City Council Agenda
July 3, 2007
9:30 a.m.
Council Chamber
Orders of the Day:9:30 a.m. / Call to Order
First item at 9:30 a.m. / E.1. / Supplementary Capital Budget Adjustments - Delayed, Recosted and New Capital Projects
11 a.m. / E.2. / Community Services Advisory Board - Recommendations for Community Investment Operating Grant Three-Year Program Priorities and Guidelines for 2008-2010
12 noon to 1:30 p.m. / Lunch
1:30 p.m. / E.3. / A Plan of Action for the Capital Region River Valley Park (X-ref: E.4.)
3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. / Recess
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. / Dinner
9:30 p.m. / Adjournment
A.1.Call to Order
Deputy Mayor:Councillor M. Nickel
Acting Mayor:Councillor M. Phair
Opening Prayer
Rev. Dr. Don Mayne
Secretary, Interfaith Centre for Education and Action
A.2.Adoption of Agenda
That the July 3, 2007, City Council meeting agenda be adopted.
Addenda require a Special Resolution.
Deletions require a unanimous vote.
A.3.Adoption of Minutes
That thefollowing meeting minutes be adopted:
- June 7, 2007, Special City Council
- June 11, 2007, City Council Public Hearing
- June 18, 2007, City Council
- June 19, 2007, City Council
A.4.Protocol Items
B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items
That the recommendations on all items be passed with the exception of thefollowing (which are selected for debate):
B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear
Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes for any requests made.
B.3.Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate
Item / ReportTitle / Department / Revised Due DateD.1. / Feasibility and Costs of Burying Overhead Lines / Planning & Dev. / Aug. 28/07
E.1.Supplementary Capital Budget Adjustments - Delayed, Recosted and New Capital Projects
Time Specific: First item at 9:30 a.m.
Administration Recommendation
That the supplementary budget adjustments for cash flowing, project transfers and new projects be approved as presented and summarized in Attachment 1 of the June 13, 2007, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2007CBP029.History
At the June 19, 2007, City Council meeting, the June 13, 2007, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2007CBP029 was postponed to the July 3, 2007, City Council meeting as the first item of business at 9:30 a.m.
This report has two purposes. First, it recommends supplementary budget adjustments to the 2007-2011 Capital Priorities Plan. Secondly it provides detailed information on delayed, recosted and new capital projects.
Delegation:A. B. Maurer/P. Tarnawsky/R. Ducharme/W.D. Burn/
L. Cochrane/J. Tustian/L. Benowski
E.2.Community Services Advisory Board - Recommendations for Community Investment Operating Grant Three-Year Program Priorities and Guidelines for 2008-2010
Time Specific: 11 a.m.
Recommendation of the Committee
That the 2008-2010 Community Investment Operating Grant Program Priorities and Guidelines as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 29, 2007, Community Services Advisory Board report 2007CAAB06 be approved.History
At the June 25, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting, the
May 29, 2007, Community Services Advisory Board report 2007CAAB06 was considered.
This report describes the 2008-2010 three-year funding Program Priorities and Guidelines that will be used to develop funding recommendations for the 2008-2010 Community Investment Operating Grant (CIOG) Program.
Delegation:H. Palmer/K. Quirke
E.3.A Plan of Action for the Capital Region River Valley Park
Time Specific: 1:30 p.m.
X-Ref: Item E.4.
Administration Recommendation
- That the City of Edmonton adopt APlan of Action for the Capital Region River Valley Park report, authored by the River Valley Alliance, and commit to the planning, implementation and development of the integrated and continuous river valley park system in the Alberta Capital region.
- That Mayor S. Mandel provide a letter to the River Valley Alliance in support of a request to provincial and federal governments for ongoing annual sustainable funding to support implementing the Plan of Action.
The River Valley Alliance has completed preparation of a Plan of Action for the Capital Region River Valley Park.
Delegation:S. Rolingher/B. Wilson
E.4.River Valley Alliance – Plan of Action – Additional Information
X-Ref: Item E.3.
Recommendation of the Committee
That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:That the May 1, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW8696 be received for information.
At the May 15, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 1, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW8696 was considered and the Committee heard from S. Rolingher, Chair, River Valley Alliance.
This report provides additional information to Council on the River Valley Alliance – Plan of Action.
Delegation:W. D. Burn/L. Brenneis/G. Barry
E.5.Long Term Seniors Centres Building Operating Costs Strategy
Recommendation of the Committee
- That a new “Seniors Centres Grant Program” be established for seniors centres in Edmonton, to provide funding for general operating expenses, support to emerging senior centres and minor capital projects, with funding to be considered as part of 2008 budget deliberations.
- That Administration prepare a service package in the amount of
$1.3 million as part of the City’s 2008 budget process. - That a one-time 2007 Seniors Centres Minor Capital Grant to allocate $553,000 from project number 05-21-5527, as outlined in Attachment 2, of the June 11, 2007, Community Services Department report 2007CSR023, be approved.
At the June 25, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting, the
June 11, 2007, Community Services Department report 2007CSR023 was considered, and the Committee heard from S. Hallett, Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council; and M. Jaedicke, South East Edmonton Seniors Association.
This report recommends that a new Seniors Centres Grant Program be established beginning in 2008, and that a one-time Seniors Centres Minor Capital Grant be established to allocate funding previously approved through the 2007 budget process. These recommendations are included in the City of Edmonton’s Seniors Centres Long Term Funding Strategy (2007-2017).
Delegation:R. Smyth/B. Wong
E.6.Community Services Department Budget Adjustment - Allocation of Additional 2007 Family and Community Support Services Funds
Recommendation of the Committee
That the Community Services Neighbourhood and Community Development Program 2007 Operating Expenditure budget be increased by $348,613 tocorrespond with the increase in the 2007 provincial grant revenue budget.History
At the June 25, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting, the June 4, 2007, Community Services Department report 2007CSW019 was considered.
This report recommends an increase of $348,613 to support community-based preventive social services. The source of funding is an increase in the Family and Community Support Service (FCSS) grant from the Province of Alberta.
Delegation:K. Barnhart/C. Burton Ochocki
E.7.Edmonton Arts Council 2007 Community Investment Program Festival Seed Grant Recommendations
Recommendation of the Committee
That the 2007 Community Investment Program Festival Seed Grant recommendations, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the June 13, 2007, Edmonton Arts Council report 2007EAC006, be approved.History
At the June 25, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting, the
June 13, 2007, Edmonton Arts Council report 2007EAC006 was considered.
This report recommends that a total of $35,000 be allocated to seven organizations producing new or emerging festivals.
Delegation:J. Mahon
E.8.Expropriation of Property Located on Fort Road
Recommendation of the Committee
That Administration take all steps required by the Expropriation Act, including the use of a Section 30 Agreement if warranted, to expropriate an 863.31 square-metre portion of the property legally described in Attachment 2 of the June 13, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW3713.History
At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the June 13, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW3713was considered.
The subject property is required for the widening of Fort Road and as an acceptable agreement has not been reached, City Council approval is required to initiate expropriation of the portion of the property described in Attachment 2 of the June 13, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW3713.
Delegation:W. D. Burn/R. Daviss/P. Sande
E.9.Lewis Estates Transit Centre Concept Plan
Recommendation of the Committee
That the Lewis Estates Transit Centre Concept Plan outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 31, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD7998 be approved.History
At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 31, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD7998 was considered.
The Lewis Estates Transit Centre will be a key transit hub in Edmonton’s west end serving the neighbourhoods in Lewis Estates and the Grange. Approval of the concept plan is necessary prior to undertaking the engineering and construction phases.
Delegation:R. Ducharme
E.10.Framework for Allocating New Provincial Capital Dollars - Major Community Facilities Program
Administration Recommendation
That nine applications for the Major Community Facilities Program prioritized in Attachment 1 of the June13, 2007, Community Services Department report 2007CSR025 be authorized for submission to the Province of Alberta.History
- At the June 18, 2007, Agenda Review Committee, this item was re-routed to the July 3, 2007, City Council meeting.
- At the May 8, 2007, City Council meeting, the following motion was passed:
- That the Administration provide a report to Council through Community Services Committee recommending the City’s priorities, including potential community partners, for funding in 2007-08 and in 2008-09 under the Major Community Facilities Program.
This report recommends a list of municipal projects to submit to the Province of Alberta for funding consideration under the new Major Community Facilities Program.
Delegation:R. Smyth/R. Jevne
E.11.Arterial/Collector Asphalt Rehabilitation – Asphalt Milling and Overlay - Sole Source Agreements
Recommendation of the Committee
1.That the list of 23 asphalt milling and overlay locations for construction in 2007, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the June 5, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD4294, be approved.2.That contracts up to $30,000,000 for asphalt milling and overlay be approved.
3.That budget adjustments to Capital Program 1020 2007 Arterial/Primary/ Highway/Renewal/Crack, for $22,390,000, bringing the total of the program to $51,078,000, as outlined in Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 of the June 5, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD4294, be approved.
At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the June 5, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD4294 was considered.
Capital Program 07-66-1020 Arterial/Primary/Highway/Renewal/Crack requires City Council approval to fund up to 23 asphalt milling and overlay locations. As per the Delegation of Authority, the awarding of a sole source agreement greater than $250,000 requires the approval of the appropriate Committee of Council.
Delegation: R. Ducharme/M. Koziol
E.12.Revisions to City Policy C462A - “Establishment and Operation of Business Revitalization Zones in Edmonton
Recommendation of the Committee
That City Policy C462B - Business Revitalization Zone Establishment and Operation (Attachment1 of the June 5, 2007, Planning and Development Department report 2007PDP111) be approved.History
At the June 27, 2007, Executive Committee meeting, the June 5, 2007, Planning and Development Department report 2007PDP111 was considered.
The existing City Policy C462A, “Establishment and Operation of Business Revitalization Zones in Edmonton,” requires revisions. These revisions are necessary to bring it up to date with the current format in place for City policies, to reflect new privacy and personal information legislation and changed terminology to reflect City departmental reorganization.
Delegation:L. Benowski/P. Arendt
F.1.Bylaw 14612 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Concrete Curb Crossing Local Improvement
Toauthorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Concrete Curb Crossing Local Improvement in the amount of $25,036.
- Council has given proper notice of its intention to undertake and complete this project. The required approvals for the project have been obtained and the project is in compliance with all Acts and Regulations of the Province of Alberta.
- Bylaw 14612 will be revised and resubmitted for second and third readings after the petition period expires.
Bylaw 14612 is ready for first reading only.
F.2.Bylaw 14575 – Election Bylaw Amendment No. 2
To amend Bylaw 13674, The Election Bylaw, to update processes for conducting Municipal Elections in response to the use of different voting equipment that will allow blind and visually impaired voters to vote independently.
The City of Edmonton has chosen to use a newer voting machine which will allow blind and visually impaired voters to mark their ballot privately and independently when using the system.
Bylaw 14575 is ready for three readings.
F.3.Bylaw 14636 - Community Investment Grant Bylaw Amendment No. 1
Administration Recommendation
That Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:- That a new “Arts and Museum Building Operating Grant” be established for arts and museum organizations to cover costs associated with maintaining clean, well lighted, heated and secure facilities on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
- That funding for this grant be provided as a service package in the amount to not exceed $1 million through the City’s 2008 budget process.
To create the Arts and Museum Operating Grant program and to amend Bylaw 14157, the Community Investment Grant Bylaw to deal with the ongoing building operating and maintenance costs for eligible arts and museum organizations.
At the June 25, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting, Administration recommendation was considered and Bylaw 14636 was forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings.
This report recommends that an Arts and Museum Building Operating Grant Program be established to deal with the ongoing building operating and maintenance costs for eligible arts and museum organizations.
Bylaw 14636 is ready for three readings.
F.4.Bylaw 14587– ABylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 – Arterial Roads for Development
Administration Recommendation
That Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:That Administration enter into discussions with Verus Partners and Panattoni Development Companies to provide for an extended payment period agreement that is agreeable to the City of Edmonton.
Recommendation to be considered after third reading of Bylaw 14587
- At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, Bylaw 14587 was forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings.
- At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 30, 2007, Transportation Department report 2007TD6867, was considered, and the Committee heard from
P. Derksen and J. Marr, Verus Partners; and B. Hoffman, Panattoni Development Companies.
Bylaw 14587 consolidates all industrial lands subject to the Arterial Roadway Assessment into a single city-wide industrial ARA catchment, thereby creating a common ARA rate for all industrial lands within growth areas of Edmonton.
Bylaw 14587 is ready for three readings.
F.5.Bylaw 14571 – Water Efficient Fixtures Bylaw
Recommendation of the Committee
That Administration propose to the Provincial Government changes to the Municipal Government Act or Safety Codes Act that would allow the City to have higher standards for the Water Efficient Fixtures outlined in Bylaw 14571 than currently required under the Building Codes Standards.Recommendationto be considered after third reading of Bylaw 14571
- At the June 26, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, Bylaw 14571 was forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings.
- At the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the June 12, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW2456 was considered and a replacement bylaw was added to accept the change of effective date from October 1, 2007, to June 1, 2008.
This report is in response to a motion passed regarding the traffic management issues around 43 Avenue and 111 Street.
Delegation:R. Ducharme/C. Stolte/W. Mandryk
F.6.Bylaw 13900 - Edmonton Salutes Committee Bylaw
Administration Recommendation
That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:That City Policy C473C, Appointment of Members of Council to Civic Agencies, be approved as outlined in Attachment2 of the May 17, 2007, Office of the City Manager report 2007CMC028.
Recommendation to be considered after third reading of Bylaw 13900
To establish the Edmonton Salutes Committee as a Committee of Council.
At the June 27, 2007, Executive Committee meeting, Administration recommendation was considered and Bylaw 13900 was forwarded to City Council for the appropriate readings.
This bylaw establishes the Edmonton Salutes Committee as a committee of Council. This action will formally establish this important Committee which has been operating under an informal structure.
Bylaw 13900 is ready for three readings.
N.1.One-time Grant to E4C (S. Mandel)
Mayor S. Mandel stated that at the next regular City Council meeting, he will move:
- That the City of Edmonton provide a one-time grant of $60,000 to E4C to undertake the following capital and upgrading projects, as outlined in the June 2007, letter from Michael Farris.
- That the June 7, 2007, letter from Michael Farris, Executive Director, E4C, be referred to Administration to discuss with Kids in the Hall additional storage requirements and provide a report back to the Transportation and Public Works Committee no later than January 2008.
- Notice of Motion Given: June 19, 2007
P.1.Regional Initiatives – Verbal Report
To be discussed in private pursuant to section 21 of theFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
P.2.Economic Development Opportunity
Report To Be Distributed When Available.
To be discussed in private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
P.3.Event Opportunity
To be discussed in private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
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