Teaching Excellence Program

Induction 2016

Content Lesson Plan PLM

Name (First and Last): / District:
School Year: / Campus:

Directions and Deliverable:

An effective lesson plan ensures that each day is purposeful and that students are learning and retaining what you teach. Throughout Induction you engaged in sessions on Lesson Planning. These Lesson Planning sessions include planning aligned Objectives, Exit Tickets, Key Points, and Practice.

For this PLM you will need to create a lesson plan that includes the applicable components from the list below:

All Lessons (regardless of format) / 5 Step / PDP / 5E
  • Objective
  • Exit Ticket
  • Key Points
  • Practice
An overview of these components is listed below. /
  • Opening
  • Introduction to New Material with Checks for Understanding
  • Guided Practice
  • Independent Practice
  • Closing
  • Pre-Reading
  • During Reading with Checks for Understanding
  • Post-Reading
  • Engage
  • Explore
  • Explain with Checks for Understanding
  • Elaborate
  • Evaluate

Once you have completed this PLM please send your completed document to sing the following naming protocol:

First Name Last Name Content Lesson Plan PLM

i.e. Adam Fulton Content Lesson Plan PLM

Objectives include SWBAT + Verb + Knowledge & Skills
Steps for Writing Objectives
  1. Read the TEKS to identify the knowledge and skills students need to master.
  2. Make a chart of the knowledge and skills in the TEKS.
  3. Identify and read the assessment question (and answer choices) that is aligned to this TEKS.
  4. Using only the knowledge & skills identified, solve the question and show your thought process/work.
  5. Create an objective by writing statement(s) that include SWBAT + Verb + Knowledge/Skills

Exit Tickets
Exit Tickets are aligned:
  • Exit Ticket assesses the necessary knowledge (based on the objective).
  • Exit Ticket assesses the necessary skills (based on the objective).
  • Exit Ticket is similar to the summative assessment question(s).
  • Exit Ticket matches the verb level in the objectives.
Exit Tickets are impactful:
  • Exit Ticket informs instruction.
  • Exit Ticket is independently completed.
  • Exit Ticket is brief.

Steps for Creating Exit Tickets
  1. Underline the knowledge of the objective.
  2. Circle the verb(s) or skills.
  3. Design questions that assess the knowledge and skill that are similar in format to the summative assessment question(s).
  4. Create an answer key and/or exemplar response.

Key Points
Key Points are:
  • Based on the knowledge and skills from the objective.
  • Aligned to the Exit Ticket or Formative Assessment.
  • 3-5 main talking points.
  • Concise, declarative, and student-friendly.

Steps for Writing Key Points
  1. Identify the knowledge and skills of the objective.
  2. Categorize those knowledge and skills into two categories, “what” and “how”.
  3. Break down the “what” by defining or explaining each one.
  4. Break down the “how” into necessary steps.
  5. Make each “what” and “how” chunk of material into statements.
  6. Double check your key point, do they align with your Exit Ticket?
  7. Reread the key points to make sure they are concise and student-friendly.

Practice is aligned:
  • Practice contains the necessary knowledge and skills contained within the objective.
  • Practice matches the verb level in the objective, and the exit ticket.
  • Practice is aligned to the formative assessment questions or Exit Ticket.
Practice is impactful:
  • Practice allows for all students to participate.
  • Practice must represent the largest block of class time.
  • Practice needs to include repetition of an isolated skill.

Steps for Creating Practice
  1. Review your Objective, Exit Ticket, and Key Points.
  2. Brainstorm using the objectives verb and determine how students will need to practice in order to show mastery on the exit ticket.
  3. Search for and select appropriate practice activities that are aligned to the Objective, Exit Ticket, and Key Points.
  4. Create or modify to allow for participation, and time.