St. Paul’s LutheranSchool

2665 North Street, East Troy, WI 53120

July, 2015

Dear Parents and Students,

Wow! Can you believe we’ve already reached the middle of summer? Perhaps you have begun looking forward to this fall. We trust the Lord has kept you safe this summer, as He has us.

This letter should inform our new families and review for our present families the procedure for enrolling at St. Paul’s LutheranSchool.

This year we will have Registration/Orientation Night on Wednesday, August 12th, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Preschool families may register on Tuesday, August 11th, from 5:30-7:30p.m. Parents are expected to attend. You may also request a home visit from your child’s teacher and/or principal by calling them. We would like to discourage children attending (especially in the lower grades) the Reg./Or. Night so there are fewer distractions as the material is presented. If children do attend, they must accompany their parents for the entire evening.

On this night each teacher will speak with all the parents of students in his/her classroom (see the schedule on the reverse side). During this time the teachers will discuss classroom procedures, and the parents have an opportunity to ask questions of the teacher. Parents who do not have a child in that room may go through the registration line. If you are unable to attend this evening, please contact the school secretary, Nancy Schumacher at 363-4675, to make arrangements for registering your child.

Registration involves the following: 1) completing the Emergency Contact Card (be sure to include employers’ phone numbers, cell phone numbers, emergency baby sitter’s name and number, doctor’s name and number, etc.), 2) confirming that health data (including immunization records) is complete, 3) purchasing religious books (Bible, hymnal, memory books), 4) paying milk/hot lunch fees, and 5) signing up for piano lessons (grades 1-8), fall sports, and for parents to help in various capacities.

The tuition and education fees vary depending on membership status. The fee for kindergarteners varies depending on the number of full days attending. School fees are to be paid in full on registration night, tuition payment plansmust be signed up with FACTS prior to registration night by going online to the following address: Ctrl and left click your mouse to go to this website.) If you have not signed up with FACTS you will be asked to do so on registration night, bring your account information with you. The fees include book rental, supplies, athletics, and extracurricular events.This year’s milk fee will be $20.00 per year per half pint per child. Hot lunch will also be available this year for $25.00 per child, this will provide one hot lunch per month. Individual lunches are $3.00 per lunch during the year. If you have an outstanding balance from the previous year, it will be included in your FACTS account balance. The actual cost for a student to attend St. Paul’s Lutheran School is about $4,300.00 per year. Members of St. Paul’s are urged to meet the cost of educating their child(ren) through their regular church offerings.

Athletic physicals will be needed on file for students who plan on participating in any sport at St. Paul’s. For most sports the athletes are in grades 3-8. Be sure to schedule your child’s physical with your family physician as soon as possible. The physicals are good for two years. Students may not participate in practices or games until their physical is on file.

If clothes shopping is on your summer agenda, may we encourage you to continue to send your children as you have in the past: dressed neatly and conservatively, avoiding fads. Please, no clothing advertising alcohol beverages, cigarettes, having mixed or questionable sayings, musical groups, allows undergarments to show, and no bare midriffs when the child’s arms are raised. Shorts must be knee length for Gr. 5-8.

Finally, may we take this opportunity to remind all parents of our Savior’s directive, “Permit the children to come to Me.” You have an important responsibility in raising your child to know and love his/her Savior, and you have called your staff at St. Paul’s to assist you. Available to you and your children are Sunday weekly worship services, special evening services, Sunday School and Youth Bible Class, Adult Bible Class, Vacation Bible School (July 20th-23rd), a preschool for the younger children, and your Lutheran Elementary School. If you have any questions regarding these opportunities, please feel free to ask any of your staff members.

School cleaning is scheduled for the weekof August 13-22. Codes will be activated so you may come in when you are able. All parents of school children are expected to help. A reminder notice with the scheduled date will be in the church mailboxes in the near future.

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 1st, with classes starting at 7:55 a.m. The morning preschool classand morning Kindergarten will dismiss at 11:00a.m.,grades K-8 at 2:30p.m. Bus service will be available on the first day.


Wednesday, August 12th

6:00 Registration begins in the school ActivityCenter

6:00 - 6:30 Mrs. Mary Anderson (Kindergarten)

6:00 - 6:30 Mr. Ken White (Grades 7-8)

6:30 - 6:55 MissLaura Bodendorfer (Grades 1-2)

7:00 - 7:25 Mrs. Carol Winkler (Grades 3-4)

7:30 - 7:55 Mrs. Miriam Holm (Grades 5-6)

Registration will be open during the entire evening in the Activity Center until 8:30pm.

Concussion Awareness Talk with Mr. White will be at 6:30, 7:30, and 8:00pm. All parents of athletes must attend or arrange to meet with Mr. White at a later time.