Only the top team in each division (Large School and Small School) after Rounds I-III advance to Round IV

In the event that teams are tied after three rounds, the following tie-breakers will be used: first tie-breaker-team score in Round III; second tie-breaker-total team scores in Round I and II, counting the scores of all team members (not just the top 3);

Round IV has a quiz bowl format covering all topics in economics. Each team will consist of FOUR members.

-One student on each team is designated as the spokesperson for that team. Only responses from that person are considered official.

-One point is awarded for each question answered correctly by a team.

-Team members may buzz in at any time a question in being read. Should they buzz in before the entire question has been read, they will have to answer based solely on the information they have heard up to that point.

-Once a team has buzzed in, the team has 15 seconds to consult and have a response given by its spokesperson.

-If an incorrect response is given, the other team will have the opportunity to hear the entire question and then have 15 seconds to respond.

*A quiz-bowl competition is over as soon as one team leads by more points than there are questions remaining.

-A maximum of 30 questions will be asked.

-In an event of a tie breaker after 30 questions have been asked, the team to correctly answer a tie-breaking question will be declared the winner.

The use of books, notes, or calculators is not allowed during the tests.

Students will be allowed pencil and paper in all rounds.

Individual awards

In a case where two or more individuals achieve the same score, the individual with the highest score in Round I (micro) will be declared the winner. If two or more individuals are still tied, their scores from Round II (macro) will be compared and the individual with the highest score will be declared the winner. The scores from Round III will serve as the third tie-breaker. In the event two or more individuals are still tied, a coin flip will be used to determine the winner.