CHAVEY DOWN September 2016
Published by The Chavey Down Association Number 54
Congratulations to our local Borough Councillor, Tony Virgo, on his appointment as Mayor for Bracknell Forest Council on 18th May. Tony has represented our ward since 2007 and has always been extremely pro-active in supporting our village and the rest of the ward. Some of us were fortunate to attend his inauguration.
Our new mayor, Tony Virgo, with Chavey Down
Association Chairman, Jacquie Lovell.
The Mayor’s chosen charity for this year is the Sebastian’s Action Trust. Sebastian Gates was a local boy from Locks Ride and the Trust was set up in his memory with its purpose to provide a holiday home for children with life-limiting illnesses, giving them the opportunity for a respite break with family, in a purpose-built facility. Additionally the Trust provides emotional, social and practical support to the children and their families. Donations to the Trust can be made through the Mayor’s Office at Bracknell Council.
Ascot Priory
The future of the beautiful historical Ascot Priory and its grounds is currently under threat as the Trustees of Ascot Priory are in the process of carrying out an informal consultation regarding the future of the land and property. They say that the costs of maintaining the Grade 2 listed buildings are currently exceeding the Priory’s income. Please do take time to go onto Ascot Priory’s website which is or write to The Chairman, Ascot Priory, c/o St Andrew Street, London, EC4A 3AF or email marking any correspondence with the heading “Ascot Priory”. Any representations or suggestions need to have been received by the Trustees by 30th September. Ascot Priory is situated on Green Belt land and therefore any suggestions should take this into account.
Dependant upon its future there may be fewer opportunities to see the Estate but on Friday 9th September, as part of Heritage Week,for the first time the Priory will be open to visitors from 2-4pmwith tours at 2.15 and 3.15. St David's Nursing Home will also be hostingits Annual Fete on 10th September from 2.15 and all are very welcome.Please do try and get along to these events and show your support for Bracknell's most treasured asset. You may not get many more chances!
HeatherwoodHospital Consultation
A public consultation by Frimley Health Trust was held at Ascot Racecourse on 4th August concerning the proposed future development of the Heatherwood Hospital site. Part of the plan is to sell off the current hospital site for a residential development, which is hoped to make up £35m of the total £72m cost. The proposed new hospital would be built on woodland, which already belongs to the trust and is on greenbelt land. The latest plans were displayed and the project team were on hand to discuss the proposals in more detail and answer questions from the public. Concern was expressed by some of the public that the proposed houses along the A329were some 5 storey's high and not enough car parking. Concern was also raised that the houses are likely to be sold to foreign buyers who will use them for race days – or will let them for race days. The proposed area for the building of the hospital is on the only woodland on the site, which has protected wildlife. Visit for more information.
14/01333/out: Up to 88 dwellings on Land at Locks Ride: As you will have no doubt seen in the local press, this appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspector. The reasons for the dismissal were the effects of the proposal on the landscape and character and appearance of the area and the sustainability of the site. Gladman have stated that they are currently considering the outcome. During the site inspection by the Inspector, local Councillors and Gladman representatives, it was noted that huge oak trees on an adjacent site had been intentionally and maliciously damaged by a third party which will probably cause them to die.
15/00383/ful Chavey Down Farm: Change of Use of land adjoining Warfield Park for the siting of up to 82 mobile homes (according with the definition of a caravan), suitable alternative natural green space (SANGS) and informal open space, together with access improvements, landscaping and biodiversity measures. Refused.
16/00384/ful – 23 Locks Ride – Erection of 1 x 5 bed house, detached garage and outbuilding following demolition of existing building. Approved.
16/00390/ful – Pheasant Cottage, 146 Locks Ride. Erection of 2 detached houses following the demolition of existing house. Pending.
16/00328/ful – White Gates, Main Drive, Long Hill Road. Erection of 11 x 4 bed and 4 x 5 bed detached dwellings via the drive to Warfield Mobile Home site, following the demolition of existing house and outbuildings. Pending consideration.
15/00309/ful - The Oaks 108 Locks Ride: Erection of 1 x 5 bed dwelling and 2 x 3 bed bungalows with associated garages and parking access and construction of a new access road. Approved.
16/00707/ful - Land At The Yard Chavey Down Road: Change of use of land for the siting of 6 residential mobile park homes. Pending consideration.
16/00560/ful – The Foresters. Demolition of outbuilding 1 and part of outbuilding 2, erection of single storey side and rear extensions, alteration to car park and closure of Priory Road access. Approved.
16/00796/ful – 29 North Road. Erection of single storey rear and two storey side extensions following demolition of garage and single storey extension. Pending consideration.
Winkfield Neighbourhood Development Plan(NDP)
Considerable research has been undertaken on the local area, BracknellForestpolicies and Government policies, and the information is all being compiled to send to our consultants to help us with the next stage.You will all be given opportunity to give your views to ensure that our NDP is led by the people of the Parish. You will be receiving, if you have not already received it, a questionnaire to provide feedback on what you want to see,specificallydevelopment, character and design, traffic, green infrastructure and community assets. Please do take time to complete this as consultation and feedback are key to the success of our plan. A website is being developed by a local website designer and should be up and running shortly. We are still looking for volunteers so if this is something that is of interest to you and you would like to help shape your neighbourhood, please contact Anne-Marie Edwards, the Clerk at Winkfield Parish Council. Tel 01344 885110.
Queens 90th Birthday celebrations
Many thanks to Mary Knight and her team and the Parish Council for the lovely afternoon teas we had to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday. Some of us had a great deal of cake that weekend!
Long Hill Traffic Group
The Long Hill Traffic Group has sent out flyers to residents requesting support totry to reduce the speed limit from 40 mph to 30mph. They have been in discussion with the police and Bracknell Forest Council. For further information and information about getting involved, please contact them via the CDA email address.
Thank you to members and invited guests who attended our 54th AGM. We had a very interesting talk by Jeff Pick who is the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for Windsor and Maidenhead who told us about some of thescams taking place across the area. All the committee were re-elected but we need some more volunteers please! We meet 6 times a year on a Monday evening. At the AGM we were able to recruit volunteers to help with occasional driving for the Winkfield Good Neighbours Scheme; a service used by many village people needing help getting to appointments. That’s 3 in the last 2 yrs-well done Chavey Down!
Subscriptions for membership of the Chavey Down Association
For those of you who may have forgotten to renew your CDA subscription, please can we kindly ask that you do so as soon as possible. For the more mature of us not doing so could mean losing out on a Christmas hamper. The subscription fees are a bargain:
- Senior Citizens (age 60 before 1st April 2016) - £2.00.
- Individual Membership £3.00
- Family Membership £5.00
Thank you to everyone who made additional donations which have been gratefully received as these helpto support the cost of the Annual Summer outing, the Christmas Hampers, the day to day costs of the association and this year we have been able to make a small donation to the Sebastian Gates Trust.
Summer Outing
We are so, so grateful to Tina Chapman for once again organising the summer outing back in June. Local residents enjoyed a lovely day in Bournemouth. Tina always plans a fantastic fun-filled day for everyone and already folks are looking forward to next year’s trip.
Village Christmas Carol Service
The Carol Service will take place in St Martin's Church at 18:00 on Saturday 17th December, so please put the date in your diary. The service will be followed by mulled wine and mincepies, and a collection will be taken for the Alexander Devine Children's Hospice.
And finally …
A huge thank you to Winkfield Brownies who did a fantastic job of picking up litter in Chavey Down back in June. Well done Brownies!
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