I ASSENT:Chairman of the State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region А. V. Konovalov
« 02 » февраля 2009г. / I ASSENT:
Chairman of the Pskov
Chess Federation D.V. Shakhov
« 02 » февраля 2009г.
Director of the «Sports training center for children and juniors»
F.I. Kokhanov
« 02 » февраля 2009г. / Executive director of the
Russian Chess Federation А. G. Bakh
« 02 » февраля 2009г.
Regulations of the VI International Chess Festival «Pskov 2009»
1. Competitions classification.
Competitions are individual and held with the aims of :
- popularization and development of chess in the Pskov region,
- strengthening international and regional links between chess players,
- enhancing of skills of chess players of the Pskov region,
- fulfilment of the IM, FIDE master or Candidate in masters of sport of Russia requirqments,
- promotion of chess and a healthy lifestyle, involvement of different population groups into variously rated chess games.
Competitions will be held according to the Laws of Chess of International Chess Federation (FIDE), approved by the 75th FIDE Congress on 17.10.2004.
2. Dates.
The competition will be held in the Russian Federation, Pskov city, the Pskov region from 19th to 30th of June 2009.
3. Organizers.
The VI International Chess Festival «Pskov 2009» will be held under the auspices of Administration of the Pskov Regional, the Pskov Regional Assembly of Deputies.
Organizers of the competitions are Russian Chess Federation, the Pskov Regional Chess Federation (PRCF) under the auspices of the Chess Federation of the North Western Federal District, State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region.
Conduction of the competitions will be the responsibility of panel of judges appointed by PRCF.
The Appeals Jury will be formed before the competitions and will consist of 3 main members and 2 substitutes. Each protest (appeal) must be submitted to the chairman of the Appeal Committee (without vote) within 1 hour after the end of the round. Protests against pairing are not accepted except for the violation of the Swiss System Rules (two players who have played each other shall not be paired again). Any appeal must be accompanied with a fee of 500 Rubles. The fee is refundable if the appeal is successful.
Ensurance of the safety of the participants and spectators of the Festival is the responsibility of the organizers, the head of the playing-hall and the Chief Arbiter of the competitions.
4. The Schedule of the Competitions.
The official Opening ceremony will be held in the Philarmonic Concert Hall on the 23d June, 2009 at 16.30. The official closing ceremony and summing up will be held on June 30th at 16.00.
Festival Participants registration will be on June 18th and 19th from 18.30 tо 19.30, on June 20th 2009 from 12.00 tо 14.00 at the regional chess school, in Sverdlova street, 42, Pskov, Russian Federation. The last registration date for «A», «B» and «С» tournaments will be from 10.00 to 12.00 on June 23d 2009.
The Festival will provide for the following tournaments:
«A» – Rating tournament on classical chess with ELO FIDE to every participant.
«B» – Junior tournament (born in 1991 and after) on classical chess without ELO FIDE.
«C» – Junior tournament (born in 1995 and after) on classical chess
«D» – Rapidplay
«Е» - Blitz-Marathon.
Tournaments «A», «B» и «С» will be played according to the Swiss System in 9 rounds. The rate of play will be 90 minutes with an addition of 30 seconds per move and 90 minutes per game for each player.
Tournament «D» - will be played according to the Swiss System in 9 rounds. The rate of play will be 25 minutes per game to each player.
Tournament «Е» will be played according to a round system with handicap and time control per game to each player, set by the tournament regulations. If the rating difference is under 100 points, both players get 5 minutes each. If the rating difference is 100 points or more, time control of each player will be set by the tournament regulations on the basis of the chart approved by the PRCF .
Drawing procedure (computer) of the 1st round between participants:
tournament «Е» will be held on June 19th from 18.30;
tournament «D» will be held on June 20th from 16.00 tо 16.25;
tournaments «А», «В» and «С» will be held on June 22nd from 12.30 tо 13.30.
For tournaments «A», «B» и «С», the 1st round (evening) will be held on the first day (June 23d ) at 16.30 and on June 24th, ,25th , 26th ,28th ,29th. On June 27th 2 rounds a day will be played, on June 30th 1 round will be played (morning). Morning rounds start at 11.00, evening ones at 16.30.
June 22nd is a free day (excursions day).
For tournament «D» the first round starts at 16.30 on June 20th, and at 11.00 and 16.30 on June 21st.
For tournament «Е» the first round starts at 19.00 on June 19th.
The exact time of the start of the rounds and breaks (no less than 5 minutes between the rounds) is set by the organizers of the Festival or the panel of judges by their order and is announced to the participants of the Festival before the opening of each tournament.
The system of the corresponding tournament (round or Swiss) can be changed depending on the number of participants. The participants shall be informed of all the changes before the date of the official opening.
5. Requirements and admission conditions
Chess players from the Russian Federation and foreign states who paid the corresponding starting fee and committed to fulfil the present regulations are admitted to participate in the Festival.
Requirements for «А» tournament participation. Admitted are those who paid the corresponding starting fee:
For chess players without ELO FIDE and lower 1800 - 2200 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (1800 – 1900) - 1600 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (1900 – 2000) - 1400 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (2000 – 2100) - 1300 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (2100 – 2200) - 1200 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (2200 – 2300) - 1000 Rubles
For chess players with ELO FIDE (2300 – 2400) - 800 Rubles,
For chess players with ELO FIDE (2400 and higher) - 600 Rubles,
For chess players having the title of master of sport, international master and higher – 600 Rubles.
Requirements for «B» tournament participation Admitted are those born in 1991 and later, who paid 800 Rubles of starting fee, having 1800-1600 ELO FIDE. Chess players having sports titles and candidates in masters on chess are not admitted.
The tournament «B» prize fund is set as 10000 Rubles.
Requirements for «C» tournament participation Admitted are those born in 1995 and later, who paid 600 Rubles of starting fee, having 1600 or lower ELO FIDE. Chess players having sports titles and candidates in masters on chess are not admitted.
Requirements for «D» tournament participation. Admitted are those who paid 700 Rubles of starting fee.
Requirements for «E» tournament participation Admitted are those who paid 600 Rubles of starting fee.
The fee is reduced by :
- 10% for players – residents of the Russian Federation;
-25% for players born in or after 1991, veterans (men over 60 and women over 55), women, disabled people (physically handicapped people) and those having permanent or prevailing residence in the Pskov region;
- 40% for players born in or after 1991 and having permanent or prevailing residence in the Pskov region;
- 50% for the members of the PRCF.
The fee can be reduced according to only one point.
The fee is paid to the PRCF accountancy at the registration or to the PRCF bank account when submitting an application.
When the panel of judges discovers invalid data stated in the application by the participant of the competitions the organizers have a right to eliminate such a participant and annul his score; the fees paid are not returned.
6. Results.
Places are taken in accordance with the number of the won points.
When scores are equal places are taken in accordance with the tie-break rules for Swiss System Tournaments: Buchholz, sum of progressive scores, direct encounter, number of games won; for Round Robin: Berger, direct encounter, number of games won.
7. Victory ceremony.
The tournament «А» prize fund is set as 60000 Rubles and could be increased by the Festival sponsors. The guaranteed tournaments «В», «D» and «Е» prize fund is set as 10000 Rubles аnd is additionally formed at the expense of 50% of the starting fees and sponsor means. The tournament «C» prize fund is formed at the expense of 50% of the starting fees. Sponsors can establish additional prizes.
The tournaments “A”, “B”, “E”, and “D” prize fund is distributed according to the following chart:
1place / 22%2 place / 18%
3 place / 14%
4 place / 10%
5 place / 8%
6 place / 7%
7 place / 6%
8 place / 5%
9 place / 4%
Special prize / 2%
Special prize / 2%
Special prize / 2%
Participants who got 1, 2, 3 places in each tournament are awarded with the certificates (diplomas) of the Russian Chess Federation and the State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region. Additionaly a veteran, a chess player under 18 and a female chess player who showed the best results are awarded with the certificates and prizes of the State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region. Participants who took places from1 to 9 are given monetary prizes set by the PRCF depending on the amount of drawn sponsor money. Two prizes are established for the best players of ranks 3,4 (or the corresponding ELO) in tournament “C”.
The amounts of the monetary prizes are announced by the organizers of the Festival not later than before the start of the 2nd round in each tournament. When the results are equal players share prize money equally. Prize money is subject to tax withholding according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The chess player having permanent or prevailing residence in the Pskov region and showing the best result in tournament “A” has the right of participation (during the year) in the corresponding Championships of the North-Western Federal District and the Pskov region without qualification and at the expence of the State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region.
The victory ceremony will be held on June 30th 2009.
8. Financing conditions.
The competitions are held at the expense of organizers and participants' fees. Travel expenses, accommodation, meals and insurance should be covered by the sending organization or participants themselves.
Arbiters' expenses are covered on account of the State Committee on Youth Politics and Sports of the Pskov Region and starting fees.
Calculation of each participant's ELO FIDE is covered by the starting fees.
Accommodation will be in Pskov hostels (from 300 Rubles a day) and Pskov hotels (from 800 Rubles a day), provided accomodation application forms and starting fee cashless settlements are performed before May 20th 2009. Players from abroad needing Russian visas should send applications together with the start money before May 1st 2009.
Otherwise accomodation is not guaranteed.
Accommodation applications are received by e-mail:
9. Application procedure.
Deadline for application is at 18.00 on May 1st 2009, fax No: +7 8112660167, +78112686639 and +7 8112699729, e- mail . Application form is enclosed.
Registration is on the basis of passport or other ID or birth certificate for people under 14. A document to confirm the sports title or rank, ELO FIDE rating, taxpayer identification number and medical insurance policy should also be produced to panel of judges or organizers representatives.
10. Excursions and leisure.
There will be tours to historical sights and museums of the Pskov region. At participants’ requests there can be sports and games, visits to sports and recreation centers. The mentioned events will be paid by the participants themselves.
11. Account details.
Regional NGO «Chess Federation of the Pskov Region»
ИНН 6027095748 КПП 602701001
Bank account № 40703810114000001388 in «Rossiysky capital» (JSC) Pskovsky, Pskov city
Corresponding account № 30101810600000000739
BIK 045805739
The present regulations is an official invitation to the Festival.
Official sponsors of the Festival: LLC "Opmana"; LLC "Viktoriya C"; Branch LLC "RGS- - North-West" – Department in the Pskov region; LLC "ALYUR"; LLC "Pskovregiongaz"; LLC "Velmash-C" Velikiye Luki; LLC Campaign "Protek"; JSC "Velikolukskiy zavod Leshozmash" Velikiye Luki; LLC "Pskov-Polimer"; CJSC Pskov garment factory "Slavyanka"; Pskovskiy oblsovprof; CJSC Factory of electrical engineering equipment; SC " Pskov bread-baking plant; CIA «Belaya Rus'»; Ivanov Vitaliy Valeryevich
Information support of the Festival: radio "Europa+", information agency "Pskovskaya lenta novostey", "Pskovskaya Pravda", "Komsomol'skaya Pravda".
Application form
of the VI International Chess Festival «Pskov 2009»
№ / Last name, names (last name as of FIDE rating list) / Date of birth / Sports title, degree, ELO FIDE / Country, home address, contact telephones / Doctor’s viseLeader of the sending organization Seal Signature (In case the player takes a personal decision on participation, we need the player’s signature)
Additional information can be found at