Curriculum Vitae
Trude Storelvmo
Yale University
Dept. of Geology & Geophysics
210 Whitney Ave.
New Haven, CT 06520-8109
Phone: 203-432-6551
: 0000-0002-0068-2430
Education and training
2007 – 2009: Postdoctoral Scientist at Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
2006 – 2007: Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
2003 – 2006: PhD student, Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (PhD in Meteorology October 2006).
2000 – 2002: MSc student, Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway and Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (MSc in Meteorology June 2002)
1997 – 2000: BSc student, Norwegian University of Science and Technology/University of Oslo, Norway (BSc in Physics June 2000).
Research and professional experience
Dec. 2015 – Present: Associate Professor, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University.
Jan. 2010 – Dec 2015: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University.
Peer-reviewed publications (1undergraduate, 2graduate and 3post doc advisees)
38. McCoy, D., I. Tan2, D. Hartmann, M. Zelinka and T. Storelvmo, 2016: On the relationships among cloud cover, mixed-phase partitioning, and planetary albedo in GCMs. Journal of Advances in Modeling of the Earth System, doi:10.1002/2015MS000589.
37. Boos, W. J. and T. Storelvmo, 2016: Near-linear response of mean monsoon strength to a broad range of radiative forcings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 1510-1515, doi:10.1073/pnas.1517143113.
36. Tan, I.2, T. Storelvmo and M. Zelinka, 2016: Observational constraints on mixed-phase clouds imply higher climate sensitivity. Science, 352, doi:10.1126/science/aad530.
35. Storelvmo, T., T. Leirvik3, U. Lohmann, P.C. B. Phillips and M. Wild, 2016: Disentangling Greenhouse Warming and Aerosol Cooling to Reveal Earth’s Transient
Climate Sensitivity. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo2670.
34. Kravitz, B.,….T. Storelvmo,….., 2015: The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (GeoMIP6): Simulation Design and Preliminary Results. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 4697-4736.
33. Tan, I.2 and T. Storelvmo, 2015: Sensitivity study on the influence of cloud microphysical parameters on cloud thermodynamic phase partitioning in CAM5. J. Atmos. Sci., doi:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0152.1.
32. Storelvmo, T., I. Tan2 and A. V. Korolev, 2015: Cloud phase changes induced by CO2 warming – a powerful and understudied Climate Feedback, Current Climate Change Reports, doi: 10.1007/s40641-015-0026-2 (invited review paper).
31. Storelvmo, T. and I. Tan2, 2015: The Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process – Its discovery and vital importance for weather and climate., Meteor. Z., 24, 455-461 (invited review paper).
30. Takeishi, A2. and T. Storelvmo, 2014: Sensitivity study of the aerosol effects on a supercell storm throughout its lifetime., Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., 14, 24087, 24118.
29. Storelvmo, T., W. Boos and N. Herger1, 2014: Cirrus cloud seeding - A climate engineering mechanism with reduced side effects?, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc., 372, doi: 10.1098/rsta.2014.0116.
28. Tan, I.2, T. Storelvmo, T. and Y.-S. Choi, 2014: Spaceborne lidar observations of the ice nucleation potential of dust, polluted dust and smoke aerosols in mixed-phase clouds., J. Geophys. Res., 119, 6653–6665.
27. Choi, Y.-S., C.-H. Ho, C.-E. Park, T. Storelvmo and I. Tan2, 2014: Influence of cloud phase composition on climate feedbacks., J. Geophys. Res., 119, 3687-3700.
26. Muri, H., J. E. Kristjansson, T. Storelvmo, M. Pfeffer, 2014: The climatic effects of modifying cirrus clouds in a climate engineering framework, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 4174-4191.
25. Komurcu. M.3, T. Storelvmo, I. Tan2, U. Lohmann, Y. Yun, J. E. Penner, Y. Wang, X. Liu, T. Takemura, 2014: Inter-Comparison of the cloud water phase among global climate models, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 3372-3400.
24. Storelvmo, T. and N. Herger1, 2014: Cirrus cloud susceptibility and short-term climate response to the injection of ice nuclei in the upper troposphere, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 2375-2389.
23. Sesartic, A.2, U. Lohmann and T. Storelvmo: Modeling the impact of fungal spore ice nuclei on clouds and precipitation, 2013: Env. Res. Lett., 8, 014029.
22. Rusotto, R.1, T. Storelvmo and R. Smith: Modeling aerosol activation in a Tropical orographic island setting: Sensitivity tests and comparisjon with observations, 2013: Atm. Res., 134, 12-23.
21. Storelvmo, T., J. E. Kristjansson, H. Muri, M. Pfeffer, D. Barahona, A. Nenes, 2013: Cirrus cloud seeding has potential to cool climate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 178-182.
20. Bond, T. C., S. J. Doherty, D. W. Fahey, P. M. Forster,………, T. Storelvmo…., 2013: Bounding the role of Black carbon in the Climate System: A Scientific Assessment, J. Geophys. Res. , 118, 5380-5552.
19. Myhre, G., C. E. L. Myhre, B. H. Samset, T. Storelvmo, 2013: Aerosols and their Relation to Global Climate and Climate Sensitivity, Nature Education (
18. Smith, R., J. Minder, A. Nugent, T. Storelvmo, D. Kirshbaum, R. Warren, N. Lareau, P. Palany, A. James, J. French, 2012: Orographic Precipitation in the Tropics: the Dominica Experiment, Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 93, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00194.1.
17. Storelvmo, T., 2012: Uncertainties in aerosol direct and indirect effects attributed to uncertainties in convective transport parameterizations. Atmos. Res., 118, 357-369.
16. Sesartic, A.2, U. Lohmann and T. Storelvmo, 2012: Bacteria in the ECHAM5-HAM global model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 1457-1488.
15. Storelvmo, T. and T. Leirvik, 2011: The use of econometric methods to disentangle the anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse effect in observations and climate models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106, 465-467.
14. Storelvmo T., C. Hoose and P. Eriksson, 2011: Global modeling of mixed-phase clouds - The albedo and lifetime effects of aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D05207, doi:10.1029/2010JD014724.
13. Lohmann U., L. Rotstayn, T. Storelvmo, A. Jones, S. Menon, J. Quaas, A. Ekman, D.
Koch and R. Ruedy, 2010: Total aerosol effect: forcing or radiative flux perturbation.,
Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10, 3235-3246.
12. Hazeleger W., C. Severijns, T. Semmler, S. E. Stefanescu, S. Yang, X. Wang, K. Wyser, J.S. Baldasano, G. Balsamo, P. Bechtold, R. Bintanja, R. Caballero, E. Dutra, A. M. L. Ekman, J. H. Christensen, B. van den Hurk, P. Jimenez, C. Jones, P. Kallberg, T. Koenigk, R. McGrath, P.M. A. Miranda, F. Molteni, T. van Noije, T. Palmer, E. Rodriguez Camino, T. Schmith, F. Selten, T. Storelvmo, A. Sterl, H. Tapamo, P. Viterbo, 2010: EC-Earth: a seamless earth system prediction approach in action. Bull. Am. Met. Soc., doi: 10.1175/2010BAMS2877.1
11. Storelvmo, T., J. E. Kristjansson and U. Lohmann, T. Iversen, A. Kirkevåg and Ø. Seland, 2010: Correction to Modeling the Wegener-Bergeron- Findeisen process - implications for aerosol indirect effects. Env. Res. Lett.,5 (019801).
10. Storelvmo T., U. Lohmann and R. Bennartz, 2009: What governs the spread in shortwave forcing in the IPCC AR4 transient simulations. Geophys Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2008GL036069
9. Isaksen, I., T. K. Berntsen, P. Bosquet, B. Collins, T. Cox, S. B. Dalsoren, V. Eyring, M. Gauss, C. Granier, P. Joeckel, Z. Klimont, G. Myhre, A. Prevot, F. Raas, A. Richter, B. Rognerud, M. Schultz, D. Shindell, K. Shine, D. Stevenson, T. Storelvmo, W.-C. Wang, M. van Weele, M. Wild, D. Wuebbles, 2009: Atmospheric composition change - Climate-chemistry interaction. Atm. Env., 43, 5138 - 5192.
8. Seland, Ø., T. Iversen, A. Kirkevåg and T. Storelvmo, 2008: Aerosol-climate interactions in the CAM-Oslo atmospheric GCM and investigations of associated basic shortcomings. Tellus 60A, 459-491.
7. Kirkevåg, A., T. Iversen, Ø. Seland, J. B. Debernard, J. E. Kristj ́ansson and Storelvmo T., 2008: Aerosol-cloud-climate interactions in the climate model CAM-Oslo. Tellus 60A, 495-512.
6. Storelvmo T., J. E. Kristjansson,U. Lohmann, A. Kirkevåg, Ø. Seland and T. Iversen, 2008: Modeling of the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process - implications for aerosol indirect effects, Env. Res. Lett., 5, 019801, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/3/4/055001.
5. Storelvmo T., J. E. Kristjansson and U. Lohmann, 2008: Aerosol influence on mixed-phase clouds in CAM-Oslo, J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3214-3230.
4. Storelvmo T., J. E. Kristjansson, S. J. Ghan, A. Kirkevåg, Ø. Seland and T. Iversen, 2006: Predicting cloud droplet number concentration in Community Atmosphere Model (CAM)-Oslo, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006300.
3. Storelvmo, T., J. E. Kristjansson, G. Myhre, M. Johnsrud and F. Stordal, 2006: Combined observational and modeling based study of the aerosol indirect effect. Atm. Chem. Phys., 6, 3583 - 3601.
2. Myhre, G., F. Stordal, M. Johnsrud, Y. J. Kaufman, D. Rosenfeld, T. Storelvmo, J. E.
Kristjansson, T. K. Berntsen, A. Myhre, and I. S. A. Isaksen, 2006: Aerosol-cloud interaction inferred from MODIS satellite data and global aerosol models., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3081-3101.
1. Penner, J., J. Quaas, T. Storelvmo, T. Takemura, O. Boucher, A. Kirkevag, J. E. Kristjansson and Ø. Seland, 2006: Model intercomparison of the aerosol indirect effect, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 3391 - 3405.
Papers in review (Fall 2016)
Sagoo, N.3 and T. Storelvmo: Investigating indirect effects of mineral dust on paleoclimates. In review, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences.
Smyth, J. E.1, Russotto, R. D.1, and Storelvmo, T.: Thermodynamic and dynamic responses of the hydrological cycle to solar dimming, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2016-886, in review, 2016.
Storelvmo, T.: Aerosol effects on mixed-phase and ice clouds. In review, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science (invited).
Books, Theses, Proceedings and Popular Science Articles
1. Co-authored Yale Climate and Energy Institute Geoengineering Workshop Report, Lead authors B. Banerjee, G. Collins, S. Low and J. J. Blacstock. 2012.
2. Co-authored chapters in the book “The Future of the World’s Climate”, Edited by A. Henderson-Sellers and K. McGuffie, Elsevier, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-12-386917-3, 2011.
3. Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland,Ø., Boldingh Debernard, J., Kristjansson, J.E. and T. Storelvmo: Aerosols and their effects on Climate. Klima No.4, 40-43, 2008.
4. Storelvmo, T. and J. E. Kristjansson: Particles lead to less cooling than previously assumed. Cicerone, 16, 2, 28-29. 2006.
5. Storelvmo, T.: Modeling aerosol influence on clouds in CAM-Oslo, PhD thesis, Meteorology and Oceanography Section, Department of Geosciences, 2006.
6. Translated the book ’Earth’ to Norwegian. First published in 2003 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, 2004.
7. Stebel, K., G. Hansen, K. Edvardsen, T. Storelvmo and M. Gausa: Implementation of a daylight receiver in the ALOMAR ozone lidar -Final report. NILU: OR 32/2003.
8. Storelvmo, T.: The importance of ice crystal shapes and sizes for Earth’s radiative budget, MSc thesis, Meteorology and Oceanography Section, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, 2002.
Selected Invited/Oral Presentations
· Oral Presentation, AMS 13th conference on cloud physics, Portland, OR, Jul 2010.
· Invited Talk, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, Nov., 2010.
· Oral Presentation, AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Jan., 2011.
· Invited Talk at ETH-Zurich, Atmospheric Physics seminar series, Feb., 2011.
· Invited Talk at University of Madison, Wisconsin seminar series, Feb., 2011.
· Invited Talk, Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, Jul., 2011.
· Invited Talk, Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug., 2011.
· Invited Talk, AAAR Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Oct., 2011
· Invited Talk, University of Washington Atmospheric Physics Seminar, Oct. 2011.
· Invited Talk, Harvard University Seminar on Atmospheric Chemistry, Oct. 2011.
· Invited Talk, Yale University Global Change Seminar, Oct., 2011.
· Oral Presentation, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec., 2011.
· Invited Talk, Princeton/GFDL, Feb., 2012.
· Invited Talk, Gothenburg University, Apr., 2012.
· Invited Talk, University of Oslo, May 2012.
· Oral presentation, AeroCom workshop, Seattle, Sep., 2012.
· Invited Talk and Panel participant, COP18 side event, Doha, Qatar, Dec. 2012.
· Oral presentation, Yale – University of Tokyo symposium, Sep., 2013.
· Oral presentation, Yale forum on Economics and Climate Change., Nov., 2013.
· Invited Talk, University of New Hampshire, Feb. 2014.
· Invited Talk, Harvard University, Geoengineering workshop, Boston, Mar. 2014.
· Invited Talk, Yale’s Dept. of Geology and Geophysics colloquium, Mar., 2014
· Invited Lecture Series, University of Tokyo, Jun. 2014.
· Invited Talk, Climate Engineering Conference, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 2014.
· Invited Talk, AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Jan. 2015.
· Invited Talk, Harvard Solar Radiation Management Workshop, March 2015.
· Oral presentation, EGU General Assembly, Apr. 2015.
· Invited Talk, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, June 2015.
· Oral presentation, GeoMIP meeting, NCAR, Boulder, CO, July 2015.
· Two invited presentations, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015.
· Invited Talk, CloudSat/CALIPSO conference, Paris, France, May 2016.
· Oral presentation, GeoMIP workshop, Oslo, Jun. 2016.
· Oral presentation, Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Manchester, Jul. 2016.
· Invited Talk, ETH-Zurich colloquium, Zurich, Oct., 2016.
· Invited Talk, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Oct., 2016.
· Invited Talk, Econometric Models of Climate Change Conf., Aarhus, Oct. 2016.
(Note that I gave birth to twins in March 2013, and had to limit travel for a period before and after)
Teaching activities
1. Teaching at Yale University:
· GG322/GG522: “Physics of Weather and Climate”
o Fall 2010 (6 students enrolled)
o Fall 2012 (12 students enrolled)
o Fall 2015 (12 students enrolled)
· GG470/GG570: “Cloud Physics and Dynamics” (co-instructor)
o Spring 2011 (5 students enrolled)
o Spring 2014 (8 students enrolled)
· GG701: “The Warming papers”
o Spring 2013 (23 students enrolled)
o Spring 2015 (5 students enrolled)
· SCIE030/031: “Current topics in Science” (co-instructor)
o Spring 2014 (10 students enrolled)
o Spring 2015 (11 students enrolled)
o Fall 2015 (13 students enrolled)
· GG215: “Global Warming: The carbon cycle” (co-instructor)
o Fall 2014 (10 students enrolled)
· G&G216: “Global Warming: Climate Physics”
o Spring 2015 (5 students enrolled)
2. Previous teaching experience:
· ETH-Zurich: “Atmosphaerenphysik” (Fall 2008 and 2009)
· University of Oslo: “Radiation and Remote Sensing” (Fall 2004, 2005, 2006)
· Narvik Engineering College: Preparation Course in Physics for Engineering Students (Summer 2000, 2001, 2002).
Service and Outreach
1. Service to the scientific community
· Contributing author, Intergovernmental Panel For Climate Change, Assessment Report 5 (IPCC AR5), Chapter 7 on Clouds and Aerosols, 2013.
· Serving as subject matter expert on Atmospheric Climate Models for the second national Earth Observations Assessment (EOA 2016), performed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).