Invitation to apply for admittance as an Excellent Teacher
The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy at Uppsala University invites the Disciplinary Domain’s teaching staff to apply for admittance as Excellent Teachers.
Excellent Teacher
Admittance of Excellent Teachers takes place in accordance withGuidelines for Admittance of Excellent Teachers(MEDFARM 2012/1254), which may be found at:
The term“excellent lärare” is used with respect to teachers who have attained a higher level of teaching skills and expertise. This level is clearly to be distinguished from the basic level, just as the associate professor level (Swedish “docent”) is distinguished from the doctor level. The English term is Excellent Teacher.
Any teacher employed by Uppsala University and admitted as an Excellent Teacher will have his or her monthly salary increased by an amount equivalent to the increment that applies for admittance as an associate professor/“docent”. When a teacher employed by another principal is admitted as an Excellent Teacher, the Disciplinary Domain will recommend that the said teacher’s pay be equal to that of teachers employed by the University.
Qualified applicants
Teachers carrying out research who are employed in a non-tenure post (university lecturer, senior lecturer or professor) at Uppsala University may apply for admittance as Excellent Teachers. The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy may also admit an applicant who is employed by a county authority or other principal but who is highly active in teaching and research in the Disciplinary Domain.
Application process
Applications are madedigitally via an onlineform in Kurt:
The following documents must accompany the application:
•A brief CV
•A list of max. 20 publications as evidence that the applicant fulfils the criteria and qualification requirements
•A statement (of max. 25,000 characters including spaces) setting out how the applicant fulfils the criteria for admittance as an Excellent Teacher. The statement may be based on the applicant’s merits as evidenced in his or her portfolio of pedagogical competence, teaching skills and teaching qualifications[1]
•References from educational leaders, such as director of studies, programme coordinator, chair of programme committee or equivalent, attesting to the applicant’s teaching achievements
•Reference from a head of department and/or operations manager, expressing support for the application
Only complete applications will be considered. No original publications or other documents shall be appended to the application, but must be presented upon request.
Evaluation of applications
Applications will be considered by the evaluation committee for admittance of Excellent Teachers. The evaluation committee comprises three teachers and two students. For each applicant, the evaluation committee appoints two referees, at least one of whom is an external referee, who have previous experience of evaluating teaching skills and expertise. At least one of these referees shall have his or her scientific/scholarly expertise in the discipline of medicine or pharmacy.
The referees deliver an opinion stating whether or not the applicant fulfils the criteria for admittance as anExcellent Teacher. They shall thus not deliver a recommendation as to whether or not the application should be accepted.
The referees’ evaluations may be supplemented by interview. Interviews shall take place in the presence of the evaluation committee.
The evaluation committee delivers its recommendations as regards admittance of Excellent Teachers to the Disciplinary Domain Board, who will decide whether an applicant may be admitted as an Excellent Teacher. A renewed application may be submitted no sooner than one year following a rejection.
Criteria for evaluating applications for admittance as Excellent Teachers
To determine whether the applicant has reached a higher level of teaching skills and expertise that is clearly distinguished from the basic level, the referees, evaluation committee and Disciplinary Domain Board shall together, and on the basis of the supporting documentation, evaluate whether the applicant fulfils the criteria outlined under the following headings:
•Teaching skills and expertise
•Educational development work
•Academic competence
•Leadership in teaching
•Quality work
•Holistic perspective
More detailed information on the content of the respective evaluation criteria may be found in the Guidelines for Admittance of Excellent Teachers:
Application deadline and contact details
The final date for submitting applications isAugust 31 2015.
If you have any queries, please contact Fredrik Andersson () or Martin Wahlén ().
[1]As a basis for the statement of pedagogical competence, teaching skills and teaching qualifications, the applicant shall use the Disciplinary Domain’s teaching portfolio, which may be found on the followinglink( and on the Disciplinary Domain’s home page.