NM STE _ Meeting Highlights

January 12, 2008

Remote attendees

Onsite attendees


Gail Gruber - ENMU PDS elementary MA EdTech

Jason Wolfe – New Mexico Learning Network

Marcy Oxford - Las Cruces Technology Integration Specialist


Kevin Brady-UNM-Academic Literacy for All Project

Katrina Coker – Native American Community Academy

Jill Brown-ISTE Board, Albuquerque Academy, Director of Educational Technology

Larry Jeffreys – Los Alamos

Rick Scott

Bob Whisnant – Educational Technology Albuquerque Academy

Cathy Hubbard m- Manzano Day School

Jason reported that minor changes were made to the bylaws due to attorney suggestions. See exact details posted on the wiki.

Jill reported that the affiliate paper work is turned in. She has not heard of any problems and is expecting the bylaws to pass.

Next steps include…

Defining areas to be covered by an operations manual.

Sit down with policies and procedures committee to hash out details.

Jason will begin meeting with committees that need more help after policies and procedures are set. If other committees have requests email them to Jason.

Attorney suggestions that were rolled into our final bylaws. :
Under Article II, Section 8:

His comment was "What are the bylaws of the USA and NM? It should probably be reworded to "NMSTE shall abide by the laws of The United States of America and the State of New Mexico, and the bylaws of ISTE."

Under Article III, Section 3,

2.a.i.3 has an extra "in" in it
2.b.i.3.a should be renumbered to 2.b.i.4 [The Membership Committee...]

Under Article IV,

Section 2 1.a should be renumbered 2 [The Board of Directors ...]
Under Article V,

Section 2 should be replaced by the following paragraph:
No member, officer, employee, or member of a committee, or person connected with NMSTE, or any private individual, shall receive, at any time, any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operations of NMSTE; provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person of such reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for NMSTE in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon the dissolution of NMSTE. All members of NMSTE shall be deemed expressly to have consented and agreed that upon such dissolution or winding up of the affairs of NMSTE, and after all debts have been satisfied, the assets then remaining shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over, in such amounts as NMSTE may determine, or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of NMSTE, exclusively to charitable, scientific, literary, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
[This is a very important paragraph for the 501(c)3 designation.]

Membership Committee – Larry –waiting for logistics between finance committee to find out how dues will be paid.

The committee is looking for a method to push membership. Currently there is not an official way to pay for dues.

Are we still on track with Bob from NMTIES?

There is a system set up for payment but information needs to be distributed.

Jill has created a web application for membership. She will get that out on the wiki.

It was suggested again that we need to keep track of founding members and we may want to have a designation for member of NMQ.

Announcement -ISTE – is selling space on their second life island. Ferdy might be a resource for helping us get that set up

Larry will begin soliciting ideas for membership –look for emails and start thinking.

Jason will contact Larry for Policies and Procedures

Rick suggested that Membership Process should be ready to go by the Spring Conference.

Gail – We have hit the ground running at NMTIE – so we should be ready for the Spring Conference

Conference Committee – Marcy – We are not officially having a conference but we are participating in the NMASCD –April 19. NMISTE is in charge of Technology Strand at that conference in Roswell (NMASCD is also searching of membership)

Looking for presenters

Conference is targeting Preservice and Service Teachers - Book Review and Interactive,

Whiteboard, and Thinkfinity,

Marcy will give information about the conference to the NMISTE list serve.

Volunteers to Present - Gail, Marcy, Bob and Katrina – Jill as a back up

Announcement from ISTE

We have an opportunity for us as an affiliate to have a room at NECC – No cost for room but we would have to provide refreshments

There is an advocacy seminar at NECC for affiliate advocacy groups.

Finance Committee – in a holding pattern until we are official

Advocacy – We have information from the State Department estimating what each district might get in funding if the current funding being requested is passed. An email will be sent out with this information to keep districts informed. Jill will follow up to see where we are on that email. See NMETAN.

Executive Committee – Jill would like to put pictures on the wiki. Please send pictures to Jill to be added next to your name, or you can add them yourself.

Executive Committee will be going fading out but the Board of Directors will replace it with each committee member as a member on the Board. A couple straight executive committee positions available– Member at large is open and President elect is open

Jim will be treasurer

We need to be official with ISTE before we fill those positions. We will take this up at the next meeting.

Branding Committee

New logo possibilities were shared. It was suggested that the State of NM be an outline rather than black to save ink

Majority of the Committee liked the logo that currently has nm in yellow Outline of State NM in turquoise with words written in black

Historical Information

The technology group New Mexico Computers Users in NM was a group active throughout the 80’s – In the 90’s the group folded.

Rick has newsletters and articles from this group. Jill will scan these documents and add them to the wiki.

It was discussed that many groups have focused on the integration of technology maybe this organization can work to support the integration of computational science in high school.

RETA and NMLN are working toward providing a licensure online - computer science could be a possibility

If NMSTE wanted to take this on it would go through Advocacy Committee.

Rick was advocating that we look into adding computer science or computational science endorsement fields.

Jill suggested that NMSTE collaborate with NMTIE and other organizations on this idea. The information will be passed on to Advocacy

More Announcements

ISTE Board meeting – Jill is looking for school visits Thursday and Friday February 14-15 Prior to the ISTE Board meeting. Everyone is invited to join the school visits

Looking for projects that are innovative using bandwidth.

Already visiting Achieve 3000 – Bernalillo, Santa Fe Indian School, and Charter School –Southwest Secondary Learning Center

Other suggestions were

Career Enrichment Center at APS- CEC

Spring registration for IDEAL NM is open. Jason will send out on NMSTE

Don is coming to speak we hope to have a presences in the state – no cost to NMSTE

Next Meeting

February 23, 11:00 am Katrina will host at Native American Community Academy at

the Wilson Campus-Gibson and San Pedro.