North West AHP Network event 4th October - GM Devo: what does it mean for AHPs?

It is better to have decisions made locally, because local people understand what local problems are and what Greater Manchester needs. We need to work together.”
Lord Peter Smith, Leader of Wigan Council

A ‘new era for Greater Manchester’ started on 1 April 2016, as the region became the first in the country to take control of its combined health and social care budgets – a sum of more than £6 billion. For the first time – leaders and clinicians will be able to tailor budgets and priorities to directly meet the needs of local communities and improve the health and wellbeing of the 2.8million residents.

But what does this mean for AHPs? How will it change our services and practice? What will it look and feel like? How do we collaborate and influence to ensure a strong voice for AHPs in local decisions? How do we use devolution principles and local prioritiesto shape our services?

Join us on Tuesday 04 October 2016 10am - 2pm for a half day event and workshop to discuss what Greater Manchester Devolution will mean for AHPs.

Confirmed speakers at the event include:

·  Yvonne Rogers,Strategic Workforce Lead, Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership.

·  Alison Raw, Professional Adviser for Allied Health Professions, Department of Health.

Are you leading work to support service transformation in Greater Manchester? Is the impact of devolution something you need to know more about in your role?This is an opportunity to start to plan a coordinated, collaborative approach as AHPs.

AHP leads from health, social care, education, housing, charities and voluntary sector in Greater Manchester all welcome. Whilst this event is targeted at Great Manchester AHPs, we will be sharing any learning to support transformation across the wider North West AHP network.

See our event page for more information and to book your place. Bookings close Friday 23rd September.