Peninsula Cancer Network

(North, East & West Devon, South Devon & Torbay, Cornwall)

Network Site Specific Group for Sarcoma




Please check the website for the latest version available:

0.1 v2 / May 2015 / 2nd draft / PCN Sarcoma SSG

Constitution of the Peninsula Cancer Network

Site Specific Group for Sarcoma

Agreement cover sheet

This constitution was prepared by:

Toby Talbot – Chair of the Peninsula Cancer Network (PCN) Sarcoma SSG Group, Consultant Oncologist, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust.

Liz Boylan – Peninsular Cancer Network SSG Manager

This constitution has been agreed by:

Name / Position / Date agreed
Toby Talbot / Consultant Oncologist/Chair / Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust / 16/04/2015
Chris Mills / Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery / Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
David Silver / Consultant Radiologist / Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Col. Chris Taylor / Consultant Surgeon / Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Peninsula Cancer Network Sarcoma NSSG 2015


1. / Statement of Purpose / 5
2. / Terms of Reference / 14-1C-101l / 5
3. / Structure and Function / 6
3.1 / Role & Function of the Group / 6
4. / Network Configuration / 14-1C-101l / 6
4.1 / Soft Tissue Sarcoma / 7
4.2 / Bone Sarcoma / 7
4.3 / Network Group Members / 14-1C-101l, 14-1C-104l / 7
4.4 / Network Group Membership / 8
4.5 / Group Meetings / 14-1C-105l / 9
4.6 / Work Programme and Annual Report / 14-1C-106l / 9
4.7 / Designated Diagnostic Services / 9
4.8 / Designated Chemotherapy Departments and Practitioners / 14-1C-102l, 14-1C-107l / 10
4.9 / Designated Radiotherapy Departments and Practitioners / 14-1C-102l, 14-1C-107l / 10
5. / Pathology / 14-1C-108l / 10
5.1 / Molecular Biology/Cytogenetic Facilities / 14-1C-103l / 11
5.2 / Designated GIST Histopathologists / 14-1C-108l / 10
6. / Coordination of Care/Patient Pathways / 11
6.1 / Primary Care Referral Guidelines / 11
6.2 / Referral Guidelines for Patients moving between Teams
6.3 / Clinical Guidelines for Soft Tissue Sarcoma (Limb & Trunk) / 14-1C-109l / 11
6.4 / Clinical Guidelines for Soft Tissue Sarcoma Presenting to Site Specialised MDTs / 14-1C-111l / 12
6.5 / Chemotherapy Treatment Algorithms / 14-1C-112l / 12
6.6 / Patient Pathways for Initial Referral and Diagnosis for Soft Tissue Sarcoma (Limb & Trunk) / 14-1C-113l / 12
6.7 / Patient Pathways for Assessment, Treatment & Follow up for Soft Tissue Sarcoma (Limb & Trunk) / 14-1C-115l / 12
6.8 / Patient Shared Care Pathways for Soft Tissue Sarcomas Presenting to Site Specialised MDTs / 14-1C-117l / 12
7. / Patient Experience / 14-1C-118l / 12
8. / Clinical Outcomes/Indicators / 12
8.1 / Clinical Outcomes Indicators and Audits / 14-1C-119l / 12
8.2 / Discussion of Clinical Trials / 14-1C-120l / 12
9. / Data Collection / 13
9.1 / Network-wide Minimum Dataset / 13
9.2 / Network Policy for Collection of MDS / 13
10. / Distribution of Guidelines and Protocols / 13
App / 1 / PCN Terms of Reference for Sarcoma / 14

Peninsula Cancer Network Sarcoma NSSG 2015

1.  Statement of Purpose

The Peninsula Cancer Network exists to secure equal access to high quality care for all cancer patients; strive for better clinical outcomes and improve the experience of patients, their carers and families throughout screening, diagnosis, treatment, aftercare and survival.

The Network has an increasing role in the prevention of cancer and reducing health inequalities. To achieve these goals it collaborates with all healthcare providers, commissioners, patients and their carers throughout Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The Peninsula Cancer Network serves a population of 1.7 million people and is comprised of the following organisations:

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Northern, Eastern & Western Devon CCG

South Devon & Torbay CCG

NHS Kernow

Acute Hospitals

Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


Hospiscare, Exeter

Mount Edgcumbe Hospice, Cornwall North Devon Hospice

Rowcroft Hospice, Torquay St Julia’s Hospice, Cornwall

St Luke’s Hospice, Plymouth

The following document outlines the constitution, roles and responsibilities of the Group.

2.  Terms of Reference for the Group 14-1C-101l

In response to the publication of the Manual for Cancer Services (2004) a number of clinical sub- groups were established to address services for specific types of cancer.

Network Site Specific Groups have collective responsibility, delegated by the Network Executive Board, for the coordination and consistency across the Network for cancer policy, practice guidelines, audit, and research and service improvement for each type of cancer.

Network site specific Groups are multidisciplinary with representation from professionals across the patient care pathway as well as involvement and representation from patient and carers.

3. Structure and Function

3.1  Role of the Group

Network Site Specific Groups have been established to:

·  Act as the Network Executive Board’s primary source of tumour site specific clinical opinion for the network;

·  Advise and consult on service planning to ensure services are in line with national guidance in order to promote high quality care and reduce inequalities in service delivery;

·  Ensure Network decisions become integrated into local practice;

·  Monitor progress on meeting National Cancer Standards and ensure action plans agreed following Peer Review are implemented

·  Promote links between teams and other relevant Network Groups

The key objectives of Network Site Specific Groups will be to:

·  Establish common referral and clinical guidelines for the Network

·  Agree a tumour site specific minimum data set and support consistent data collection across the Network

·  Engage in service improvement by using appropriate redesign tools and techniques via process mapping, capacity and demand measurement and redesign

·  Agree and support an annual audit programme both at regional and local level

·  Agree a common approach to research & development working with the Network research team, participating in nationally recognised studies whenever possible;

·  Consult with cross-cutting Groups on issues involving chemotherapy, cancer imaging, histopathology and laboratory investigation and specialist palliative care;

·  Identify emerging new cancer drug treatments and technologies which require appraisal by commissioners through the Peninsula Health Technology Appraisal process;

·  Support the development of education and training programmes for teams;

·  Support effective patient and carer involvement in service planning.

4. Network Configuration 14-1C-101l

This constitution covers services delivered for adults only (i.e. over 19). Services for those 19 or under are cared for under the South West Children’s Cancer Network, young people aged between 15 and 19 are discussed with the Bristol TYA team.

4.1 Soft Tissue Sarcoma

The Network Board has agreed with the SWSCG that two Soft Tissue Sarcoma MDTs will be established to service the populations of the Peninsula Cancer Network. The Soft Tissue Sarcoma MDTs will be hosted by:

·  Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

·  Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundations Trust

The two MDTs will work jointly to establish the best care pathway for patients with complex needs. Joint meetings will be held on a quarterly basis by either a videoconferencing link or face to face


·  Curative resections will take place at both sites.

·  The Sarcoma MDT will deal with retroperitoneal sarcomas

4.2 Bone Sarcoma

The Network Board has agreed with the SWSCG that the Bone Sarcoma MDT for populations of the Peninsula will be at Birmingham (Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital) and Oxford. The soft tissue MDT will develop its relationship with the bone MDT to further facilitate onward referral and follow up according to the Bone MDT’s protocols.

Click here for Birmingham Bone Sarcoma agreed pathways

Click here for Oxford Bone Sarcoma agreed pathways

4.3 Network Group Members 14-1C-101l, 14-1C-104l

Sarcoma Network Site Specific Group Chairperson
Toby Talbot / Consultant Oncologist/Chair / Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
NSSG Trial Recruitment Clinical Lead
Rory Rickard / Consultant Plastic Surgeon / Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Patient Champion & Information Leads
Sarah Sandford / Clinical Nurse Specialist / Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Patient and carer representative
John Osborne
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Rory Rickard
Col Chris Taylor
Phil Hughes
David Gay
Priya Suresh
Francis Daniel
Mark Smith
Abdul Gafoor
Liz Ridgeway
Ann Davies
Udaiveer Panwar / Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Consultant Surgeon
Consultant Radiologist
Consultant Radiologist
Consultant Radiologist
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Consultant Histopathologist
Consultant Radiologist
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
David Silver
Peter Bliss
Patrick Sarsfield
Chris Mills
Sarah Sandford
Claire Facey
Chris Stone
Kate Allington
Mark Napier
Andrew Redfern / Consultant
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Consultant Histopathologist
Consultant Surgeon
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Royal Cornwall NHS Hospitals Trust
Toby Talbot
Kim Farmer
Benjamin Casey / Consultant Oncologist
Clinical Nurse Specialist
South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Richard Seymour
Pam Lewins / Consultant
Clinical Nurse Specialist

4.4 Network Group Membership

Membership of the Group will be multi-disciplinary in nature with representation from professionals across the care pathway. All core and extended members of the relevant Acute Trust MDT(s) are invited to participate in Group activities via Group meetings, working parties and email communications as appropriate.

The Group will work towards developing patient and carer involvement in to the Group and patient and carer representative(s) will be appointed whenever possible. In the absence of patient and carer representatives the appointed patient champion and information lead will support the group to ensure that user issues are recognised and addressed.

Dr. Toby Talbot has been elected as Chair of the group. The term of office will be for two years.

Dr. Rory Rickard has been appointed cancer research sub specialty lead and assumes responsibility for recruitment to trials.

4.5 Group Meetings 14-1C-105l

Meetings will be held at least twice per annum. Liz Boylan, Peninsula Cancer Network Manager and Mel Chandler, Admin Assistant, will provide managerial and administrative support at group meetings. The group agrees to operate under the Terms of Reference (Appendix 1). All members will be informed of meeting dates and location and be included in distribution of the Agenda and Minutes. Minutes, actions and notes of the group meetings will be circulated to oall members, trust management teams and other interested parties. They will also be published on the SWSCN website.

4.6 Work Programme and Annual Report 14-1C-106l

The group will produce an Annual Work Programme for Soft Tissue Sarcoma and submit an entry to the Network Annual Report.

4.7 Designated Diagnostic Services

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

These clinics have been deemed able to perform biopsies of suspected sarcomas (i.e. the relevant surgical staff of the clinic have the necessary expertise relating to the specific requirements of sarcoma biopsies).

Local Teams / MDT Lead Clinician / Locality Population / Referring CCG
Plymouth Hospitals
NHS Trust / Rory Rickard / 349,481 / NHS NEW Devon CCG Western locality
Royal Cornwall
Hospitals NHS Trust / Toby Talbot / 534,503 / NHS Kernow CCG
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust / David Silver / 383,040 East Devon locality
164,997 North Devon locality / NHS NEW Devon CCG Eastern locality
South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Peter Bliss / 286,000 South Devon locality / NHS South Devon & Torbay CCG
Total / 1,718,021

4.8 Designated Chemotherapy Departments & Practitioners 14-1C-102l, 14-1C-107l

Chemotherapy for radical (including adjuvant) and palliative treatments of soft tissue sarcoma will be only be provided by core members of the MDTs who have specified time in their job plans for the care of patients with the relevant sarcoma including time worked in a designated department. See local MDT operational policy uploads for job plans.

Chemotherapy Service / Consultant Oncologists
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust / Via RDE
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust / Francis Daniel
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust / Toby Talbot
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust / Peter Bliss/ Mark Napier
South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Peter Bliss

4.9 Designated Radiotherapy Departments & Practitioners 14-1C-102l, 14-1C-107l

Radiotherapy for radical (including adjuvant) and palliative treatments of soft tissue sarcoma will be only be provided by core members of the MDTs who have specified time in their job plans for the care of patients with the relevant sarcoma including time worked in a designated department. See local MDT operational policy uploads for job plans.

Radiotherapy Service / Consultant Oncologists? (should this be radiologists)
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust / Via RDE
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust / Francis Daniel
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust / Toby Talbot
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust / Peter Bliss
South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Peter Bliss

5. Pathology 14-1C-108l

The Group has adopted the guidelines of the Peninsula Cancer Network Pathology Group.?

Pathology Network Reporting Guidelines

Click here for Sarcoma pathology guidelines Link to be inserted

Pathology Network External Referral Policy

Click here for pathology network referral policy Link to be inserted

5.1 Molecular Biology/Cytogenetic Facilities 14-1C-103l,

Cytogenetic and molecular biology investigations on sarcoma cases will be provided by the following hospitals:

·  Royal Marsden Hospital: Prof. Cyril Fisher

·  Birmingham Hospital: Chaz Mangham


5.2 Designated GIST Histopathologists 14-1C-108l

The designated consultant histopathologists who and only who will be responsible for the final reporting and reviewing of the histological diagnosis of GIST is Dr Bracey, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, who is a Lead Pathologist for the Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Upper GI SMDT and participate s in a EQA scheme.