HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-2-40


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Assessment is required to determine the individual client’s needs and their eligibility for service. It must be completed in a timely fashion by a qualified staff member who is knowledgeable about the services of HCSS and alternatives in the community.


  1. Upon receipt of the new client file (Policy PM 2-20 Referral and Intake), the Family and Client Care Co-ordinator, or other qualified staff, will contact the potential client (or caregiver if appropriate) within two days, to gather and document information to allow assessment of eligibility . In the event of a waiting list, refer to policy PM-2-80 Waiting List. and PM 2- 90 Waiting List Day Away.
  1. For Movin’ GB Transportation, MOW, Housekeeping, Friendly Visiting, Dining Club, the following forms will be completed by the Staff member completing the assessment:

●PM- 13- Client Intake

●PM 16- Risk Assessment Client Home

●PM 18 - Client Emergency Contacts

●PM 17- Client Admission/Assessment

  1. For Day Away Program, Day Away Transportation and Overnight Relief, the assessment of eligibility is completed by the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) staff. The following forms must be completed:

●PM 16- Risk Assessment Client Home

●PM 18 - Client Emergency Contacts

In addition additional documents must be prepared as part of the Day Away and Overnight Relief Client Chart. (Policy PM 3-140 -Documentation of Client Information – Ongoing, Policy PM 10 – 30 Overnight Relief Documents .)

  1. A Home Visit will be scheduled to complete the assessment and initiation of service for Friendly Visiting and Housekeeping Services. For Friendly Visiting referrals the Recreation Assessment (Form PM-8) will be completed in the home. For the Housekeeping program, Forms HSKG-2 (Housekeeping Client Information Sheet), HSKG-3 (Housekeeping Scheduling Form), and HSKG-4 (Housekeeping Tasks) will also be completed.
  1. When clients have been assessed by HCSS staff over the telephone, a Client Information folder will be prepared and mailed to the client. Form PM-20 - Cover Letter Client Folder is attached to the front of the folder. This folder will contain:

■Form PM -19 - Service Agreement (duplicate )

■Form FIN-30 Pre Authorized Debit Agreement and Form FIN 31 - Pre Authorized Debit Cancellation (if client agrees to this form of payment for services )

■Form PM-1 Authorization for Release of Information (if needed)

■Form PM - 15 - Services Fact Sheet

■Form PM-2 - Client Rights letter

■Appropriate Service Information Sheets Form ON-2, DA-2, HSKG-1, CDC-10, FV-1, MOW-10, MOW-1, TR-1)

■Frozen Meals on Wheels order form and pamphlet (if needed)

■Staff Business Card

■Stamped Self Addressed Envelope to return forms that require signature (Forms PM-19, FIN 1, PM - 1)

■PHIPA pamphlet

■Label with appropriate local office phone numbers.

  1. When clients are being seen in person by staff prior to first day of service or on first day of service, the appropriate forms and information can be provided to the client, and signatures can be obtained on the appropriate forms.
  1. During the assessment, the client will be informed that HCSS is required by the Ministry of Health to collect some personal information including birth date and diagnoses if applicable. In order to respond to a potential emergency situation or in the event the client moves without notifying HCSS, the phone number and mailing address for next of kin is also required. The information being shared will be recorded and will be kept confidential and the individual will be given a pamphlet explaining their rights and recourse in regard to the PHIPA.
  1. If the client does not meet eligibility criteria, proceed as in policy PM-2-130 (Ineligible clients).
  1. If the client indicates they feel they cannot afford the full cost of the service, the assessor will explore alternative payment sources with the client, e.g. family members. If no alternatives are available then the assessor will complete the application for reduced fees. (Policy ADM-5-20 Fee reduction)
  1. Upon completion of the assessment the staff member will forward completed documents and forms to the appropriate Team Clerk, and assessment data will be input to CIMS. The “Next Assessment Date” must be entered in CIMS in the Assessment Panel of CIMS. This allows staff to generate a list of reassessments due each month.
  1. Upon completion of the assessment the staff member will forward completed documents and forms to the appropriate Team Clerk, and assessment data will be input to CIMS. The “Next Assessment Date” must be entered in CIMS in the Assessment Panel of CIMS. This allows staff to generate a list of reassessments due each month.
  1. The Team Clerk enters a note in CIMS that a Client Information package has been mailed to the client. When the signed documents have been returned this is recorded in CIMS by the Team Clerk. Team Clerks will be asked to produce a monthly report from CIMS, indicating if signed client documents have not been received. This report will be given to the FCCC staff. The FCCC staff will follow up with a phone call and will mail another copy of the forms that require signature if necessary. After two months, if the signed documents are still not returned, the client will be discharged from service. (see Policy PM 2-120Discharge) .