NMDGF Tiger Muskie Management Summary

Fall 2013

We conducted our annual fall survey of Quemado Lake from October15-17, 2013. We used gill nets to capture a total of 38 tiger muskie, 13 of which were recaptures from previous years. The average size was 36 inches and average weight was 13 pounds. The largest muskie captured last fall was 47 inches weighing about 23 pounds. The tiger muskie population at Quemado Lake continues to be stable and show good condition indices, the plurality with relative weight between 95-110 (100 representing the nationwide “average”). The Goldfish population appears to be under control.

We conducted our fall survey of Bluewater Reservoir from September 16-17, 2013 and captured 163 tiger muskie using gill nets and by electrofishing. Five muskie were recaptures from previous years. The average length was 31 inches and average weight was 7 pounds. The largest muskie captured was 45 inches weighing 17 pounds. Relative weight was variable, but comparable to the spring survey considering significant difference in sample size between the two surveys. Average relative weight was 85.95 for muskie captured fall 2013. While we do not have an accurate population estimate of tiger muskie in Bluewater Reservoir, capture rates indicate substantial abundance. Size distribution and condition indices during our fall survey indicate a potential for instability where a large percentage of large fish exhibit decreasing relative weight. It is likely we have too great a population of large fish. Goldfish and White Suckers appear to be controlled but the Rainbow Trout population is suffering. No Rainbow Trout were captured during the 2012 and 2013 fall surveys. Based on these survey results, we are undertaking revision to the current stocking schedule to include changing from fingerling trout stocking to catchable size trout stocking. This revision of the Rainbow Trout stocking strategy will be initiated and evaluated in 2014.

Our next scheduled stocking of tiger muskie is 2015 depending on our density and size distribution measurements in 2014. If you have comments or questions regarding tiger muskie management in New Mexico, feel free to contact me at ().