North Cumberland Middle School


Grade 6 Music

Room 219

Paul BowserPhone: (401) 333-6306

Shannan Davisemail:

Course Description:

Music class consists of four units of instruction: rhythm, pitch, ensembles, and performance. We meet for one trimester of the year.

RI Grade Span Expectations in Music:

MU 1-Artistic Processes-The human experience can be created and recreated through sound.

MU 2- Cultural Contexts-Music connects and expresses history and culture around the globe.

MU 3- Communication-Music of diverse genres is performed in a variety of settings.

MU 4- Aesthetic Judgment-Music knowledge is applied through reflection and evaluation of music of self and others.


  1. Students will understand the values of basic rhythms: whole notes and rests, half notes and rests, quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and rests, and sixteenth notes and rests.

(GSE M1-1a)

  1. Students will understand 4/4 time, ¾ time, 2/4 time, and 6/8 time. (GSE M1-1a)
  2. Students will identify notes on the staff in treble clef and bass clef. (GSE M1-1c)
  3. Students will compose music using correct rhythms and pitches. (GSE M1-2c)
  4. Students will identify orchestral instruments and their families. (GSE M2-1a)
  5. Students will understand sonata form and compose a sonata. (GSE M1-2c, GSE M4-1b)
  6. Students will sing on pitch with other students. (GSE M3-1a)
  7. Students will write an analysis of art music using correct music terminology. (GSE M4-2b)
  8. Students will write short responses, with proper grammar, in their journals on various musical topics. (GSE M2-2a)
  9. Students will view a grade appropriate classic Broadway musical, and will analyze it through discussion and in writing. (GSE M2-2a, GSE)


  1. Rhythm quiz
  2. Rhythmic dictation
  3. Rhythm Composition
  4. Pitch worksheets
  5. Pitch Composition
  6. Orchestra Quiz
  7. Sonata form composition
  8. Various worksheets

All quizzes and tests will use a variety of strategies such as multiple choice, matching, short answer, essay, and identification of notes.

All musical compositions will be graded with a rubric, assessing the musicality.


All assignments are graded on a 100 points system. The assignments are then averaged together to create the final trimester grade.

Compositions/Projects/Tests: 50% of the final grade

Quizzes: 30% of the final grade

Worksheets/Class Assignments: 10% of the final grade

Participation in classwork: 10% of the final grade

Class Policies/Procedures:

All students must bring their agenda, music folder/notebook, and a pencil each day.

All students will be respectful to one another, the teacher, and school property.

All students will participate in each activity.

NCMS Mission Statement

To celebrate life, learning, and to pursue excellence;

To encourage and inspire respect;

To embrace diversity; and

To value the accomplishments of all members of the NCMS community.

We are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!

North Cumberland Middle School


Grade 7 Music

Room 219

Paul BowserPhone: (401) 333-6306

Shannan Davisemail:

Course Description:

Music class consists of four units of instruction: rhythm, pitch, ensembles, and performance. We meet for one trimester of the year.

RI Grade Span Expectations in Music:

MU 1-Artistic Processes-The human experience can be created and recreated through sound.

MU 2- Cultural Contexts-Music connects and expresses history and culture around the globe.

MU 3- Communication-Music of diverse genres is performed in a variety of settings.

MU 4- Aesthetic Judgment-Music knowledge is applied through reflection and evaluation of music of self and others.


  1. Students will understand the values of basic rhythms: whole notes and rests, half notes and rests, quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and rests, and sixteenth notes and rests, and dotted notes (dotted half, dotted quarter, and dotted eighth notes). (GSE M1-1)
  2. Students will understand 4/4 time, ¾ time, 2/4 time, and 6/8 time, and various irregular meters (3/8, 5/4,etc.). (GSE M1-1)
  3. Students will identify notes on the staff in treble clef and bass clef. (GSE M1-1c)
  4. Students will compose music using correct rhythms and pitches. (GSE M1-2c)
  5. Students will research the history of the Jazz Era and compose a Blues composition.(GSE M2-1a)
  6. Students will sing on pitch with other students. (GSE M3-1a)
  7. Students will write an analysis of art music using correct music terminology. (GSE M4-2b)
  8. Students will write short responses, with proper grammar, in their journals on various musical topics.

(GSE M2-2a)

  1. Students will research and write an essay on musical careers. (GSE M2-2a)
  2. Students will view a grade appropriate classic Broadway musical, and will analyze it through discussion and in writing. (GSE M2-2a, GSE)


1.Rhythm quiz

2.Rhythmic dictation

3.Rhythm Composition

4.Pitch worksheets

5.Pitch Composition

6.Various worksheets

7.Musical career essay

*All quizzes and tests will use a variety of strategies such as multiple choice, matching, short answer, essay, and identification of notes.

*All musical compositions and essays will be graded with a rubric.


All assignments are graded on a 100 points system. The assignments are then averaged together to create the final trimester grade.

Compositions/Projects/Tests: 50% of the final grade

Quizzes: 30% of the final grade

Worksheets/Class Assignments: 10% of the final grade

Participation in classwork: 10% of the final grade

Class Policies/Procedures:

All students must bring their agenda, music folder/notebook, and a pencil each day.

All students will be respectful to one another, the teacher, and school property.

All students will participate in each activity.

NCMS Mission Statement

To celebrate life, learning, and to pursue excellence;

To encourage and inspire respect;

To embrace diversity; and

To value the accomplishments of all members of the NCMS community.

We are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!

North Cumberland Middle School


Grade 8 Music

Room 219

Paul BowserPhone: (401) 333-6306

Shannan Davisemail:

Course Description:

Music class consists of four units of instruction: rhythm, pitch, ensembles, and performance. We meet for one trimester of the year.

RI Grade Span Expectations in Music:

MU 1-Artistic Processes-The human experience can be created and recreated through sound.

MU 2- Cultural Contexts-Music connects and expresses history and culture around the globe.

MU 3- Communication-Music of diverse genres is performed in a variety of settings.

MU 4- Aesthetic Judgment-Music knowledge is applied through reflection and evaluation of music of self and others.


  1. Students will understand the values of basic rhythms: whole notes and rests, half notes and rests, quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and rests, and sixteenth notes and rests, dotted notes (dotted half, dotted quarter, and dotted eighth notes), and triplets. (GSE M1-1)
  2. Students will understand 4/4 time, ¾ time, 2/4 time, and 6/8 time, and various irregular meters (3/8, 5/4,etc.). They will also identify changing meter. (GSE M1-1)
  3. Students will identify notes on the staff in treble clef and bass clef. (GSE M1-1c)
  4. Students will compose music using correct rhythms and pitches. (GSE M1-2c)
  5. Students will sing on pitch with other students. (GSE M3-1a)
  6. Students will write an analysis of art music using correct music terminology. (GSE M4-2b)
  7. Students will write short responses, with proper grammar, in their journals on various musical topics.
  8. (GSE M2-2a)
  9. Students will identify different voice types and discuss /analyze musical theater and opera. (GSE M4-1a, b)
  10. Students will view a grade appropriate classic Broadway musical, and will analyze it through discussion and in writing. (GSE M2-2a, GSE)


  1. Rhythm quiz
  2. Rhythmic dictation
  3. Rhythm Composition
  4. Pitch worksheets
  5. Pitch Composition
  6. Opera/Voice type quiz
  7. Various worksheets

*All quizzes and tests will use a variety of strategies such as multiple choice, matching, short answer, essay, and identification of notes.

*All musical compositions and essays will be graded with a rubric.


All assignments are graded on a 100 points system. The assignments are then averaged together to create the final trimester grade.

Compositions/Projects/Tests: 50% of the final grade

Quizzes: 30% of the final grade

Worksheets/Class Assignments: 10% of the final grade

Participation in classwork: 10% of the final grade

Class Policies/Procedures:

All students must bring their agenda, music folder/notebook, and a pencil each day.

All students will be respectful to one another, the teacher, and school property.

All students will participate in each activity.

NCMS Mission Statement

To celebrate life, learning, and to pursue excellence;

To encourage and inspire respect;

To embrace diversity; and

To value the accomplishments of all members of the NCMS community.

We are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!