Northern KentuckyUniversity
Department of Business Informatics
MBI 615
Analytical Tools in Business Informatics
Course Catalog Description:
This course exposes students to an integrated set of analytical tools in the areas of managerial accounting, finance and operations. These tools are foundational for an Informatics professional’s ability to assess business operations and more effectively manage projects, departments and organizations. Subject matter may include, analysis of financial statements and ratios, managerial accounting principles, capital budgeting, present value and return on investment calculations, statistical analysis, metrics for quality and risk analysis, business process management, value chain analysis, and inventory control.
Course Overview:
This course will include a survey of fundamental business analysis concepts and analytical tools inaccountingand business operations and their applied importance in modern organizations. The key objective of this course is to give the student a good understanding of how managers can selectapplythe appropriate business analytical tools to examine operational and financial performance aspects ofan organization.
Assurance of Learning:
The College of Informatics and theCollege of Business have established learning outcomes for all its majors. All business and informatics majors share some learning outcomes, and some learning outcomes are specific to the majors.
This course, Analytical Tools in Business Informatics, is designed to meet the objectives that all MBA, MBI, MAcc, and MHI program studentswilldevelop and demonstratehow to:
1. Understand the role/use of accounting methods and financial analysis in business operations.
2. Understand and applybasic financial management analysis tools as a foundation for integrated organizational performance assessment and management.
3. Identify and apply appropriate business analysis tools for operational efficiency and effectiveness measurement and/or assessment.
4. Understand & utilize appropriate Microsoft Excel 2010 analytical functions infinancial and operations business analysis.
Additional Objectives:
At the end of this course on-line students should have enhanced their skills, abilities and understanding of how to:
Communicate effectively through the use of virtual collaboration technologies.
As part of its accreditation process, NKU has chosen to emphasize the ways of which active learning occur throughout the curriculum. The active learning component(s)of MBI 615 is found in case study analysis and the applied business analysis research project.
Course Materials:
Required Textbooks & Software:
New Perspectives: Portfolio Projects for Business Analysis, 1st EditionCram & Friedrichsen,
Course Technology
ISBN: 9781133274773
Paperback 316 pages
Copyright 2013 / Business Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2010
Conrad Carlberg
Que Publishing.
(Part of the MrExcel Library series.)
ISBN: 978-0-7897-4317-6
Paperback: 528 pages
Copyright: 2010
A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports
Thomas Ittelson
Career Press
ISBN: 978-1-60163-023-0
Paperback 288 pages
Copyright 2009 / Required Software:
Microsoft Excel 2010
Course Format:
This course leverages a diverse communications medium learning community and is conducted for the most part as concurrent classroom and on-line course sessions (sections 002& 003).This course will utilize the textbooksand class lectures as the primary reference material and requires the active engagement and participation of all course members. This material will provide you with a good understanding of important concepts, topics, tools and techniques in Accounting and Business Analysis. You are required to read the assigned textbook material and should pay close attention to the discussion and review questions, exercises, along with the case studies at the end of the chapters. Students are encouraged to actively contribute toon-line discussions to reinforce the concepts from each text,chapter and lecture.
Note: Depending on your knowledge level of Microsoft Excel 2010, you may need to dedicate additionaltime necessary in self-directed study and practice using the textbook examples and Atomic Learning on-line tutorials on MS Excel 2010analytical functions to achieve the level of proficiencyrequired to complete the course portfolio projects and related assignments.
The degree of learning and success of the course depends on the preparation and contributions of all MBI 615 | 694 course members.
By registering for this course, it is expected that you allocate a significant block of time necessary to study, complete all readings, assignments and contribute to the course portfolio project(s). It is each student's responsibility to complete assignments on time. Assistanceand instruction will be available via the Wimba Virtual classroomat specified times to provide you with text material and assignment help and guidance as needed.Students are required to either attend class, the concurrent Wimba sessions or listen to the archives and are highly encouraged to share their questions, insights and reflections on the designated course discussion boards.Note: You are responsible and accountable for any information / material conveyed and/or discussed during class sessions.
Course Communication
The Blackboard Learning System and Wimba virtual classroom will be used as the primary communication vehicle for disseminating all course material, announcements, schedules, assignment handouts, etc. On-line discussion of assignments and course material will be hosted on the Blackboard discussion boards. It is the student’s responsibility to check the course Blackboard web page via the NKU Web site on a periodic basis to keep up to date on any changes or critical information.Note: During this course, on-line students are expected to have access to a computer with working audio speakers and microphone. Both written and voice discussion board communication methods may be utilized.
Business Analysis portfolio projects:
In addition to on-line assessments of course lecture and textbook material, you will be required to submit an applicable written and MS Excel workbook analysis of assigned cases, problems or portfolio projects. A required format may be posted for any given business analysis assignment. A set of guidelines and/or deliverables for each project will be specified either in the textbook and/or posted assignment description.
Applied Business Analysis Research Project:
A business analysis research project will be initiated at the beginning of the course. The project’s goal is to encourage studentsto develop an applied knowledge of financial and operational businessanalysistools. Eachstudent (or small group of up to 3 students) will select a well-established organizationor entrepreneurial venture to research, collect data, analyze and assess its business operations and financial performance utilizing the text material,supplemental readings, examples, tutorials and lecturesfrom this course as a framework. The student(s)will also identify and recommend how the operational and financial performance could be improved for this organization or venture. The student / small group will prepare a well-organizedset of MS Excel workbooks and associated research paper outlining and defining theirresearch analysis, assessment, findings andrecommendations. The project grade will be assessed based on the accuracy, appropriateness, business / technical acumen, insights, communication and presentation of material.Business analysis research project paper guidelines will be provided. Note: Additional project requirements may be posted for small groups.
You will submit a proposal (for approval) includingthe name and background of the organization to be studied along with the information collection methods, and ways you will achieve the project objectives. Yourapplied business analysisresearch project report documents the culmination of yourinvestigation, findings, analysis, assessment and recommendations for improvement.Note: The project report and any other related material will be submitted inelectronic format via a Blackboard assignment submission link.
Important Notice: Information and insights obtained during this project are for educational and research purposes only and for potential financial and operations management improvement options for the organization studied. This information should be considered proprietary and is not to be shared with any outside interests.
Your class contribution grade will be based on my interpretation of your course professionalism, individual course contribution and participation. Individual contribution will be judged on both quality and quantity of one’s contribution to discussions. Each student is expected to conduct their self in a professional manner. Professionalism includes respectful maintenance of electronic equipment as applicable along with discussion board etiquette.
Written Assignments:
All written assignments must be typed and turned in by the designated date and time. Proper grammar, spelling, and writing style are expected; please use the services of NKUWritingCenter if you need help in these areas. Grade points may be deducted for Instructor provided proof-reading, messy appearance, and/or failure to adhere to the assignment specifications.
MBI 615 Course Grading:
Sixon-line quizzes will be given assessing your knowledge of the course lecture and textbook material throughout the semester(drop the lowestquiz score above 50 points – 5 will count) and will have equal weight at 100 points each for a total of 500 points. Five Business Analysis portfolio projects will be assigned @ 50 points each for a total of 250 points. The final business analysis projectis worth 250 points.Available course points equal 1000 which will be used in calculating the final course point total as follows: Note: +/- grading may be applied based on your course contribution / participation level***
Point Grading Scale:900 – 1000 A
800 – 899B
700 – 799C
699 – below F
The grading system at NKU is based on the following descriptions:
Arepresents exceptionally high achievement as a result of aptitude, effort, and intellectual initiative.
Brepresents high achievement as a result of ability and effort
Crepresents average achievement, minimum passing grade (except for courses taken on a pass/fail basis), the minimum expected of a graduate college student
Findicates failure in a course. Credit in a course where an F was earned can be obtained only be repeating the course successfully.
+ / - grades may be applied to high / low point scores in a specific grade scale range.
Course Contribution
*** NOTE: Student course participation and individual contribution are important factors in the determination of your final grade “+” or “ –“
A final course grade below 700 is considered failing in the graduate business, Informaticsand health professionsprograms. In accordance with the University regulations grades will not be posted or disclosed over the telephone.
Any missed quiz will result in a zero being assigned to that quiz and the same will be included in the computing of the final course grade. If you miss a quiz or other assignment because of illness due to a university approved absence, or absence approved in advance (written) by the instructor, you will be given the opportunity to make up before the next scheduled class. It will be your responsibility to schedule the make up with the instructor. If you do not, you will receive a grade of zero. Case discussions cannot be made up.
Points will be deducted (@ 5% per day) if an assignment is received after its due date.
Plagiarism is defined as the “copying or imitating the languages, ideas, and thoughts or works of another author and passing off the same as one’s original work”. This also applies to the student who knowingly allows his or her work to be copied by another student. The first offence will result in the student(s) receiving a zero for the assignment. The second offence will result in the student(s) receiving an “F” for the course and referral to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action. See Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Hearing Procedures, Section II. Cheating and Plagiarism for further details.
Course Policies (continued):
Student rights and responsibilities
The maintenance of academic standards and integrity includes the obligation not to cheat or plagiarize. A student who uses a dishonest or deceitful means to obtain a grade is guilty of cheating; a student who submits another’s work as one’s own without adequate attribution is guilty of plagiarism. Identical work will earn a grade of zero.
Students are fully responsible for learning the course content and material disseminated in the class. Absences do not release you from this responsibility.
Please see the NKU Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities at
The College of Business has in addition its own Code of Student Conduct, created by student organizations. Please visit the College website at
Your instructor will do all the grading of quizzes, exams, papers, and projects. Assessment and assignment of final grades are also the responsibility of each instructor.
Students are to ensure that all of their course correspondence is always professional. No, harassing, threatening or discriminatory language will be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to remove any student from the course is he/she deems a student is conducting themselves in an unprofessional manner.
Important notice:
Dates and assignments documented in this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Every effort will be made to provide any changes to the class in writing. Verbal notification during a class meeting, however, will constitute sufficient notice. The course schedule is tentative and this syllabus is subject to change as announced through electronic media
MBI 615 Tentative Course Schedule
Analytical Tools in Business Informatics
CLASS / DATE / TOPIC / REQUIRED READING1 / Course Orientation / Course Syllabus
2 / Introduction to Accounting
and Business / FS Ch. 1, 2 & 3
3 / Accounting Transactions & Cycle / FS Ch. 12
BA Ch. 4
4 / Accounting for Inventories / BA Ch. 1 & 3
5 / Accounting for Receivables & Assets / BA Ch. 2 & 16
6 / Accounting for Liabilities & Equity / FS Ch. 6, 7 & 8
7 / Statement of Cash Flows / FS Ch. 4 & 5,
BA Ch. 5
8 / Financial Statement Analysis / FS Ch. 13,
BA Ch. 6 & 7
9 / Financial Statement Analysis / FS Ch. 9, 10 & 11
10 / Budgeting / BA Ch. 8
11 / Capital Investment Financial Analysis / FS Ch. 20, 21, & 22, .BA Ch. 11,12, & 13
12 / Capital Investment Risk Analysis / FS Ch. 16, 17 & 18
BA Ch. 14 & 15
13 / Forecasting / BA Ch. 9
14 / Quality Measurement & Analysis / BA Ch. 10
15 / Decision Analysis / BA Ch.12 & 13
16 / Business Analysis Project / Final Project Due
Readings: FS = Financial Statements text | BA = Business Analysis text
Assignments: Portfolio projects & topic quizzes will be announced…