

e mail:

Minutes of the meeting of Leverington Parish Council held on Tuesday, 7th January 2014 at the Leverington Primary Academy, Church Road.

No Public Forum was required.

Present: Councillors Mrs. S.Tooke (Chairman), Mrs. M.Lenton (Vice Chairman), B.Baker, J.Downes, A.Ransome, Mrs. A.Shippey, A.Sutton, Mrs. G.Williams.

Clerk B.Boyce.

1.  Welcome and to receive apologies.

The Chairman welcomed everyone and wished them a Healthy and Happy New Year.

2.  Police report.

2.1  Report.

Tabled and noted. Councillors are not happy with the waiting time when trying to report an incident. The 101 calling system went through to Cambridge with a wait of 20 minutes before being able to report.

2.2  Neighbourhood Watch.

There are currently 11 schemes running in the following roads.
Mays Lane. Mountbatten Drive.
The Chase. Gorefield Road.
Peartree Crescent. Leverington Common.
Munday Way. Park Lane.
Ivesdyke Close. Perry Road.
Walsingham Court.

A leaflet drop will be organized for the rest of village. It would be beneficial to know the contact name and number of the coordinator of each road. The Council resolved to ask Mr. Harrowing to attend a Council Meeting.

3.  To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2013

The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

4.  Matters arising not included in the agenda items.


5.  Declarations of Interest

Councillor Ransome declared a non pecuniary interest in item 7.1

6.  Finance.

6.1  Balances to date.

Opening balance 15733.63

Receipts Paying in book no. 033 Taylor rent 100.00

Interest 2.48

F.D.C. 2nd Concurrent Functions payment 2240.00


Payments B.Boyce Standing order (November) 476.67

B.Boyce Standing order (December) 476.67

Closing balance 17122.77

6.2  Grant application form

The Village Hall Committee submitted a Grant Form requesting a grant toward new windows and complete renovation. This was debated but no decision made. The request to be debated further.


6.3  Precept.

Council referred to the 2013/14 precept requirements and adjusted figures where necessary. The provision of a groundsman for the new cemetery was added. Correspondence from Fenland District Council informed the Council that the grant for Concurrent Functions is to be halved and phased out and also that the Parish must pay for street lighting. The extra hours for interments will be monitored. It would be of benefit to the community if a register of available skills from local residents could be established.

7.  Development

7.1  Applications

F/YR13/0908/F / 568 / Missin / Land SE of Random Cttge, Church End / Erection of 3/4-bed dwelling.
Council comment: / The entrance to proposed property is over a Right of Way. Overlooking the Care Home. Unsuitable plan for the area available.

7.2  Decisions

F/YR13/0812/F / 562 / E.Melton / 25 Peatlings Lane / Erection of 1.98m boarded fence to front. Remove hedge. GRANTED
F/YR13/0817/TRTPO / 563 / D.Cobbold / Arbor House, Peatlings Lane / Works to 3 willows & group of limes GRANTED
F/YR13/0824/F / 564 / Wooldridge / 27 Richmond Way / Convert garage to living accommodation. GRANTED
F/YR13/0828/F / 565 / Dalsar / 12 Leverington Common / Change games room &first floor of garage to annexe GRANTED

8.  Highways, Paths and Street Lighting.

8.1  Highways

There is a multitude of deep pot holes along Ringers Lane and outside the church on Gorefield Road. A report of car damage has been received and work is urgently required. Buses now use Ringers Lane three times a day and there are fears of sliding in the bad weather as they have to weave through the potholes.

8.2  Parish Paths.

The paths need to be walked for an inspection. To be left until the weather improves.

8.3  Street Lighting.

See item 6.3. No report received at this time.

9.  Play areas.

9.1  Church Road (remedial work)

In hand. T.Barber met with Cll.Baker to clarify work required and will send a quote.

9.2  Foal Ground (Hedge cutting).

In hand. Proctor Bros will be sending a quote for the hedge cutting.

Further names were put forward for a tree survey.

10.  Parish Cemetery

10.1 Committee will meet on Tue, 14th in Village Hall at 2.30pm

Anglia Locksmiths to advise on locks required for water facility.

10.2  It was agreed to look at the cleaning and the surrounds of the War Memorial in the church burial grounds as a WW1 anniversary project. Mr. Barber to advise and quote for the work.

11.  Allotment Tenancy Agreements.

The allotment tenancy agreements for Ringers Lane i.e. Taylor and Collins were agreed and signed.


12.  Reports from Councillors.

12.1  Noticeboard

The parish notice board has completely broken off and is lying on the grass. It was

agreed to claim on the insurance. Further discussion took place on the provision of

more than one notice board at strategic points within the parish...

12.2  Website.

The Council wishes S.Tierney to continue with the up dating of the web site.

12.3  Dinner

A.Shippey was thanked for arranging the excellent dinner.

13.  Correspondence.

13.1  Smiths Gore.

Recommends (Health and Safety Risk Assessments) -that all tenants of their land

produce a plan of all underground and overhead services that cross holdings. No

known services cross the allotment land at Common Gardens.

Regarding Council owned land, no known services cross any of the land at Church

End or Ringers Lane.

13.2  The invitation to the Twinning Party on Wed. 22 January, 5.30pm in the Council

Chamber was noted.

14.  Close of meeting

·  Next meeting 18 February 2014.

·  Council dates for 2014/15 given to councillors. Parish Assembly date 2015 required.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.