Clitheroe Parish Church AODS

NEWSLETTER February 2017

NODA Region 3 & 12 Awards

The Society has won the following awards at the recent Region 3 & 12 Awards Dinner held the Dunkenhalgh Hotel:

Me and My Girl

Best Supporting Actor in a musical - David Hulme

Best Leading Female in a musical - Katie Cowburn-Green

Best Musical

Best Overall Production

Broadway Bard

Best Concert/Revue

Move over Mrs Markham

Best Female Comedy Performance - Geralyn Lambert

25 members attended the Awards Dinner and a good night was had by all.

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated and to all the winners.

DVD Night

“Mack and Mabel” DVD night has been arranged for Friday 21stApril 2017 and will be held in the St. Mary’s Centre from 7.30pm.

Please bring along some nibbles/party food etc. if you want to.

The Bar will be open!

We will be showing the DVD on the big cinema screen!!

Hope you can all come along and watch your performances.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 2ndMay 2017 at 7.30pm in the St. Mary’s Centre.

Come along and take part in the AGM. This is your chance to find out what’s going on within the

Society, to ask any questions you want answering and to elect themembers you want to represent you on the committee.

Would you like to serve your Society by being on the committee?

You will need 2 members, one to proposeand one to second you, to put yourself up for election.

Give Lesley (Secretary) a ring on 01254 248679.

Please take the time to attend and remember, it’s your Society.It can only function with your support!

Play Readings

The Play this year will be will be directed by Damian Marsh.

Play readings have been arranged for Wednesday 19th and 26th April 2017 and 3rd May 2017 in the St. Mary’s Centre, (Mutual Room) from 7.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to come along, even if you don’t want to take part, it’s a fun night.

The dates of the play are 18th to 21st October 2017.

NODA North West Area Awards

Following the success of the Region Awards the Society has received the following nominations:

Me and My Girl

Best Supporting Actor in a musical - David Hulme

Best Leading Female in a musical - Katie Cowburn-Green

Best Musical

Move over Mrs Markham

Best Female Comedy Performance - Geralyn Lambert

Broadway Bard

Best Concert/Revue

The winners will be announced at the NODA North West Awards Dinner held on Sunday 30thApril 2017 at the Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel.

The Dinner is part of the NODA North West weekend which takes place at the Mercure Manchester PiccadillyHotel from – 28th April to 1st May 2017.

Several members will be attending on the night.

Good Luck to all nominees on the night.

Show 2017

Next year’s show will be “Calamity Jane” and is to be directed by Lesley Haworth, with Milly Wardle as Choreographer and Chris Andrews as Musical Director.

Enrolment night will be on Tuesday 29th August 2017 at 7.30pm. We will be singing through some of the songs from the show and find out about the story.

We hope to see you all again for this fantastic show, with lots of singing and chorus routines for everyone.

We do need plenty of men as well as women for this show, so if there are any men out there who you could persuade to be in it please bring them along.

Any new members will be made very welcome.

The dates for the show are 10th to 17th February 2018.

For further information about any of the above events, please contact Lesley on 01254 248679 or e-mail .