Nonqualifying Competition Showcase Guidelines

2016-2017 Season

Melissa Bowman

National Vice Chair for Showcase

Karissa Woienski

U.S. Figure Skating

Manager, Figure Skating Programs

Last updated 1/24/2017

Whenshowcase is included inasanctioned non-qualifying competition, no additional sanction is requiredas longastheeventsareincludedin the originalofficial application. However,the guidelinesforshowcaseeventsmust be followedin orderfor the skaters to qualifyfor National Showcase.


OfficialswillbeselectedbytheLocalOrganizingCommitteefromthecurrentlistofU.S. Figure Skatingofficials. Non-Official judges mayonlybe used ifthecompetition is granted a “Special CompetitionSanction”.

ChiefAccountants/LOC:Forallnon-qualifyingshowcasecompetitions(orthose competitionsthatincludeshowcase,interpretive,light entertainment,dramaticentertainment,artisticorensembleevents)thecompetition results mustbe sent bythe chief accountantto:

  • MelissaBowman,National Vice Chairfor Showcase,


  • Karissa Woienski, U.S. FigureSkating,Manager, Figure SkatingProgramsat

Themethodfor submissionwill be electronicallyor bymailto individuals named above. Theseresults will be used toverify the eligible skaters to the National Showcase competition.


1.Requiredage and test qualificationsmust be in effectatthedateentries are closed. Subsequent changes willnotaffecteligibility (with the exception of Adult Championships and Adult Sectionals).Skaters representinganother governing bodymustmeet that body’s closest possibleequivalent tothe specified U.S. Figure Skatingtestrequirement.The referee’s decision will befinal. For Duets,entriesmust beaccordingto the age and level of the highesttest skater. Both skaters must have completed test minimum pre-requisites.

2.Placement Pre-Requisite:Singles competitors, Preliminary through Senior, Adult Bronze through Adult Masters, maycompete atNational Showcase, if theyplacedfirst, second, thirdorfourth (1) ina contestednonqualifying showcase/theatrical/interpretive skatingeventheld in the United States fromthe close of entriesfor National Showcase in the current skating year back tothe close ofentriesfor National Showcase in thepreceding year; or (2) in the immediatelyprecedingNationalShowcase. Lower levels are not eligible to compete in National Showcase. Competitors who have entered a competition subsequently cancelled for lack of other entries may substitute a testimonial letter from the chair or the registrar to get a bye to National Showcase.



3.National Showcase is scheduled,annually, eachAugust. The deadline to satisfy test pre-requisites, placement pre-requisites, and to enter is July 13.


1.Performanceswillbe judgedfromanentertainmentstandpoint,fortheatrical andartistic qualities.

2.Technical skatingskills and difficultywillnot be rewardedas such;however, skating mustbethemajor element of the performance and be of sufficientqualityto supportthe selectedtheatricalelements.

3.Unintendedfalls, poorlyexecuted skatingelements andobvious losses ofcontrol will negativelyaffect thecompetitor’s/team’smarks.

4.Jumpdifficultyisnotrewardedinshowcase;thereforejumps,ifchoreographed, shouldbeperformedwithstyle,flowandconfidence.

5.Theatrical elementsevaluatedwill includearebut not limited to:

a)Reflectionof themusicalityas it pertainstothe conceptof theprogram





f)Skatingskills thatrelate tothemusic

g)Age appropriateness to skater

h)Use of propsandscenery

i)Interaction (Duets andEnsemblesonly)

j)Note:Prolongedpauses to express lyrics are discouraged

6.The6.0judgingsystemwill be used.Onemark will be awarded byeach judgefor each performance. No technicalskating markwill beawarded.

7.Deductions will applyfor negligence relatingto: costumes, props,programtimes. If there is more than one infraction, each will be deducted from the single mark.

Deduction / Description
-0.1 / Hair or accessory falls to ice
-1.0 / Prohibited size or type of prop
-0.1 / For each 10 seconds over maximum time


1.Costuming andmake-upfor showcase/theatrical/interpretive skating

programs should enhancethefeelingcreated bythe performance,

andreflectthemeaning of thestoryor theme.

2.Costumerulesfor competition freeskateprogramsdonotapplyfor showcase/theatrical/interpretive skating.Ornamentsand hairaccessoriesmustbe secure.

3.Nobobbypins,feathers,hairaccessories,or anythingelsethatmayfalltotheice and behazardous to the skaters areallowed.A0.1 deduction will be taken.

4.Figure skating blades must be used, no hockey or other blades. The blades must be sharpened to produce a flat to concave cross section without change to the width of the blade as measured between the two edges. However, a slight tapering or narrowing of the cross section of the blade is permitted.


Skatersmayenter anyor all singles eventsfor which theyare qualified bytestlevel. Skaters cannot skateindifferent levels ofthe same event(example:event-LightEntertainmentLevel Junior skater would not beallowed to skateLight Entertainment Junior andSenior).

Singlesevents are as follows:

1.Dramatic Entertainment:Programsshould express intenseemotional connectionand investmentin themusic, choreographyandthemeconceptthrough related skating movements, gesturesandphysical actions. The entire gamut of emotions may be expressed including intense joy and/or introspectiveness.Props andSceneryARE permitted.

2.LightEntertainment: Programsshouldexpressa carefreeconcept or storyline designed touplift andentertain the audiencethrough related skatingmovements,gestures and physical actions.Props and SceneryARE permitted.

3.Interpretive:The programwill be a performance choreographed bythe competitor, unaccompaniedand unassisted,tomusic that is suppliedbythe LOC.Programs shouldincorporatevarious elements of expressivemovementand skatingmoves, toenhance the skater’s interpretation ofthemusic, rather than technical elements.Themusic will be played continuouslyduringa 30-minute off ice session ina room.The roomwill be attendedonlybythe adultmonitor assigned toplaythemusic, and the competingskaters.Themusic willbe playedtwice duringawarm-up onfullice.After thewarm up skaters willgo back to the room,withno musicbeing played.Skaters will be broughtto the icewhen the previousskaterfinishes. Allcompetitors in an event will interpret the samemusic. Props arepermittedbutmust be brought into the roomprior to listeningto themusic,andbetaken tothe ice onlywhen the skater is called toperform. Propsmaynotbepre-positionedontheperformance surface.

Duet & Ensemble events are as follows:

4.Duets: aretheatricalperformances byanytwocompetitors. PropsandSceneryARE permitted.Skaters mayenter onlyoneduet, one mini production ensembleand one production ensemble each.

5.Mini Production Ensembles:aretheatrical performancesbythree to seven

competitors. Props andSceneryARE permitted.Programsare performedunderfullarenalighting. Skaters mayenter onlyoneduet, one mini production ensembleand one production ensemble each.

6.Production Ensembles:are theatrical performances byeight ormore competitors.NOTE: Skaters mayenter onlyoneduet, one mini production ensembleand one production ensemble each. Props and SceneryARE permitted.Programsareperformedunderfullarena lighting.


Interpretiveeventswillwarmupforfourminutesonperformanceice under full house lighting.Warm-upgroups for interpretivewill not exceed10skaters. No props are allowed on the ice during warm up.

Singles, duets, mini-production and production ensembles will warm up for a minimum of threeminutes backstage when curtains and spotlights are used.



  1. Pre-juvenileand below: 1:00max
  2. Juvenile thrunovice: 1:30max
  3. Junior and senior:1:30max
  4. Teenand youngadult:1:30 max
  5. Alladultevents:1:30max

2.Lightand DramaticEntertainment:

  1. Beginner, High Beginner, No Test, Pre-Preliminary (theselevelsdonotqualifyforNationalShowcase):1:30max
  2. Preliminaryandpre-juvenile: 1:40max
  3. Juvenile thrunovice: 2:10max
  4. Junior and senior:2:40 max
  5. Teenand Youngadult: 2:10max
  6. AllAdultEvents:1:40max


  1. Duets:SameasforLightandDramaticEntertainment(entriesaccording to

thelevel ofthe higher testskater)

  1. Mini Production ensembles: 3:10max
  2. ProductionensemblesFS: 6:15max



competitoror memberofateam.Forperformancesthatareover thetime

allotment,standard timedeductionswillapplyasperU.S.FigureSkating’s

currentrulebook.Timingwillcease when the last skater comes to acompletestop.


1.Props and scenerymustbeplaced and removed:

•Unaided,bythesingles and duets competitors within one minute total onand off.

•Unaided, by the ensembleteamswithin two minutesmaximum for setup and two minutes maximum for removal.Anyone not skatingisnotallowed to steponthe ice.


•Theinclusionof sceneryand/or propsis notmandatory.

•Allscenerywillbe portableandnotrequire anymechanicalmeansfor transportation (i.e. forklift,etc.). Itsmovement will be the responsibilityofthe skateror teams.

  • A mandatory deduction of 1.0 may be applied by each judge as instructed by the referee for the following violations:
  • Scenery may not exceed 7’6” in height
  • For insurance reasonsno propulsion deviceswillbe permitted.This includesitems such as cannonsandtrampolines.Apparatus such as these, which could beusedtoassist skaters with jumpingintothe air,are NOTpermitted.
  • The use of smoke,fire, dry ice, liquids, live animals,feathers, bubble machines oranysubstance thatmayharmthe icesurfaceand/or skatersis notpermitted.
  • No projectiles.
  • All props must be under the control of the skater; for example, remotely controlled images or objects.
  • No mirrors or glass of anykind is allowed onthe ice.
  • People may not be used as props.
  • Forensemble setups(2:00max):Anannouncement willbe madeafter 1minutehas elapsed. Another announcement will be madewhen 30 seconds areremaining.At the2-minutemark,anannouncementis madethatset up time is over. Set-up mustbe completeand skatersmustbe in theirstartingpositionbefore the 2-minute announcementis made. A0.1deductionwillbe takenfor every10 secondsover.
  • There will be no countdown oftimingannouncedfor Single skatersor Duets.
  • If acompetitor hasanydoubt concerningthesafetyof his/herperformance, theChief Referee should be consulted.

3.SceneryBreak Down (Ensembles):

At the completion of the performance,and after theteamhastaken theirbows, teams will be permittedtwominutestoremove allscenery/props.When removingthescenery/propsfromthe ice the skaters maynotstepoff the ice until all sceneryis removed.

A 0.1deduction will be assessed bythe referee againsteach judges’ markfor eachten seconds in excess of the timeallowed.


A.There is nominimum time requirementforanyeventprogram.

B.Events will not be segregatedbygender.

C.There will be a0.1 deductionfor each10 seconds inexcess ofthemaximum

performance time.

D.There will be a0.1 deductionfor each10 seconds inexcess ofthemaximumprop placement

E.There will be a 0.1deductionfor each10 seconds inexcess ofthemaximumpropbreak down time.

F.Timingstarts with thefirstpurposefulmotion of thebodyandendswhenmotion stops.

G.Spotlights and curtains arenotrequiredfor showcase eventsatnonqualifying competitions.


Maximum sizes of initial rounds will be 18 contestants. In adult events, groups larger than 18 participants will be split by age. Final rounds may be held at the discretion of the referee and the local organizing committee.


Except for Adult events, skaters must compete at the highest level for which they qualify.

Event / Must meet requirements*
Must have passed Free Skating or Dance test (solo or partnered standard track) / Must not have passed
Free Skate or Dance (solo or partnered) Test / Age / Time
Singles or Duets
(Duets must compete at the highest test level of the two skaters and both members of a duet must meet at least the minimum test pre-requisite for Preliminary Free Skating or Adult Bronze Level.) / Preliminary / Preliminary Free Skate / Pre Juvenile Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance / No minimum
(max age 20) / 1:40 max
Pre Juvenile / Pre Juvenile Free Skate / Juvenile Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance / No minimum age
(max age 20) / 1:40 max
Juvenile / Juvenile Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance / Intermediate Free Skate
Intermediate Free Dance / 13 and under / 2:10 max
Teen / Juvenile Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance / Intermediate Free Skate
Intermediate Free Dance / 14-17 / 2:10 max
Intermediate / Intermediate Free Skate
Intermediate Free Dance / Novice Free Skate
Novice Free Dance / 17 and under / 2:10 max
Young Adult / Juvenile Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance / Novice Free Skate
Novice Free Dance / 18-20 / 2:10 max
Novice / Novice Free Skate
Novice Free Dance / Junior Free Skate
Junior Free Dance / 2:10 max
Junior / Junior Free Skate
Junior Free Dance / Senior Free Skate
Senior Free Dance / 2:40 max
Senior / Senior Free Skate
Senior Free Dance / 2:40 max
Event / Must meet requirements*
Must have passed Free Skate or Dance Test (solo or partnered, standard, adult, or masters track) / Must not have passed Free Skate or Dance Test (solo or partnered; standard, adult, or masters track) / Age / Time
AdultBronze / Adult Bronze Free Skate
Preliminary Free Skate
Juvenile Free Dance
Complete Pre-Bronze Dance Test**(prior to 4/30/17) / Adult Silver Free Skate
Pre Juvenile Free Skate
Adult Silver Free Dance
Intermediate Free Dance
Preliminary FD (prior to 9/2/2000) OR 3rd Figure (prior to 10/1/77)
Any Pre-Silver Dance** / 21 andolder / 1:40max
AdultSilver / Adult Silver Free Skate
Juvenile FS (prior to 10/1/94)
Pre Juvenile FS
Adult Silver Free Dance
Intermediate Free Dance
Preliminary FD (prior to 9/2/2000)
3rd Figure (prior to 10/1/77)
One Pre-Silver Dance** / Adult Gold Free Skate
Juvenile FS (On/after 10/1/94)
Adult Gold Free Dance
Novice Free Dance
Bronze FD (prior to 9/2/2000)
4th Figure (prior to 10/1/77)
Any Pre-Gold Dance** / 21 andolder / 1:40max
Adult Gold / Adult Gold Free Skate
Juvenile Free Skate
Adult Gold Free Dance
Novice Free Dance
3rd Figure (prior to 10/1//77)
One Pre-Gold Dance** / Intermediate FS (on/after 10/1/91)
Junior Free Dance
Silver FD (Prior to 9/2/2000)
5th Figure Test (prior to 10/1/77)
Complete Pre-Gold Dance Test** / 21 andolder / 1:40max
Masters / Intermediate Free Skate
Adult Gold Free Dance
Junior Free Dance
Silver FD (Prior to 9/2/2000)
3rd Figure Test (prior to 10/1/77)
8th Figure Test (10/1/77-9/30/79)
Complete Pre-Gold Dance Test** / 21 andolder / 1:40max
Mini Production / Open / Open / 3:10max
Production / Open / Open / 6:15max

*For the US Adult Championships and adult sectional championships, skaters must meet the test requirements for the level at which they want to compete; rules 2540-2552 apply,; and the same level must be chosen for all showcase events at the competition (for example, a skater may not compete in Masters Dramatic Entertainment and Adult Gold Light Entertainment events at the same competition).For all other competitions,skaters must compete at their test level or one level higher, per the above chart.For Basic Skills levels and events, please refer to the U.S. Figure Skating Compete USA Competition Manual for Showcase event levels, elements, qualifications, program lengths and descriptions. For events offered, refer to the competition announcement.

**IMPORTANT- As of May 1, 2017, Pattern Dance Tests will no longer qualify adult athletes to compete in Showcase Events. Those who have passed the complete Pre-Bronze Dance Test prior to 4/30/17 will be grandfathered at the adult bronze showcase level. Athletes currently competing based on pattern dance tests will need to pass a qualifying free skate or free dance test (solo, partnered, standard, adult, or masters) to compete in showcase events above the adult bronze level after April 30, 2017.