter. Although we makeevery attempt to adhere tothe published survey agenda, last minute changes are occasionally necessary. Please encourage thestaff to be flexible in accommodating last minutescheduling changes. Any unresolved conflicts onsite should be immediately addressed to the MEDINSGEN Team Leader.
6.Opening Conference Requirements: Please provide the MEDINSGEN with a prepared brief to review during the document review session. This brief should consist of the following elements:
a.“Customer” demographic overview;
b.Description of operations and any subordinate activities, including services and integration with civilian and other DoD entities;
c.Annual/strategic goals and accomplishments, including a discussion of challenges, good ideas, and innovations;
d.Status of Individual Medical Readiness (IMR): At a minimum, identify number of records maintained and percent of records entered into the Shipboard Nontactical Automated Data Processing (SNAP) Automated Medical System (SAMS),or the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) and describe process for achieving compliance with IMR requirements;
e.Performance improvement priorities; and,
f.Identify top staff and customer concerns.
7.Echelon V Activities (if applicable): Visits to outlying labs or detachments are designed for interaction and sharing of information between personnel assigned to these activities and the MEDINSGEN. To promote full participation and an accurate assessment of support and oversight, only staff attached to these outlying activities should participate in MEDINSGEN visits to these locales.
8.Focus Group Requirements:
a.Focus groups are utilized by the MEDINSGEN as information-gathering tools. The focus groups are essentially group interviews with staff members of the inspected command. Feedback from these focus groups is used to identify strengths as well as improvement opportunities in areas such as readiness, access to care, and leadership.
b.Ten to 12 staff members should participate in each of the focus groups (12 should be the maximum).
c.Staff members should only participate in one focus group. If a member fits into two groups, such as an ESC member who is also a department head, assign that member to only only focus group, in this case the ESC focus group.
9.IT Requirements: Several of the MEDINSGEN team members willtravel to your locationusing Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) furnished laptops and will require Internet connectivityto obtain access toe-mail and shared files. In addition, please ensure the MEDINSGEN workspace includes four
Common Access Card (CAC) enabled computers with Internet access including .mil addresses.
If there areconcerns or questions regardingaccess, Navy Medicine Information Systems Support Activity’s (NAVMISSA) POC is Mr. Donald Harrison (NMIMC Network Security) who can be reached through the NMIMC Security Team at (301) 319-1219 or via e-mail at .
10.On-site Documents: All required/requested documents should be available the first morning of the MEDINSGEN visit. Documents required for review by the MEDINSGEN include:
a.Command brief
b.Information Security Plan and Contingency Plan
c.Executive Steering Committee (ESC)/Board of Directormeeting minutes for the past 12 months
d.Performance Improvement (PI) meeting minutes for the past 12 months, if applicable
e.Inspection/survey reports for thepast three years
f.Inspection/survey reports conducted on your subordinate commands for the past three years
g.List of investigations conducted during the past 12 months
h.Management Control Reviews for the past 12 months
i.Current and prior fiscal year’s Business Plans
j.Most recent command Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) Equal Opportunity Climate Survey (DEOCS) resultsand any other assessments profiling the EO climate, morale, teamwork, and communication within the command
k.Position paper(s) (page 17)
a.For Stateside inspections, no arrangements are necessary for transportation to and from the airport. Due to the use of several rental vehicles, it is helpful if the coordinator can provide the necessary information needed to obtain base passes.
b.For overseas inspections, the Team will need assistance with transportation to and from the airport. The Team trip coordinator will work closely with the Command Coordinator if
that is the case.
12.Public Notice: Please ensure the staff is aware of the visit and have been provided with the Medical Inspector General Hotline contact information, 1-800-637-6175 (not available for OCONUS locations), DSN 295-9019 or e-mail .
13.Summary: The MEDINSGEN Team looks forward to working with the command during this inspection/survey process. Please, freely communicate via our mutual POC any concerns you have regarding our agenda or logistics packet so we can effectively execute this process and provide to you a quality and constructive inspection process.
Building Number:Street Address:
Base, State, Zip:
2.DUTY HOURS: (Monday- Friday, include any extended hours weekday or weekend):
3.PHONE EXTENSION: (i.e. first three numbers of seven digit number):
DSN Ext (Base andcommand, if different):Comm. Ext(Base andcommand, if different): :
Area Code:
Base Internet (http/https):Command Internet:
Base Senior Enlisted
Commanding Officer/OIC* / (Corps: )
Executive Officer/AOIC* / (Corps: )
Administrative Officer
Comptroller/Director for Resource Management
Performance Improvement Coordinator
Command inspection POC
Command Ombudsman
Base Ombudsman
* Biography required to be sent with Demographics Worksheet.
7.COMMAND STAFF BREAKDOWN (Include a separate staff breakdown for parent facility and each child DMIS, if applicable.)
Dental Corps
Nurse Corps
E-7 to E-9 (HMs)
E-1 to E-6 (HMs)
Other enlisted members (non-HMs)
Civilian (GS)
Command POC Task List
Table 1Actions to be Completed on Notification Day
Item # / Task / Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?
Yes No N/A
1 / Notify MEDINSGEN POC regarding CMD primary and alternate POC information (e.g. phone/fax #, and e-mail address).
2 / Initiate public notice concerning MEDINSGEN inspection. / Yes, coordinate with Public Affairs representative.
3 / Complete Command Demographics Worksheet. / Yes, e-mail to MEDINSGEN POC.
4 / Notify MEDINSGEN POC with names of subordinate activitiesand their distance from main facility, if applicable. / Yes, e-mail to MEDINSGEN POC.
5 / Provide list and contact information for Flag/General Officers, COs/OICs and administrators from key local activities with whom you interact suggested for courtesy calls by Medical Inspector General. / Yes, e-mail list to MEDINSGEN POC.
Table 2
Actions to be Completed As Soon As Possible After Notification Date
Item # / Task / Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?
Yes / No / N/A
1 / Review the agenda provided by the MEDINSGEN POC. / Yes, if concerns of proposed agenda are identified, contact MEDINSGEN POC.
2 / Determine number and mix of staff needed to participate in the internal staff focus groups and program reviews. / Yes, notify staff members which groups or programs they will be participating.
3 / MEDINSGEN will send out survey to all staff to complete.
4 / Provide staff with a copy of the agenda. / Yes, if there are conflicts or problems that are identified.
5 / Schedule appropriate sized conference rooms for all groups based on the number of staff attending.
6 / Reserve a workspace for the MEDINSGEN Team.
7 / Ensure telephone with long distance and DSN capability is available in MEDINSGEN workspace. / Yes, contact local systems personnel and possibly the base communications office.
Table 2 (continued)
Actions to be Completed As Soon As Possible After Notification Date
Item # /
/ Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?Yes / No / N/A
8 / Ensure access to copier, fax and shredder.
9 / Ensure workspace includes four CAC enabled computers with Internet access and one printer. / Yes, contact local IT support to ensure connectivity.
10 / Ensure required documents are available the first morning MEDINSGEN are on site at the main facility.
11 / Reserve five parking spaces for MEDINSGEN team.
Table 3
Items That Need To Be Sent To MEDINSGENTWO Weeks Prior To Inspection
Item # /Task
/ Additional Coordination Needed? /Completed?
/ N/A1 / Command Brief
2 / Most recent command DEOCS resultsand any other assessments profiling the Command’s EO climate, morale, teamwork, and communication
3 / Summary of previous year’s command inspections and findings
4 / Position paper(s) (page 17)
5 / Finalized agenda with command POCs and room locations identified
Table 4
Documents to have Available on the First Day of Inspection
Item # /Task
/ Additional Coordination Needed? /Completed?
/ N/A1 / Command Brief
2 / Information Security Plan and Contingency Plan
3 / Last 12 months of leadership meeting minutes
4 / Performance improvement meeting minutes for the past 12 months, if applicable
5 / Last three years of inspection/survey reports
6 / Inspection/survey reports you conducted on your subordinate commands during the past three years
7 / List of investigations conducted during the last 12 months
8 / Last 12 months of Management Control Reviews
9 / Business Plans for current and prior fiscal years
10 / Most recent command DEOCS resultsand any other assessments profiling the Command’s EO climate, morale, teamwork, and communication
11 / Position paper(s) (page 17)
Table 5
MEDINSGENWorkCenter Requirements
Item # / Task / Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?
Yes / No / N/A
Ensure MEDINSGEN work center is set up to include:
1 / All on-site documents and keys if applicable
2 / Instructions on how to use the telephones posted near the phones (to include: DSN and commercial access, on-base and room-to-room calls)
3 / Base and internal telephone directory
4 / Name and number of the following personnel posted near the phones:
a. Systems person dedicated to support the MEDINSGEN Team
b. Command POCs’ pager/phone numbers
c. Workspacephone number
d. Computer support / Yes, local systems personnel.
Table 5 (continued)
MEDINSGENWorkCenter Requirements
Item # / Task / Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?
Yes / No / N/A
Ensure MEDINSGEN work center is set up to include:
5 / For MEDINSGEN Team Workspace: Four computers mapped to printer with internet access and Microsoft Office
6 / Two reams of paper
7 / Shredder in or near MEDINSGEN Team workspace
8 / Close access to fax and copier
9 / Sign on workspace doors with the following words: “MEDINSGENWorkCenter: Please Knock Before Entering.”
Table 6
Actions to be Completed on First Day of Inspection
Item # / Task / Additional Coordination Needed? / Completed?
Yes / No / N/A
1 / Finalize arrival meeting procedures/ time with MEDINSGEN POC and Team Leader. / Yes, notify MEDINSGEN POC and MEDINSGEN Team Leader if last minutes changes are needed.
2 / Assign logon names and passwords to each inspector. / Yes, coordinate with local IT systems personnel.
3 / Confirm courtesy call details with MEDINSGEN POC.
4 / Provide brief upon Team’s arrival on any pertinent and required safety info. / Yes, coordinate with appropriate staff as needed.
5 / Provide MEDINSGEN Team Leader any keys needed for work area.
Date: ______
Has this issue paper been routed through and evaluated by your Command Chain of Command?
Has this issue been brought to the attention of higher authority? If so, please comment on their response/current status?
Originator/customer: ______e-mail: ______
Phone: ______Command: ______
Other involved POC(s)/e-mail/Phone/Command: ______
Attach any additional information/documentation required to support topic:
Enclosure (3)