Mn/DOT Contract Amendment/Change Request
Process of Requesting a Mn/DOT – Other University or Consultant Amendment
The attached letter must written and signed for any of the cases listed below and submitted to the Research Services Section’s Financial Services Manager (address noted on letter)
For items 1-3:
Official Contract Amendments will be executed upon receipt of a signed letter.
1) Time Extension – When the expiration date of the contracts needs to be extended. Please budget time realistically and use this option sparingly. Time extensions affect future funding availability for new projects.
2) Total Contract Dollar Amount Change – If the total amount of dollars for the contract is increasing or decreasing an amendment is needed.
3) Change of Scope – If the scope of the contract is changing significantly from the original contract an amendment is needed.
For items 4-7:
An official Contract Amendment will NOT be executed. However, an Amendment Request Form is still required to be completed and returned. This signed Amendment Request will serve as a ‘Letter to the File’.
4) Key Personnel Changes – ie. Principal Investigator
5) Date Changes - Due dates/Deliverable dates change, but the changes will not affect the expiration date of the Contract.
6) Lump Sum Contract - If it is a Lump Sum Contract, and the breakdown of costs are being adjusted, but the actual Lump Sum amounts are staying the same.
7) Cost Plus/Hourly Rate/Unit Rate Contract - If it is a Cost Plus/Hourly Rate/Unit Rate Contract, and there are MINOR adjustments between labor and expenses, but the bottom line, Total Contract Amount, remains the same.
Please Note:
· Contract Change requests are due 6 weeks before the contract expires.
· Use attached template addressed to the Financial Services Manager, Research Services Section, with a copy to the Administrative Liaison (AL), Technical Liaison (TL)
· The letter must be signed by authorized designee from the University or firm.
· If the request is approved, MnDOT will generate an amendment to the work order contract in cases 1-3. In cases 4-7 above, MnDOT will return a signed/approved copy of the Amendment Request – designated as a ‘Letter to the File’.
(This letter is prepared by the Principal Investigator (PI) for the project and addressed to the Director of Mn/DOT’s Research Services Section. PLease send copy the Administrative Liasion also. Delete all instructions in red prior to beginning signature process.)
Ann McLellan
Financial Services Manager
Research Services Section
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd., M.S. 330
St. Paul, MN 55155-1899
RE: Project Title
Contract Number: ______Work Order Number: ______
Dear Ms. McLellan,
Please consider my request for a change to the contract work order referenced above. Detailed information related to this request is as follows:
Please check all boxes that apply for this request. Add text for each box that you have checked. Please submit this at least 6 weeks prior to the contract expiration date. Refer to the current signed contract when filling out this request.
Original end date: ______
Requested end date:______
(Reminder: add 4 months to the end date for final report publishing)
Project schedule amended as follows (include remaining tasks, % complete for each task to date, with revised task start & end dates – attaching gantt chart works well): ______
Justification for schedule change and/or reason the project could not be completed by original end date: ______
2. TOTAL CONTRACT DOLLAR AMOUNT CHANGE (increase or decrease) Specify how the scope has changed and detail additional Tasks along with a Revised Budget and Revised Budget by Task in the same format as in Attachment B of the original contract.)
3. CHANGE OF SCOPE (no budget change) Specify what section of the work plan will be amended, the scope or contract language change you are requesting, and what effect it has on the project schedule.
4. OTHER: e.g. Principal Investigator Change, Contract Termination
5. REBUDGET ONLY. – Total contract value will remain as originally stated. (Specify what part of the budget will be changing and why along with a Revised Budget and Revised Budget by Task if needed in the same format as in Attachment B of the original contract.)
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Your Name Authorized Representative
Principal Investigator University or Firm
cc. Technical Liaison, Mn/DOT
Administrative Liaison, Mn/DOT
H:\Official\Administration\FORMS\Project Management\Amendments\Other University and Consultant Amendment Documents\Other University and Consultant Amendment Request Template.doc