Action Items
DC Meeting – 5.19.14 and 5.20.14 – Renault Tuscany House – Egg Harbor City, NJ
[Items highlighted in green require action before the September DC meeting. Items highlighted in blue shall be included on the agenda at a future meeting. Items highlighted in yellow are those which were voted on during the meeting].
- Ben DiNallo made a motion to approve the March 24 Directors Council meeting. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.
- Tom Shirley made a motion to keep the states logo since it is a huge piece of conference history. Keith Davie seconded. Approved 14-0.
- Joe Clinton made a motion to reorder the agenda and move the Championships Committee report to Tuesday. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 12-0.
- Ben DiNallo made a motion that the SWAs have meetings that coincide with two DC meetings. Tom Shirley made a friendly amendment that the SWAs meet in conjunction with the May DC meeting and have a stand-alone meeting in November. The SWAs would meet the night before the May meetings and would then join the DC the following two days. The stand-alone meeting would occur on a Monday in November. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.
- Ben DiNallo made a motion to add the defensive player of the year award in soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, and basketball (to mirror the current player of the week award). Laura Liesman seconded. Approved: 9-5-0.
- Keith Davie made a motion to add I-Strike to the conference grant request at $300 per school. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 14-0.
- Joe Clinton motioned to approve the Championships Committee recommendations for 2014-15 championship host sites. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 13-0.
- Laura Liesman motioned and Joe Clinton seconded to move the volleyball championship dates to November 20-21 in 2015. Tom Shirley suggested the volleyball schedule be adjusted to compensate for the championship change. The September 15 block will be moved to Thursday, November 12. Approved 13-0.
- Ben Dinallo motioned and Joe Clinton seconded to move the baseball play-in game from Saturday to Sunday. Defeated 0-13.
- Tom Shirley moved the concept of a mandatory 2015 Fall Invitational attempting to move it to a Wednesday. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 10-0-3.
- Mark Corino made a motion to eliminate honorable mention from the all-conference teams. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 10-2-1.
- Laura Liesman made a motion to require ADs to reschedule games within 48 hours. Sheila Wooten seconded. Approved 13-0.
- Tom Shirley made a motion to add $4200 ($300 per school) to the championship enhancement fund in order to compensate for the addition of three championships in the hope that sponsorship numbers will be met. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 13-0.
- Tom made a motion to ban the official from all Caldwell games for the 2014-15 season and he meet with the Caldwell team and Mark Corino. Sheila Wooten seconded. Approved 12-0-1.
- Ben DiNallo made the following motion: Golf championship should be set with a threesome, a threesome, and a foursome with the best beginning first round on day one for a ten-team format. If there are 11 teams, the format will be three threesomes and a twosome. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 13-0.
- Laura Liesman requested that the DC agree on the uniform concept and that Jonathan form a committee to develop a proposal. The committee will include Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light, Erin Harvey, Ivan Marquez, Keith Davie and Jonathan Harper. Ben DiNallo suggested this group find a consensus regarding the logos.
- Laura Liesman requested Ellen prepare an expense report and a sample agenda for a SAAC retreat to be presented to the ADs.
- Tom Shirley, Joe Clinton, and Linda Andrzjewski volunteered to form a committee to interview Roberta and Debbie for the women’s lacrosse assignor position.
- Dan will follow up regarding the social media incidents that have occurred.
- All feedback for the schedules must be to Jonathan by July 15.
- Mark voiced a concern regarding moving to a divisional schedule in baseball because it adds five more conference games. Jonathan will ask for the opinion of the coaches on the end of season conference call.
- Laura requested an actual conference meeting be held at the January Convention. Dan will reach out to the NCAA to determine cost of meeting space at the convention hotel.
- The conference office will reach out to other D2 member conferences and seek support for a grandfather clause to be included with the proposal which would prevent ADs from having coaching responsibilities. The deadline for submission of proposals is July 15.
- Laura Liesman was re-elected as President. Ben DiNallo was elected as first Vice President and Keith Davie as second Vice President.
Summary of Actions
May 19, 2014 @ 10:00AM
Renault Tuscany House - Egg Harbor City, NJ
Bloomfield: Sheila Wooten
Caldwell: Mark Corino
Chestnut Hill: Jesse Balcer
Concordia: Ivan Marquez and Kathy Laoutaris
Dominican: Joe Clinton and Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light
Felician: Ben DiNallo
Georgian Court: Laura Liesman and Mary Williams
Goldey-Beacom: Chuck Hammond and Kelly McBryan
Holy Family: Robin Arnold
Nyack: Keith Davie
Philadelphia: Tom Shirley
Post: Mike Mannetti
Sciences: Paul Klimitas
Wilmington: Linda Andrzjewski and Erin Harvey
CACC Staff: Commissioner, Dan Mara; Assistant Commissioner, Jonathan Harper, Associate Commissioner, Ellen O’Brien
The DC met in executive session from 9:45AM until approximately 10:50AM
I.Conference Office Update
- Commissioner Dan Mara provided the group with an update. Tracey Hill (Internal Operations Assistant) has resigned and taken another job. The position has been posted and applications are currently being accepted.
- The spring championships went very well. Jonathan arranged for webcasting for the tournaments. There were 2,000 hits for softball and over 3,000 for baseball. The photos on the Flickr site also had many views. The CACC twitter page had 1,330 views in April.
- The conference signed with Select for soccer. BSN will sponsor the coach of the year awards. Source One Digital is another sponsor. Global Synergies could help negotiate low rates at hotels in the conference championship locations. Dream Seat will reach out to the conference about future deals. Royal Rooster developed a new CACC logo in anticipation of 10 years as an active NCAA Division II conference. Tom Shirley suggested the new logo include “DII” or “II” to make it clear that the CACC is an NCAA Division II Conference.
II.Minutes of March 24, 2014 Directors Council Meeting (Supplement # 1)
- Ben DiNallo made a motion to approve the March 24 Directors Council meeting. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.
III.Report of Presidents Meeting of April 14, 2014 – Laura Liesman – (Supplement #2)
- Laura Liesman shared the Presidents’ interest in involving direct reports in regards to who oversees athletics on campuses. Ivan Marquez feels it is a great idea to engage this group of direct reports and bring them together at a conference level. The Presidents want the newly formed committee (Dr. Stephen Spinelli, Dr. Helen Giles-Gee, Laura Liesman, and Dan Mara) to determine an agenda and format prior to bringing the direct reports together in person. Mark Corino believes it will be very important to discuss lines of communication. Dan shared that the NCAA is now involving these individuals and including them on NCAA committees.
- The Presidents were interested in changing the states logo, or phasing it out.Tom Shirley made a motion to keep the states logo since it is a huge piece of conference history. Keith Davie seconded. Approved 14-0. This also led to a discussion about logos being printed on all uniforms. The group discussed size, location, and selection of logo for the uniforms. Chuck Hammond asked about having sport specific locations for the uniform logos. Ivan Marquez made a motion that all uniforms purchased from June 1 on have the CACC states logo. Keith Davie made a friendly amendment to use the CACC letter logo in red, white, and blue and seconded the motion. Tom Shirley suggested the motion be defeated. Keith Davie withdrew his second and Ivan Marquez withdrew his motion. Laura Liesman requested that the DC agree on the uniform concept and that Jonathan form a committee to develop a proposal. The committee will include Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light, Erin Harvey, Ivan Marquez, Keith Davie and Jonathan Harper. Ben DiNallo suggested this group find a consensus regarding the logos. This item will be revisited tomorrow.
- The Presidents voted to add exit interviews to conclude the peer reviews. This interview would include the review committee, the institution’s president, and whoever else the president would like to include.
- Ivan suggested that the conference office report all accomplishments and or awards received by CACC institutions to the presidents.
- Joe Clinton made a motion to reorder the agenda and move the Championships Committee report to Tuesday. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 12-0.
IV.Report of FAR Meeting of April 5, 2014 – Dan Mara – (Supplement #3)
- USciences is currently interviewing for a new FAR. Dr. Clint Robertson (Wilmington) has been re-elected as the FAR Chair and Tim Briles (Georgian Court) as the Chair Elect.
V.Report of SAAC Meeting of March 28,2014 (Supplement #4) – Ellen O’Brien
a.The CACC SAAC met atCaldwell College on Friday, March 28. The 2014-15 SAAC Officers include: Chair: Adam Drabinski (Chestnut Hill); Vice Chair: Amanda Cathcart (Georgian Court); Secretary: Samantha Pauls (Chestnut Hill); and Treasurer: Megan Kelly (Georgian Court).
- Amy Berry’s National SAAC term will end in January. Please begin thinking about current sophomores or freshman who may be good candidates to take Amy’s place. The term is three years.
- Adam Drabinski of Chestnut Hill, Courtney Casterlin and Kelly McBryan from Goldey-Beacom, along with Ellen O’Brien attended the ECC SAAC retreat at Molloy College in March. They reported back to the CACC SAAC regarding the experience, and it seems that there is much interest in teaming up with the ECC next year for a joint retreat. Laura Liesman requested Ellen prepare an expense report and a sample agenda to be presented to the ADs.
- Finally, the SAAC meeting ended with a little commercial production created by Jonathan which is available on the CACC website. Unfortunately, not each institution had representatives featured in the commercial.
- Report of SWA Meeting of March 28, 2014 - (Supplement #5) – Linda
- Sheila Wooten noted that Jennifer Virgil was in attendance but was not listed in the minutes. Mary Williams will serve as the CACC SWA Chair, Lori Kwiatkowski as Vice Chair, and Rose Schmitt as Secretary. Linda Andrzjewski shared with the group that Wilmington will be hosting Title IX investigator training. Laura Liesman mentioned that OCR will visit campuses and offer free training.
- Robin Arnold mentioned that the SWAs would like one of their conference meetings to coincide with a DC meeting. Ben DiNallo made a motion that the SWAs have meetings that coincide with two DC meetings. Tom Shirley made a friendly amendment that the SWAs meet in conjunction with the May DC meeting and have a stand-alone meeting in November. The SWAs would meet the night before the May meetings and would then join the DC the following two days. The stand-alone meeting would occur on a Monday in November. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 14-0.
VII.Report of SID Meeting of May 13, 2014 – (Supplement #6) Jonathan
- Bob Heller remains as the Chair, Mark Mentone as the Vice Chair, and Eric Rhew as the Secretary. Google Drive and Flickr were utilized in the spring semester, which seemed to eliminate some access issues which were arising with Dropbox. Daktronics award nominating and voting participation was solid this past year. SIDs are working on setting up their own press kits through The presidents would like SIDs to utilize their institutions’ communication directors. Webstreaming is a priority and the minimum goal is for all institutions to webstream their indoor competitions. The style guide parameters were not completely followed, which led to inconsistent roster formatting. The SIDs voted to add a defensive player of the year award to the all-conference recognitions. Ben DiNallo made a motion to add the defensive player of the year award in soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, and basketball (to mirror the current player of the week award). Laura Liesman seconded. Approved: 9-5-0. The group discussed their being charged with the coach of the year voting this past year. Some SIDs made selections based on conversations with coaches, while others made selections on their own. Jonathan will be working with institutions over the summer who did not have the code-mandated live stats at conference games. Chestnut Hill won the 2013-14 CACC Community Engagement Award.Twitter should better utilized by not only the institutions but also the conference office.
VIII.Report of Athletic Trainers Meeting - May 13, 2014 (Supplement #7)– Dan
- 25 athletic trainers attended the May 13 meeting at Holy Family, which is a great turnout. A CACC best practices committee was formed including Monica Surguine (Goldey-Beacom) – Chair, Felicia Chianese (Concordia), Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court), and Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia)
- CACC CEU Provider Update: It takes 6-8 weeks to get everything approved. The ATs will use a speaker for January’s meeting to get provider number. This will be the last time there will be a CEU speaker in January.
- Ed Gilberti (Post) will remain as Chair, Monica Surguine (GBC) as Vice Chair, and Heather Arabitg (Caldwell) as secretary.
- Lightning Policy - The free application that has been used by the CACC for the past several years has shutdown. An alternative is Smart Infrastructure Group – Schneider Electric (Amax Vision Weather Symmetry online). The individual membership pro model cost is $1,188 and platinum is $1,548. If all CACC institutions purchased then the pro model would cost $725 and platinum model would cost $907. Another option is Anything Weather Communications – I-strike. The cost is $65 per month for five users. An annual contract is $633 for five users. Nyack currently uses I-strike. The ATs asked if grant funding would be available to offset these types of costs. Keith Davie made a motion to add I-Strike to the conference grant request at $300 per school. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 14-0.
IX.NCAA Management Council Update – Robin Arnold
- Robin Arnold attended her first Management Council meeting in April. The NCAA has hired Blacktop to enhance DII branding. The DII products may be purchased on the DII purchasing site (each school has $1,000 to spend by September 30). The NCAA Presidents Council is moving four proposals forward. The first is to abolish the provision in the constitution that states institutions who do not sponsor football and or conferences who do not sponsor football are precluded from voting on football-only issues. Mark Corino and Laura Liesman both believe this is a good proposal and is needed. The second proposal requires all DII institutions have a full time AD and full time Compliance Coordinator with no coaching responsibilities. The grandfather clause proposal was rejected by Management Council. Keith Davie voiced his concerns regarding this potential mandate of non-coaching athletic directors. Mark Corino is concerned that the NCAA may have the power to tell member institutions how to operate and structure athletic departments that have had proven success with dual-role administrators. Dan explained that the NCAA believes having an AD who is also a head coach creates a conflict of interest. The penalty for violating this potential legislation is the same for violating any membership requirement. Dan will reach out to Alan Patterson to see if he is interested in co-sponsoring legislation which would add a grandfather clause to the membership proposal. The deadline for submission of a conference sponsored proposal is July 15. Mark is willing to bring this up and or present a new proposal to the D2ADA at NACDA. The third NCAA PC proposal would allow a PSA to participate in institutional fundraisers prior to initial enrollment provided they have signed an NLI. The fourth proposal is to allow institutions to provide necessary and actual expenses for student-athletes for national team tryouts.
- Submit student-athlete nominations for NCAA sportsmanship award by June deadline. Post-graduate scholarship applications require letters of recommendation.
The meeting adjourned at 3PM at which time the DC met in executive session
Summary of Actions
May 20, 2014 @ 10:00AM
Renault Tuscany House - Egg Harbor, NJ