ICC Minutes
November 19, 2007

Room 409
2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order:

2:05 p.m.

  1. Roll Call:

An “*” represents the voting member when there isone or more members present from any given club.


  • Enock Teefe→Honors*
  • Stephen Hamrick→Applied Science, Honors and Animeniacs
  • Gustavo Martinez→Applied Science*
  • Krish Ahuja→Animeniacs*
  • Harvey Corales→Allies*


  • Jamila Stewart→LMCAS Cluster Club*

→Against All Odds*

  • Felero Smith→Puente*
  • Lovetta Tugbeh→BSU*
  • Hayde Guevara (2:30)→Comadres*
  • Dave Belman→ICC Advisor
  • Demetria Lawrence→ICC Advisor


  • Aurelio Cardona→La Raza Unida*

→Brother to Brother*

  • Anita Wagner→Alpha Gamma Sigma*
  • Jonathan Hoffman→Soldiers of Christ*
  • Francisco Rojas→CLEMA*


  • Those present constitute a quorum.
  1. Approve Agenda: November 19, 2007 and Minutes from November 5, 2007:


  • Call for a motion to approve the agenda for Monday, November 19, 2007.

Motion:Enock Teefe

Second:Jamila Stewart


Vote passes by majority.


  • Call for a motion to approve the minutes from Monday, November 5, 2007.

Motion:Enock Teefe

Second:Jamila Stewart


Vote passes by majority.

  1. Club Reports/Requests/Announcements:

BSU Funding Request:

  • BSU is requesting $700 for the African American Women’s Energy Conference Awareness Conference.
  • Dave Belman: ICC is not allowed to fund dinners/food. The request needs to be allocated differently ($700 towards the speaker).
  • The BSU is asking for teacher nominations from ICC members to be submitted to the BSU box by Thursday, November 29, 2007.
  • Enock Teefe: BSU needs to make sure that the message is clear in the advertising.
  • Jamila Stewart: The business office will want the BSU minutes approving the event and the budget for expenditures.
  • Enock Teefe: The BSU needs to carry out/submit their advertisement plan for the event (bring to the next meeting).

* Hayde enters the meeting at 2:30 p.m.

Call for a motion to approve $700 for the BSU African American Women’s Energy Conference Awareness Conference.

Motion:Gustavo Martinez

Second:Felero Smith


Vote passes by majority.

  1. Club Day:
  • Clubs need to decide on what they are selling by next week’s meeting.
  • Applied Science is bringing cake.
  • The theme is LMC pride:
  • Clubs should try and wear LMC paraphernalia or school colors.
  • Felero and Jamila will contact Art Alatorre/Athletic Coaches about having the athletes participate.
  • Someone should wear the mascot costume.
  1. ICC Accounts Update:
  • The ICC account has not changed since the last meeting:
  • $2,613 has been allocated.
  1. ICC Scholarships Update:
  • The ICC criteria so far:
  • A minimum of 5 units
  • A minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Must be an active member of an ICC chartered club
  • Essay must include special emphasis on answering the following question: How has your involvement in LMC club or clubs, contributed to your success and development?
  1. Adjournment:

Meeting is adjourned at 3:05 p.m.