The Show Me Stock Dog League Annual Meeting was called to order by President Art Irvin at 12:10 pm on December 5, 2015, at Larry Burch’s Farm in Butler, Missouri. There were 20 members in attendance.

No one expressed an interest in attending the meeting via conference call.

Since the minutes of the December 4, 2014, annual meeting were emailed to members last year, secretary Dotty Esher summarized the contents rather than read them. A motion by Jerry Dunn to approve the minutes was seconded by Jack Knox.

Dotty then gave the treasurer’s report and Jan Moore reported that the financial audit had found all to be in order.

The League bank balance on November 30, 2014, was $688.83 and on November 30, 2015, the balance was $2,967.18. The increase reflects the generosity of League members who held events to benefit the League in 2015. League membership remained at 38 members.

A motion by Larry Burch to approve the treasurer’s report was seconded by Nicki Hall.

Old Business

2015 awards were presented:

Open Sheep: Laurie Nichols and Mac

Nursery Sheep: Carl Rupe and Blaze

Pro Novice Sheep: Wyatt Fleming and Mirk

Ranch Sheep: Caryn Miller and Greg

Novice Sheep: Whitney Fleming and Boots

Open Cattle: Thad Fleming and Molly

Nursery Cattle: Thad Fleming and Boots

Pro Novice Cattle: Melissa Rowell and Dew

Novice Cattle: Whitney Fleming and Boots

New Business

*Art explained that last year’s proposal to increase the dues did not follow League By-Laws procedure. Since the annual dues amount is written into the By-Laws, the By-Laws need to be changed in order to change the annual dues amount. In order to change the By-Laws, proposals must be in writing to the Board by June 1, and the Board must approve the change unanimously for the change to be presented at the annual meeting.

Bob Salmon agreed with the need to follow the By-Laws and motioned that there be no dues increase. Larry seconded.

* All 2015 officers agreed to stand for re-election for the 2016 term.

Art asked if there were nominations for 2016 officers. There being none, a motion was made by Jerry to accept the slate, Larry seconded. A vote approved the slate.

President – Art Irvin

Vice President - Jerry Dunn

Secretary/Treasurer - Dotty Esher

Kansas Representative - Shane Hall

Arkansas Representative - Buster Berryhill

Nebraska Representative - Sheryl Day

Missouri Representative - Bob Putnam

Member at Large - Larry Moore

* A general discussion was held on whether in the future the League should provide a monogrammed jacket to the open dog winner. After some debate, the idea was tabled for further discussion in the future.

* Art discussed the State Fair trial. There were 80 entries in the trial, which ran smoothly due to the many volunteers who made it happen. In addition to the trial, there were cattle herding demonstrations and a duck herding demo, all of which were enthusiastically enjoyed by the spectators.

It was agreed that the Fair itself did little to promote the trial both before the event and during the day, which will be brought up in further discussions about the future of the event.

* In order to encourage young handlers, Larry suggested that the League subsidize the trial entry fee for those 17 years old and under. A discussion followed that favored the proposal. Larry made a motion that the League pursue the issue and Nicki seconded.

* Claire Sandbothe has offered to look into setting up a Facebook page for the League. It was agreed the League should take steps in that direction in 2016.

Nicki Hall made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jack Knox seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.

We’re all looking forward to a great year with our dogs! As soon as we get spring trial dates, we’ll send them on.

2016 dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family and should be sent to:

Dotty Esher

983 NW County Road 1502

Butler, MO 64730

From Bob Putnam, the Show Me Stock Dog League Missouri representative:

A local shepherd, Jen Fitzwater, is selling beautiful calendars featuring her farm, sheep and guard dogs. Proceeds from the sale of the calendar will help pay for the very expensive ACL surgery for Ollie, one of her guard dogs. It is a spiral bound 8.5 x 11 (11 x 17 open), fullcolor calendar for sale on Etsy. The link is:

Two samples of the pictures in the calendar are attached.