BAKE SALES Guidelines
(Modified from Church Officers Handbook 2010 - Guidelines for Reserving Space for Bake Sales in EBC Parking Lot)
Ebenezer Baptist Church Annual Bake Sale season begins in May and ends in September. EBC’s Coordinator of Membership Services, Mrs. Marvel Leverett, receives all Bake Sale reservations (Monday after the 1st Sunday in March). Organizations may not reassign their reserved date to another group or auxiliary without receiving prior written approval by Ms. Leverett. Cancellations should be reported a week in advance. Reservations are granted on a first come first serve basis.
1. Bake Sales will be scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
2. Bake Sales will not be offered during the week, Monday-Thursday or on Sundays.
3. The Church Office will supply one (1) 8 ft. table and 4 chairs for use by the hosting organization.
All Organizations electing to host a Bake Sale must agree in writing to the following guidelines:
1. Each organization will be responsible for set-up and breakdown of its event. Hence, each group is encouraged to solicit the assistance of at least one (1) male - who shall maintain the responsibility of setting up tables. Removing trash, lifting coolers and any other needs that may require heavy lifting.
2. Due to limited space in the Educational Building, storage of non-sold items will not be permitted. Each hosting organization should be mindful of this when planning, preparing and purchasing products.
Food Item Guidelines:
The following food items may be sold at Bake Sales provided that they are prepackaged as individual servings: breads, cake, candy, cookies, pies, donuts (not cream filled), muffins, pan dulce, etc. Commercially prepared baked goods must be removed from their original packaging and be individually wrapped. Baked items with cream or custard toppings or fillings may not be sold, nor items requiring special handling such as refrigeration or heating.
At this time, approved Bake Sale items may be prepared, assembled, portioned and packaged in private homes provided good sanitation practices are followed throughout the process. It should be noted that the Health Department performs periodic inspections of non-profit Bake Sales. In the event that compliance with the following guidelines is not met, organizers may be required to discontinue sales until they make the necessary corrections. The sale of any other food item, whether hot or cold, purchased or donated, is not allowed by church policy.
1. Sound sanitation practices, such as using clean hands, equipment and preparation surfaces, must be followed when preparing, packaging, storing, transporting, displaying and selling Bake Sale items.
2. All food ingredients must be pure, wholesome and free from contamination or adulteration.
3. Persons preparing, packaging, transporting, displaying or selling Bake Sale items must be free of communicable diseases such as the flu, common colds and hepatitis; hands and arms must be free of open wounds, cuts, and sores.
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4. All food items and the plates or containers they are served on must be completely wrapped as individual servings.
5. Clear plastic food wrap is a suitable and readily available covering. Food may not be wrapped on premises.
6. Eating utensils must be single-use and disposable. The utensils must be displayed in a manner that protects them from dirt, hand and/or droplet contamination.
7. Persons contributing to or participating in Bake Sales must wash their hands before working and after each break.
8. Organizers are advised to maintain a list of all persons contributing food items for sale. The list should include each contributor’s name, address and telephone number, and identify the item they contributed.
Upon receipt of your signed agreement, your reserved date will be confirmed, placed on the church calendar and promoted in the church bulletin. If you need assistance interpreting these guidelines, please contact EBC’s Church Administrator, Glenda Boone in the church office at 404.688.7300, Ext. 224.
I have read the above rules governing Bake Sales and will be responsible for ensuring that all persons involved with the sale are aware of these requirements. I understand that non-compliance could result in cancellation of Bake Sale privileges by the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Submitted by: ______Date ______
Organization: ______
Return to:
Marvel Leverett, Coordinator of Membership Services
Ebenezer Baptist Church; 407 Auburn Avenue, NE Atlanta, GA 30312
(404) 688-7300, ext. 226