
The North American Meetings Industry Day is intended to shine a light on the real impact meetings and events have on businesses, economies and communities. Meetings and event industry association chapters, corporations, destinations, partners or anyone in the industry are being encouraged to hold events in destinations all across the three countries to support this North America-wide day of advocacy. This day, April 16th, will spotlight the substantial value derived from business meetings, conferences, conventions, incentive travel, trade shows and exhibitions.

At its base, NAMID is a grassroots, LOCAL media and messaging event. Meetings Mean Business is providing a toolkit and other resources to help you take our messages to the grassroots and to make newsworthy events which will show how meetings support local economies, connect people and drive positive business results.


Stage a rally with local officials, meetings industry workers, association members, destination marketing organizations on April 16th or any day in that week. Use NAMID talking points and other resources to amplify our messages about how “Meetings Mean Business.”

Obtain a Meetings Day Proclamation from Local Officials

Have your mayor, city council, county executive, minister of tourism or other suitable official, proclaim April 16, 2015 as Meetings Industry Day in your town. Invite the press and other dignitaries as well as members of meetings industry chapters and organizations. Appoint a spokesperson to discuss the impact and value of meetings focused on the theme of Meetings Mean Business.

Host an Educational Event about the Impact of Meetings

Host a guest speaker or panel of speakersfor an educational and networking session during a chapter or joint chapter meeting (all local chapters PCMA, MPI, IAEE etc.) either on the economic and business impactsof meetings and events, or another business topic with a member delivering the MMB messages at introduction and conclusion. Get local media coverage of the event and activate attendees to deliver messages through social media channels.

Make a Film

The British Columbia Chapter of MPI make a short video showcasing the impact of meetings and events on the local community. They interviewed taxi drivers, coffee shop owners, souvenir shop managers, hotel bellmen and local retail store owners. Use the film as an intro at other NAMID events.

Present an Award

Identify a community leader, politician, business leader who has been an advocate or supporter of the meetings industry through his or her actions, whether by the introduction of meeting friendly legislation/regulations or other activities clearly supportive of our industry. Present the award at an event, invite the press and all chapter members and organizations. Send out releases and stories to local press.