There are four main functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. All companies include these four functions in their management. XYZ internet company is a brand new company which provides internet access service Being a new company, XYZ has more challenges ahead. XYZ internet company will face competition not only from existing players but also from new emerging internet access companies. The company wants to lay down the guidelines for new incoming managers. In order to do so, company wants to prepare a policy manual for incoming new managers. This policy will be helpful for the new recruited managers to operate in line with the goal of the company. XYZ internet company wants to develop a new POLC (planning, organization, leadership and control ) model to remove the barriers in accessing the market and to establish itself in the market..

Internet business is different from traditional business. Internet business does not require the business owner to have shops, factories and offices all over world. Without even setting up offices in every part of world, internet business has access to global market. So, internet company needs some alternative business plan and strategies to succeed. A new internet company will face challenges at micro as well at macro level. At Micro level, the company will face problems related to government policies, market competition consumer preferences, infrastructure etc. At macro level, the company will face challenges related to cultural mismatch, legal and regulatory issues, demographic factors, economic factors, foreign currency fluctuation etc.Micro as well as Macro business environments will create challenges for XYZInternet Company.
Being an internet company, XYZ internet company will have access to global market. Users of the service will be located in different corners of world. In this global business environment, the company will have to face several challenges related to technology, consumer preferences and demographic divide. Company will need to have robust communication infrastructure. Functioning of the management in different parts of world is not same. Consumer preferences, government policy, law and regulation etc vary from country to country. Even competitors differ from country to country. So, XYZ company can not have uniform strategy all over world. Management functioning style and strategy has to be devised as per the need.
POLC Model:
To a large extent the success or failure of a business depends on the role and functioning of the management. Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in order to achieve the objectives of that organization.The POLC (planning, organization, leadership and control ) Model include four major factors : planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
The most important function of the management is planning. Planning is done by organizations to make future operations easy. Planning establishes objectives of the organization and devises strategy to achieve the objectives.

Planning includes the following:

  • Establish mission statement
  • Determine specific objectives, projects and programs
  • Set strategies and policy
  • Implement programs
  • Review and evaluate the strategy and policy

The XYZ Internet Company should provide access to the internet via latest technology for all its users. All users want fast connection and high bandwidth. The new incoming managers should be introduced to the available market, the requirement of funds, source of fund, consumer preferences and competitors (and potential competitors). Managers should also be introduced to the strategy of the XYZ internet company which the company will use to launch new programs. The planning of the company will also include the offers and special plans related to dial-up access (or any other technology) to the internet , what offerings are there by the competitors (MCI, UUNet, ATT, etc.) and why XYZ internet company’s offering is better.

First step to success for any manager should be “Know your product”. All managers should be introduced to the product and services of XYZ Internet Company, its offerings and discounts and its financial impact. Cost-revenue analysis will help the managers to understand at what cost company is providing service and what should be the minimum revenue to cover the cost. Consumers want more facilities and services bundled in one package. The manager will include several new features like domain name registration, web page hosting, internet connectivity with high speed and reliability; News letter, blog service, free e-mail account, internet access on move etc. This cross-functional knowledge will help the managers to understand the business model of the company and manage their role.
In “Planning”, organization devises the strategy. In “Organizing” , company develops an organizational structure to implement strategies. The efficiency of the organization increases at a great level by organizing functions.

Organizing functions includes:

  • Determine the way the business will operate
  • Division of work to tasks
  • Grouping the tasks into positions, departments
  • Assigning tasks to individuals (or groups)
  • Delegate authority and responsibility

In order to organize the functions of an internet company, many high tech facilities are required. An integrated GUI(graphical user interface) is required for the internet function screens in an internet access device. In dial-up connection, the company requires to provide the consumers modem connected through telephone lines. In wireless connectivity, company has to set up Wi-Fi zone and provide the customers the facility to connect to the Wi-fi zone. Sometimes, in addition to computer and laptop, other devices are also connected to internet. Some of the popular such devices are mobile, PDA, Palm top etc. Company has to provide such facilities as well.

Now a days, web pages are not just HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages. New scripting languages (XML, ASP, JSP etc) have emerged. Now many sites run Java applets, Flash programs etc. Many new applications (like webcam chat, voice chat etc) and application providers software (Yahoo Messenger, Skype etc) require to communicate through certain ports. At the same time, company can not leave all ports open as that makes the system vulnerable to virus attack. An internet access company has to provide service so that users can access all these programs/ features and at nthe same time system remains secure. Company also has to ensure uninterrupted internet access at high speed.

All the above tasks are grouped as per the need (grouping can be like web related, connectivity related, security related ….) and assigned to different departments/individuals/groups based on their expertise.
Leadership is the most important managerial practice which supports, motivates and influences the employees for achieving high objectives. In simple words, Leadership is use of power or influence to get the best out of workers. Leadership focuses on the top line. Leadership derives its power form values and correct principles. Leadership does the following:

  • Gives clear directions to the employees
  • Set the example
  • Communicates to the employees
  • Motivates the employees and builds morale

Leadership deals with vision, keeping the mission in sight and with effectiveness and results. A good and experienced leader helps the followers to attain common goals (McKenna, 2000).

XYZ Internet Access company is a new organization and it has organic culture. For this company, the most suitable leadership style is “Participative leadership style”. The participative leader of the internet company will include the views of the team members in decision making for the implementation of new plans. It is two way communication. It helps the employees to express their view and employee’s view helps the management to take more informed decision. The employees become motivated if their views are included in managerial decision making. The motivated employees give new and innovated ideas to the management for the implementation of the new plans for the internet company. In initial stage, innovative ideas are building block of the company and helps the company to create its USP.
The manager need not to stick to Participative leadership style. Leadership style can change as per the need and changing environment. The different employees of the company will face different problems regarding the operations performed by them in their related departments. Their views in aggregation will be helpful to make the overall functioning of the company effective. In most cases, participative leadership style is best suited for the XYZ company. In some cases, company can experiment with other leadership style as well.
The controlling is the most important function of the management. Controlling helps the management in keeping up the standard. Through controlling the company makes all the operations of its related departments effectives. Controlling has following four steps:

  • Assess and monitor performance of employees
  • Compare the achievements and performance with set standards
  • Identify variants
  • Take remedial action to improve performance to achieve set standards

In a new company like XYZ Company has a great role of controlling process in its managerial practices. Users face several interruptions in internet access due to problems in telephone lines or weak Wi-fi zone. Thus the management has to make its business practices in such a way that it can control the problems of interruptions in the access of internet. Once goals are set, tasks are divided, the management needs to control the operation in order to provide the users smooth internet access. Management also has to ensure that users are getting other facilities offered by the company as per the standard. Management has to ensure service standard is kept high and user complaints are resolved at lightening speed. Through controlling, new managers will be able to achieve the goals set for them.

The complete cycle of POLC does not ends with controlling. The fourth function of controlling is to take remedial action to improve performance to achieve set standards.

While controlling company identifies new problem areas and opportunities. These problem areas and new opportunities are discussed in new planning phase. Thus, by the controlling functions the management cycle will work effectively.

Business Plan for Internet Service Provider. (2005). Retrieved on May 30th, 2009, from
How to Control as a Management Function. (2008). Retrieved on May 30th, 2009, from

Method and apparatus for organizing and displaying internet and telephone information. (2004). Retrieved on May 30th, 2009, from
McKenna, E. F. (2000). Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: A Student's Handbook (3rd ed.). Psychology Press.