


1.) Are you a resident of the West End neighborhood?



2.) Are you the main person who buys food for your family?




3.) Please rank 3 food stores and their location starting with where you shop most often

1.) Store name:Location:

2.) Store name:Location:

3.) Store name:Location:

4.) How do you usually get to the food store you shop at most often? Please check all that apply


Taxi/Car Service



Personal car


Friends Vehicle


5.) About how much time does it take you to get there?

1-5 minutes

6-10 minutes

11-15 minutes

16-30 minutes

31-60 minutes

60+ minutes

6.) At the store you shop at most often how important are…

Most Important Somewhat important Least Important

Low prices



Have the foods I like

Other reason:

7.) At the store you go to most often, are there fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy?


  • How do you feel about the prices of the fruits and vegetables

Cheap OK/fineToo expensive

  • What is the quality of the fruits and vegetables


8.) What best describes your race/ethnicity?

African American

African Diaspora /Country of origin:

African Caribbean /County of origin:

Caucasian/White Non-Hispanic / Country of origin:

Hispanic/Latino /Country of origin:

Native American/American Indian

Asian/ Country of origin:


Other, please specify:

9.) Are foods related to your culture important to you?



(If answer No, skip question 11)

10.) Where do you find foods most appropriate for your cultural tastes?

a.) I don’t find foods that meet my cultural needs

b.) I order from ______

c.) I travel to…

Name and location of stores:



11.) Would you be willing to spend more money for food that met your cultural tastes if it were available in your community?



12.) If you shop at a farmers market, which market do you shop at?

a. Armory Park

b. Downtown-Kennedy Plaza

c. Broad Street

d. Hope Street-Lippitt Park

e. Pawtucket –Wintertime market

f. Other______

g. I do not shop at farmers markets

(If answer G. skip to question 15.)

13.) How often to you buy fruits and vegetables at a farmers’ market?





(If answer weekly or monthly-skip to question 16)

14.) If you don’t shop at a farmers market, why don’t you?

I was not aware they existed

I do not know when or where they are

Produce is too expensive there

Days and times are inconvenient

They don’t carry the foods that I like to eat/cook

Location is too far

I don’t like the quality of the produce

I don’t like carrying heavy bags on public transit


15.) Overall, how would you rate the prices of fruits and vegetables in the West End?

CheapOK/fineToo Expensive

16.) Do any of the following make it difficult for you to buy fruits and vegetables in the west end?

Lack of availability in local stores

Cost of fruits and vegetables

I don’t know how to prepare meals with fruits/vegetables

Fruits/vegetables in local stores are low quality

I don’t like fruits and vegetables

Other (please specify)______

Nothing/it is easy for me to buy fruits and vegetables in the west end

17.) Please list specific fruits and vegetables (fresh or processed) that are hard for you to find in the West End Stores





5. I don’t shop in West End Stores

18.) On a typical day, how many servings of fruits and vegetables(canned, fresh or frozen) do you eat? (i.e; one apple or banana, a cup of carrots, ½ cup of cooked spinach)

a. 1-2

b. 3-5

c. 5+

19.) How often do you eat restaurant prepared meal?

Every meal

1-2 per day

4 or more times per week

1-3 times per week

Less than weekly

(If answer less than weekly meal skip to question 21)

20.) If you eat restaurant-prepared meals more than once a week, what are some of the reasons why you purchase restaurant meals? Check all that apply:

Not enough time to cook

I like the taste

It’s inexpensive

Don’t have a kitchen appropriate for cooking

Don’t know how to cook

My children like it

Like to treat myself/reward


21.) List three (3) restaurants or food places you go to most often:

Restaurant or fast food place name:

Restaurant or fast food place name:

Restaurant or fast food place name:

21.) Do you currently grow food in a garden?



22. What does eating a healthy diet mean to you?

23.) Overall how difficult is it for you to eat a healthy diet?

Not at all difficult

Somewhat difficult

Very difficult

(If answered Not at all difficult, skip to question 25)

24.) If you said that it is very or somewhat difficult to eat a healthy diet, what are some of the reasons you find it difficult? Please check all that apply

Healthy food is too expensive

Takes too much time to prepare healthy food at home

Don’t like the taste

I don't have adequate cooking space

Other family members don’t want to eat healthy food

Hard to find healthy options in my neighborhood food stores

Hard to find healthy options in my neighborhood restaurant

Don’t know how to prepare healthy options to make them taste good

Don’t know how to cook in general

Not sure what is healthy and unhealthy

25.) If high quality fruits and vegetables were more available and affordable in your community how likely would you be to buy them?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not likely

26.) Are you interested in participating in any of the following? Please check all that apply

Free cultural cooking classes

Free urban gardening workshops

Meetings to improve our local food system

Community gardening

Free nutrition education classes

Community/shared kitchen

Community Supported Agriculture –(where community members purchase a share of a local farm at a fixed price and receive a weekly supply of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables)

27.) Do you think other members of your household would be interested in such opportunities?



I don’t know

28.) What is your gender?




29.) What language do you speak at home?

30.) How old are you?

Under 18





31.) Would you like to share your contact information with us so that we can keep you informed of…

The results of this report

Future upcoming opportunities in the neighborhood
