January 10, 2017
Call To Order:
Dan Kunz called the meeting to order on January 10,2017at 7:30 p.m. and asked the clerk to call the roll.
Members in Attendance:
Trustees: Rich Curtiss, Linda Gonnerman, Jerry Hayes, Dan Kunz, Jackie Lickes, andKevin Stewart. Staff present: Steve Rice,Kari Olson, Don Luke, Amy Haas,Diane Bradley, Tom Sheehan and Susanne Young.
Appoint President Pro Tem:
In the absence of Village President Brandt, Stewart moved and Lickes seconded to appoint Dan Kunz as President pro tem of the Board meeting. All members voting aye. Motion carried.
Approval of Agenda:
A motion was made byStewartand seconded by Lickesto approve the agenda. All members voting aye.Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes:
President Pro Tem Kunz asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting of December 13, 2016. Lickes moved and Hayes seconded to approve the minutes. All membersvoting aye. Motion carried.
Treasurers Reports:
President Pro Tem Kunz asked for approval of the Treasurers Report as submitted by Treasurer Diane Bradley. A motion was made by Gonnerman and seconded by Lickesto approve the Treasurers report as submitted. Voting aye: Curtiss, Gonnerman, Hayes, Kunz, Lickes, Stewart. Motion carried.
Accounts Payable:
When the accounts payable were presented the clerk asked permission to include additional invoices totaling $7,964.87. Lickes moved and Stewart seconded to authorize the accounts payable claims including List B and additional invoices as presented. Voting aye: Gonnerman, Hayes, Kunz, Lickes, Stewart, Curtiss. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Gonnerman to approve the Police Report for the month as submitted by Chief Sheehan. All members voting aye: Motion carried.
Water & Sewer:
A motion was made byLickes and seconded by Gonnermanto approve the Water Report as submitted by Kari Olson and the Sewer Report as submitted by Don Luke for the month. All members voting aye. Motion carried.
A motion was made byHayesand seconded by Lickesto approve the Street Department Activity Report for the month as submitted by Steve Rice. All members voting aye. Motion carried.
Public Comments:
Johanna Lemon, Stockton’s Peace Corp Fellow, informed the board that the website maintenance is a bit more complicated than originally thought. Lemon stated that she has brought it to the liaison committee’s attention and has contacted Stockton Strong, Park District and Chamber to add this to their monthly agendas to discuss the possibility of cost sharing the website monthly maintenance costs and pay Belstar Media to maintain the website.
Lemon also gave an update on thequarterly meeting of the liaison committee held January 5, 2017. The main topic discussed was to bring the YMCA and some of their programs to Stockton. The best way to determine community interest in different types of YMCA programs would be to create a survey which Amanda Pierce is working on.
Committee Reports:
Water, Sewer & Garbage:
No Report.
Streets, Sidewalks, Forestry, Building & Grounds:
Trustee Hayes noted that Bruce Marcure informed us that the asbestos inspection was completed on January 9th on the property at 116 E. Front Avenue and we should have the findings back in a couple of weeks.
It was also noted that we have been notified about a used street sweeper being for sale in Wisconsin. Rice stated it is really hard to find parts for the current Village sweeper which is a 1973 Elgin Pelican. It was the consensus of the board to go and look at it to see if it is anything we would be interested in.
Trustee Stewart noted we have received a letter from the Teamsters notifying us of their desire to schedule negotiations. The current contract expires April 30, 2017.
Finance and Purchasing:
Trustee Gonnerman stated we have received a quote from Bonnell for a polarflex blade to be installed on the 2003 International plow truck. Gonnerman noted that a used polarflex blade was installed on the 1999 International plow truck last winter and the public works crew found it more efficient in plowing streets. Trustee Hayes stated he would first like to see the blade which was installed last month on the 2003 along with the spare blade wore out before spending money on another one. Steve Rice stated that blade would be installed on a truck which is used as a backup when plowing snow.
Gonnerman moved and Stewart seconded to purchase the polarflex blade for $2,787.74 from Bonnell. Voting aye: Kunz, Lickes, Stewart, Curtiss, Gonnerman. Voting nay: Hayes. Motion carried.
Trustee Gonnerman also noted that Chief Sheehan is planning to replace the 2012 Dodge Ram squad this summer and will be evaluating the best options for the department.
Trustee Lickes stated the committee discussed reimbursing three public works personnel for the cost of renewal of their CDL driver’s license which is $50. Lickes moved and Stewart seconded to reimburse the cost of the CDL for the three public works employeeson a one time basis. Voting aye: Lickes, Stewart, Curtiss, Gonnerman. Voting nay: Kunz, Hayes. Motion carried.
Economic Development:
No Report
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Ordinance No. 635
An Ordinance Amending Title 5, Chapter 2, Section 4 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Stockton, Jo Daviess County, Illinois.
Clerk Young stated this ordinance states it shall be unlawful to park on Main Street from Queen to Benton and on Front from Hudson to Pearl between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on any day. Currently the hours for no parking is between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Lickes moved and Gonnerman seconded to pass Ordinance No 635 changing the downtown parking hours. Voting aye: Lickes, Stewart, Curtiss, Gonnerman, Kunz. Voting nay: Hayes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Lickes that the meeting be adjourned at 8:19p.m. All members voting aye. Motion carried.